Vinesh Maharaj: Your coach and partner in success

Inspirational – Motivational – Educational

Vinesh Maharaj:  Your coach and partner in success


Let’s talk truth…governments around the world are weak, economists forecasts for the world’s economy is bleak, employment numbers are up and many are cowering in fear, surrendering to the status quo, adopting the excuses of the media and the masses.MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN by Vinesh Maharaj

Now let me flip the coin on you…governments are still collecting billions in taxes, economies (personal and business) are growing, companies are minting dollars and many are taking advantage and are rising above the dictates of mass hysteria and media gloom.

The old adage; “is the glass half full or half empty”.  Yes it’s all perspective.  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or do you see the opportunity?  You can hide behind excuses or you can rise to action.  Even in the world’s most depressed economies there are new millionaire and billionaire debutants.  How do you explain that?  Well, simply it means those people are dictating their own reality.  The refuse to subscribe to the opinions of others, for factually is the glass half empty or half full is really just an opinion, reflecting your reality.

You must ask, are you your own enemy, holding yourself back on the accounts of others…forcing their reality upon you?  Reality is a choice.  Winners are creating their own reality perpetually.  They see the way around, through, over and under the “problem”, for they see them as opportunities.  They are willing to do what others are not willing to do, because everyone else only sees the pain.  Winners only see the gain which they are willing to pay for with effort.

The next time you choose your reality ask yourself?  Am I a victim of my own reality?  Or am I championing my cause, from the front, creating a reality that serves my success?  Are you getting down and dirty where others want to keep their hands clean?  By making more calls, investing in your networks, growing your skills and pushing harder while others are retreating, you are are sure to dominate the future.  If you fall asleep at the wheel, surely you can’t win the race.  So wake up and get committed, creating a reality that sees you and your team mount the summit of success.

Stop being your own enemy.  Commit to never becoming a victim of your own dogma.  Rather champion your reality and make it happen.

For more and to Book Vinesh Maharaj to speak at your next Conference, Team Building or Staff Meeting contact us today:

+27 84 990 1539


Sales Trainer I Motivational Speaker I Johannesburg, South Africa



I often find myself wondering how it is that we have so many gym’s committed to peak physical shape and performance and can appreciate the efforts put in by both the company’s that run them and the athletes that use them.  The benefits are outstanding in that many lose weight, gain muscle, feel great while some even look like Greek Gods and Goddesses.  I am a huge fan of the gym.

My concern is the lack of mental gym’s.  How can you ever attain Peak Mental Fitness?  Yes, we have school, colleges and universities but they are designed in many ways to teach you knowledge but not how to think.  By now we have come to realize that “thoughts are things” as per Napoleon Hill.  We spend all day thinking some 60 000 thoughts a day, but like hamsters on the same wheel, we struggle to think new thoughts solely because we have not run“the treadmill of the mind”, to create new neuro-pathways to higher thinking, to deeper thinking, to analytical thinking, to possibility thinking, to focused thinking etc.

Here are some insights used and taught by “master minds” and “think tanks” that have solved many of life’s questions.  Among many millions of solutions, these included curing diseases and creating vaccines.   Creating communication platforms such as telephones, the post office and the fax machine to creating computers, email, cellular phones, text messages and Whatsapp and BBM messages, reducing both cost and time.

File sharing in real time.  No more scurvy or plague. No more Mr. Postman.  No more Fax machines.  No more darkness.  Hello electricity.  Hello air conditioning, refrigeration, microwave cooking etc. These have made our lives simpler in so many ways.  The greats created transportation, from cars that drive, to cars that self drive to cars that self parks.  Hello air transportation and space transportation.  All these and more were borne out of the minds of Peak Mental achievers.  This was not achieved through hard work alone.  Initially it was through thought, through analytical thinking, through deduction and many hours of mental gymnastics.

 If its possible for them, then Peak Mental Fitness sure is possible for you and I.  Here is how…

  1. Decide to become a quality thinker – Decide to think only quality thoughts that progress your plans, improve your actions and analyzes your results.  Then act on your information, to create better results.
  2. Commit – Go on a 30 day mental gym schedule.  Expand your mind, expand your horizons.  For the next 30 days take up this challenge.
  3. Your mind is a sponge – Fill it all day long.  Read and listen, not just in your genre and in your view point.  Read beyond your comfort zone.  Read views opposed to your own with an open mind.
  4. Challenge yourself – Change your circle of friends for a month.  A different group has new dynamics, different perspectives and ideas which will challenge your own.
  5. Learn a new language, musical instrument or sport – By learning a new language, musical instrument or sport, you will learn a new set of skills.  New, neuro-pathways will be created in the brain.  It will get all areas of your brain activated and firing on all cylinders.
  6. Ask better questions – The quality of your life is based on the quality of your questions.  Ask better questions.  Who, Why, How, What if etc.  Challenge your thoughts and ideologies.  This questioning allows your subconscious mind the opportunity to answer them.
  7. Master your maths – Through analytical, numerical problem solving you fortify the skill of thinking through more and more complex problems.  Solving them, improves confidence, understanding and application.

