Hey folks…


This INSANE/RIDICULOUS/GIVEAWAY price of JUST R999.00 per person is valid only until Monday 20th March 2017.  Get Sales training that pays…

Sales Domination Roodepoort

Price adjusts to R1 499.00 on Tuesday 21st March 2017. Book Now & Save!!!

Book at: OR, + 27 84 990 1539

Vinesh Maharaj I Sales Trainer I Johannesburg, South Africa


Time is money, some people say. Time flies, say others. Time is precious. Time is all life is made of. Millions of moments of decisions and consequences, actions and results.
Make these days, the best days of your life.
Vinesh Maharaj
Sales I Motivation I Entrepreneur

SALES UNUSUAL – The Closers Guide

SALES UNUSUAL Pretoria by Vinesh Maharaj
If you are into business, entrepreneurship or sales, I know you’re in it, to win it. I know you want to crush it. I know you want to kill it. Off course I mean your Sales! I’m here to help you and your people close more sales and bank more money.

Sales Unusual – The Closers Guide, is South Africa’s premiere Sales Training Program presented by Vinesh Maharaj and is geared to get you motivated, giving you the think, the attitude and the attacking skills you need to close and succeed at Sales. Good bye survival! Hello success!!! Learn how to…build a pipeline, prospect like a pro, cold call like a killer and live like a banker…waking up to success, every day. Book now at, you have everything to gain.

Get Vinesh Maharaj’s SALES UNUSUAL KASH system on the 19th AUGUST 2016. Get new Sales…

K – Knowledge
A – Attitude
S – Skills
H – Habits

I want to see you there on the 19th August 2016. SALES UNUSUAL is The Closers Guide to more customers, sales, profits, commissions and incentives. Book now at This is a winners only program. I can’t wait to drop huge skills upon you to unleash upon your customers…Get ready for it!!!

Take advantage of our Early Bird discount. It’s insane. We are giving away this program to you at a ridiculous discount so that you can bring your entire Sales force, to give them the opportunity to craft new skills and create financial success and sales abundance. Book your team now at

Should you want Vinesh Maharaj to help your sales team in-house, drop us an email at and Vinesh Maharaj will demonstrate how he can help your sales team create and find, qualified leads, open, follow up and close more sales and at ever increasing frequency. If you and your company are ready for the next level, we sure want to hear from you.

Our Early Bird discount ends on 5th August 2016. Thats this Friday. Book Now and WIN with SALES UNUSUAL – The Closers Guide.

Book now at

Vinesh Maharaj I Sales Trainer I Pretoria, South Africa

SALES Unusual Pretoria by Vinesh Maharaj

Dumb People, Smart Phones

It’s a crappy title, I know. Yet I feel compelled to share it. This is not an IT or telecommunications blog. Rather it’s a communications lesson for anyone in business and all human beings regardless of your age, occupation or experience.

Smart Phone Vinesh Maharaj

Too many dumb people have smart phones. Having a smart phone doesn’t make you smart. However, using a smart phone, SMARTLY can make you rich. That is, if you know how to use it. I’m not talking E-mail, Facebook, Google, Apps etc. I am talking about calling, getting either appointments and or getting sales through the phone. We incorrectly deem calling a telemarketing or telesales function. That mind set, is sure to keep you poor.


Since the printing press, perhaps the greatest tool ever created by Alexander Graham Bell, used to communicate is the telephone. Used exclusively to communicate with an exclusive outcome in mind. If you are in business you have just one outcome in mind. Sadly, neither school, nor university teaches or trains you how to use the telephone, yet it is a heartbeat away from untold riches. Perhaps that’s why you are kept out on the dirty little secret. Only the rich, savvy professionals making the top dollars, know how to use the phone and they have been trained, mentored and practiced making it second nature.