So start today and be among the few who do, versus the many who talk.  Develop a strong, alert and athletic mind which will unlock doors of opportunities to you because you will recognize them long before others and will have created the required mental capacity to solve serious problems be they in your personal or business life.  Be it at creating new products and services, be it at achieving your personal, business or humanitarian goals.

It was Malcolm X who said “The future belongs to those who prepare for it”.  The time is going to pass anyway.  Rather invest your time in your mental development and obtain Peak Mental Fitness.

For more on creating a Peak Performance culture at your organization, invite Vinesh Maharaj, Conference Speaker, Peak Performance Training Expert and Peak Performance Coach to your next event to raise the bar of performance.  Vinesh’s energetic and impassioned delivery of fresh, entertaining and enlightened approach will leave your team pumped up for results, long after the session is over.

Not only does Vinesh Maharaj impart the Peak Performance strategies and means to execution, he also leaves behind a tangible sense of self belief, self confidence and self esteem.  Vinesh Maharaj, walks, talks and breathes Peak Performance, making him a highly sought after asset to the many businesses he consults to.  Get new blood, get new results, get Vinesh Maharaj for your next Conference, Team Building, Peak Performance Training and Peak Performance Coaching needs for an unforgettable experience and the credible results your organization needs.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I am your coach and partner in success.

+27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Sowing Seeds of Success

Sowing Seeds of SuccessSeeds are the birthright of future goals or achievement.

Daily, we are either sowing seeds of doubt, fear and failure or seeds of confidence, courage, success and achievement.  Seeds are the thoughts and actions which when applied with a successful formula, germinate and create your desired outcomes.  No school, college or university teach the Art Of Seeding which explains why so many people are harvesting the bitter fruits of self destruction, financial meltdown, marital failure, career disaster and so forth.

Its common knowledge that within an apple, is a potential orchard.  Similarly, within you there is an infinity of riches of all kinds; Health, Wealth, Family, Friends, Community, Spirituality etc.  Why then are so few people living in full potential?

To manifest success, a deep internal realization and awakening must first happen.  The realization that its all, already within you (BELIEF).  Followed by it is possible for you (POSSIBILITY),  along with the INSPIRATION to work at toiling the soils of success until manifestation is achieved.


There are no short cuts to going anywhere worthwhile.   Success its-self must be earned.   Success is not an event.  It’s a process.  Don’t seek financial freedom in an event such as the “LOTTO”, “when I land that DEAL”, when “I earn $1Mil“, “when I get a RAISE”.  LOTTO winners end up broke or dead within 5 years.  Any lasting and meaningful place to go to in health, wealth and any other is a process.  A series of incremental activities which yield the final RESULT.


If you sow apple seeds, you cant expect strawberries.  Be crystal clear about what you want and what you sow.  Some people often get mixed results not understanding the fundamentals that THOUGHTS and ACTIONS must always be congruent.  You cant think of Paris but drive to Parys…You can’t think of wealth sometimes but your ever consuming fear is poverty.  You cant think diet but live on fast foods etc.  Be clear, consistent and congruent in your seeding and your harvest will yield exactly what you had sown.


Luck is defined as “when preparation meets opportunity”.  I am a great believer in creating my own luck through being best prepared for success.  This includes knowing WHEN and WHAT to sow.  There are seasons for sowing and seasons for harvesting.  That’s how nature maintains perfect balance.  Don’t sow today, for today.  Sow for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, the next decade, the next century etc.  Take a long term view of success.  We are not gambling for random, instant results.  Rather, we are planning and preparing, using the infallible laws of nature.  Preparation  creates opportunity.

Seed quality makes or breaks your best laid plans.  If your seeds are past its sell by date, you have a serious setback.  If the quality of your thoughts and acts are weak, inconsistent and incoherent, you are destined for “The Farm-ville of Failure”.  Quality of thoughts, planning and execution is pivotal to creating and manifesting your success.  Ensure your seeds are world class for what you sow, you shall reap.  Sow junk…harvest junk!  To reap a  world-class harvest you must sow world class seeds. So take time to ensure your quality, before, during and after.  Don’t feel confined, rather feel liberated in that you can remove, change and influence your harvest by acting on your quality.

Fertile soil is a prerequisite for any crop to yield its full potential.  Don’t sow in dry, arid, barren lands.  Ensure your ideas are implemented in the fertile soils of opportunity.  Sometimes you have to create the environment for your success.  Water and fertilize your plans, contacts and environment until it becomes ready for sowing.  At other times you may have to find lands (environment and contacts) better suited to your plans and ideas for the (time/money/value) cost of cultivating the soil may see your opportunity pass due to competition (who may beat you to market), a change of season (late to harvest) or a marked decline in demand.

Every farmer has help.  He seeks the hands that will bring him the desired outcomes…a bountiful harvest.  Hands, with years of experience.  Ensure you are generous enough to seek the right help with experience to manifest your dreams.  If not, your well laid out seeding plans, may just come to a pile of dust for your lack of experience.  Experience is wisdom acquired through self study, learning and doing the very thing you are trying to execute.  Get the best hands you can afford to increase your probability for succeeding.

Let it rain abundance.  To further increase your success, orchestrate the rains of success…abundance.  You will require fertilizer, water, sunshine etc. to create abundance.  Ensure your circumstances allow for the rains of abundance.  How to create abundance you may ask?  Firstly, start by sowing abundance with others.  If it is money you want, start by being generous to family, friends, charities etc.  Whatever you give, you get….ten fold.  If it is love you want…give it.  Give it freely.  To increase your social circle hook up with other socialites and create opportunities for others.  Zig Ziglar said “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”.  Abundance is everywhere, you can see it in everything.  Let it rain an abundant harvest in your life.  In your career, In your business.  In your relationships.  The way to abundance is seeding.  Start today…To harvest a life of self confidence, courage, success and achievement partner with me at my upcoming Personal Mastery Program to sow your dream life.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 5 Ways To Harness The Law of Cause and Effect

Whether you’re a believer of God or you are an atheist it’s inconsequential.  The LAWS OF SUCCESS are universal.  One such law is the Law of Cause and Effect.

Some call it the law of sowing and reaping, others call it karma.  You cant deny it.  The Law of Cause and Effect are constant and true for everything.  They don’t discriminate.  They either serve you if used appropriately or hurt you if you ignore them or act in ignorance of them.  Just like fire…you can cook on fire, you can cleanse on fire but fire can also kill, burn and destroy.

Reap what you sowThe Golden Law of Success is that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” or “as you sow, so shall you reap”.  Consider these…If you don’t invest time and effort in your education, you cant graduate.  If you don’t invest in your retirement, you cant retire.  If you commit crime, you cant be free.  Naturally if these are true, the opposite holds constant.  Should you invest by attend all your classes, complete all your tutorials and assignments, studying hard, etc. you will pass and graduate.  Should you make maximum provision for your retirement years by living within your means, invest shrewdly and for the longest term, you can easily retire comfortably.  Lastly, those of us who have not been and will never be incarcerated live our lives adherent to the rule of law and enjoy freedom.  It’s quite simple in that if you want to increase any desired outcomes you should increase the inputs that create those outcomes.

5 Ways to Harness The Law of Cause and Effect for maximum results achievement:


Give intent to your thoughts.  Don’t ramble through your mind at the speed of lightning with nowhere to go.  Be very specific in sowing thoughts which will serve you.


Don’t flagellate your self for your shortcomings.  Rather speak of how you are becoming better.  Here is an affirmation that speaks to this….”Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better”


If you act like you’re gonna fail, you have just become your own prophet.


Associate only with champs who can liberate your best.  Think Justin Bieber and Usher among countless others.


Yes, time is running out.  Don’t wait, hesitate or procrastinate.  Act NOW!!!

Start by investing by engaging the Law of Cause and Effect to your advantage.   If you want to create results like a champ start thinking, talking and behaving like one.  Start sowing success by choosing the relevant thoughts and actions.

So what if you don’t succeed immediately?  Keep trying…try, try and try again and success and all its spoils will be yours

Let your life be a tribute.  Let it stand for something.  Let it make a difference in the lives we serve. 

If you’d like a complimentary 30-minute business development strategy session with me, for more information, please contact us at NO-EXCUSES to unleash your entrepreneurial talents, grow your business and acquire the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits of wildly successful entrepreneurs.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539


GREATNESS AWAKENED: From Seeds to Success…

The seed of greatness is within you. However for you to realize your full potential, you need to create the appropriate environment that will almost guarantee your success and achievement.

From Seeds to SuccessFor example…To have a baby you need an incubator called a womb. To grow an apple tree, you require fertile soil. To grow your investments you require an appropriate economic climate.

To unleash your greatness you too require an environment that will see you succeed. The average person, thinks, lives and plays to survive. The great…they think, work and play to win. Not just to beat the competition alone, but to stretch their personal and professional capacity beyond limitations.

As most people wind down over the weekend, the weekend warriors of result achievement and glorious living are investing in their “environment”. They are weeding the mind of negativity. They are fertilizing the soil of opportunity. They are nurturing, watering and pruning, knowing full well that their time to blossom is just a season away.

Ask yourself: “has your season passed because you stopped creating an environment for your continued success” or “are you so comfortable in mediocrity that you care not”? Whatever your answer just remember that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself. Not only will you benefit but so will your loved ones, your community, your country and ultimately the whole world.

If you don’t show up, no one else will. Get busy crafting your environment. Not sure how? Follow these 5 steps and start the journey today:

1. Start by observing your thoughts over the next 24 hours. Do not entertain not even one negative thought. Only think about the life you want to create for yourself and your loved ones. Think about all the possibilities and expect them to arrive at your door.

2. Read the most inspiring books or authors you know. Let their greatness rub off onto you. Take away lessons learnt and their personal management styles like how do they handles stress, challenges, obstacles etc. Take copious notes and keep them handy for when you encounter troubles you too can handle them like a champion.

3. Associate with persons who bring out your best. Hang out with people who share your values on goals setting, commitment and achievement. They will help uplift you, not bring you down.

4. Go walking, running, cycling… Stay fit, for “a healthy body is a healthy mind”. There is magic in peak physical fitness and you will feel a gait in your step.

5. Eat like a champion. No, that does not mean fries, pizza, soda and burgers in-proportionately. I mean eat healthy, well balanced, low fat, low carb, high protein meals. Drink health shakes and smoothies, take your multivitamins and drink lots of water and green tea.

Of course Rome was not built in a day. Even greatness requires incubation time. Remember a baby is in gestation for 9 months. To reap tomato’s it takes about 3 weeks but to reap apples it take 5 years. So be sure to sow the seeds of greatness and reap a lifetime of unrivaled success.

Remember: You can either go on dreaming about success or you can wake up to it. The choice is always yours…

For more on achieving your personal, professional or business goals contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Vinesh Maharaj

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



We are all products of our past thoughts.  Be it good, bad or ugly past thoughts, here you are.  Are you trapped by limiting beliefs, low self esteem, self sabotaging or are you suffering the hamster in the wheel syndrome?  Call it what you want, it ain’t pretty.  You have had, and missed some wonderful opportunities and what once looked like a garden of roses, soon turned into a garden of thorns.  What now?  Where to from here?

What if you truly understood and mastered the art of “POSITIVE THINKING”?  By no means am I advocating wishy-washy, airy-fairy delusions.  I mean principles based on thousands of years of philosophy, psychology, religiosity and business practices.

I’m a great believer in universal principles for success. Today I want to share with you THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING“.  In no means or way am I implying that you can lay in bed and think yourself thin, beautiful and rich by applying the THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING alone.  What I am implying is that if you change your thinking, you will change your results.  You will bring new opportunities, relationships and circumstances your way.  It takes a CONSCIOUS effort though.  Here is a sample of this timeless wisdom…

“What we are is what we have thought for years”.
Gautama The Buddha (560-480 BC) – Indian Spiritual leader and Founder of Buddhism

“Take charge of your thoughts. You can do what you will with them”.
Plato (428-327 BC) – Greek Philosopher and Prose Writer

Your life is an expression of all your thoughts.” 
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180) – Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher 

“As a man thinketh, so is he”

Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7

It is no secret that CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING” is not a new school of thought.  The great business books of our times also speak of this.  Whether you’re quoting Donald Trump, Malcolm Gladwell or Sir Richard Branson be sure to see the common thread; CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING supported by a strategic plan.  They never start out thinking they’re going to fail, do they?   All results, are the result of thoughts.  Thoughts which are clear, definitive and consistent, backed with a master plan to succeed MUST result in success.

Here are 10 Powerfully Empowering Ideas to help you:

  1. Don’t hold any negative thoughts, EVER – Avoid them like cancer
  2. Replace them with conscious positive thoughts which inspire your greatness – clear, definitive & consistent thoughts
  3. Go on a 30 day positive diet – think ONLY of your success
  4. Keep inspirational company which keeps you locked onto your best life
  5. Take 100% responsibility – You are NEVER a victim.  Rather be a perpetrator to your success
  6. Keep a list of gratitude – List all that you’re grateful for.  This changes your perspective…quickly
  7. Change your language – Use success language.  Speak of opportunities, not problems
  8. Hold in your minds eye, your success visualize
  9. Become the most positive person you know
  10. Practice, practice, practice and when you have mastered it, keep on practicing still

When you have mastered CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING your life will be so much simpler, yet so much more successful.  Let the results you achieve be testimony to this timeless wisdom.

I parting, I wish you leave you with this quote and ask that you LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT please?

“Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habit

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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