Sales call

Everywhere I go, business owners complain of a lack of business. Whether in real estate, financial services, dry cleaners and even florists are complaining its quiet. When I ask, how many calls are you making to prospective customers, they look at me as if I am from Mars. I hear a hundred excuses for their failure but never any good reasons. Fore mostly most people are afraid of the phone because they suffer fear! They fear rejection. Others, fear people themselves. Some, fear the phone itself. Yet they may have many phones for entertainment but never for wealth creation. I must be from Mars right now, but many like me, use our smart phones to find new customers, close new deals, make more money and stay true to their business goals at all costs.

Smart Phone Dumb Brain ART

So there you have it, be smart, use the smart phone, like a smartie and sell your way sales success.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj

I’m Your coach and partner in success…


Phone:  +27 84 990 1539

VINESH MAHARAJ Presents: Shatter Your Sales Targets



stranger-dangerWhile every Sales professional is committed to creating incredible results, true sustainability is based onHOW.  One of the most common reasons for qualified customers not buying from you is not a lack of cash, need, or urgency but rather a lack of relationship.

Customers are people, the last time I checked.  Wether they are from LinkedIn, Microsoft or Google, they too are run by people.  These people, make buying decisions all day long.  They (like the rest of us) have an intrinsic need to connect with other people.  These connections or relationships…convert into orders (sales).  People do buy from people they “connect” with or “like and trust”.

Simply put, have you ever hired someone you didn’t like or trust?  Would you give a contract to a supplier you didn’t trust?  You wouldn’t buy your wedding jewelry from a jeweler you didn’t like, would you?  Of course you wouldn’t.  For two simple reasons.

ONE:  You do not “LIKE” them,

TWO:  You have no “TRUST” in them.

While hit and run, shot gun sales people chase sales, true Sales professionals spend much more time building relationships to achieve LIKE-ABILITY and TRUST-WORTHINESS to overcome your parents well intentioned “Do NOT trust strangers”“DO NOT talk to strangers” and “DON’T trust anyone” etc.  To overcome the years of parental conditioning, Sales professionals work hard at relationship building.  Remember TRUST is  foundational to all relationships, upon which business can now be conducted when earned. Once the relationship is cemented you are almost certain to have a loyal customer through the ups and downs.  (assuming all other things remain the same…like and trust being at the forefront thereof).

So as you go about your business today, master this; stop to make that relationship building call, drop an email to check in and say “Hi, I was thinking of you this weekend as South Africa beat Wales.  What a victory” (Of course assuming your customer is a big Rugby/Springbok fan) or swing by if you were in the area unannounced.  Be a pleasant surprise.  “All the other sales people I saw today wanted to sell me.  Thank you for coming to see me.  By the way I have an order for you…”

Sincerity outperforms any acting or pretending, insincerity is smelt upfront, so don’t think you can pull one over your customer.  “Fool me once shame on you.  Fool me twice shame on me”.  You can’t buy sincerity but you can build relationships on common needs, interests, wants, shared values, mutual hopes, ambitions and aspirations.  Go on, get to know your customers better, establish meaningful connections and build high trust relationships.  Your customers will learn to like and trust you all the more and you will convert far more sales than the shot gun slinging sales scalper who enjoys fast results thats unsustainable.

To rock your Sales teams results and get them moving faster and consistently towards their goals, engage VINESH MAHARAJ to train, inspire and motivate Sales Excellence. To instill massive amounts of conviction, self belief and self confidence to your team, invite me to present “SALES POWER”. SALES POWER is a customizable Sales Training program to re-invigour your Sales team to close 2015 high. Commit to world class and contact me today.


Does your business or organization need a Program Director (MC), Keynote or Motivational speaker at your next event? For a highly energized, deeply insightful and profoundly impactful speaker, look no further. Recommend VINESH MAHARAJ to your Marketing and Events team to secure VINESH MAHARAJ at your next product launch, team building or conference. BOOK VINESH MAHARAJ NOW. Send your inquiries to:

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 7 Great Sales Quotes To Live By

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN - 7 Great Sales Quotes To Live By

It’s the final quarter of 2015 and business owners and even seasoned Sales people can go through a performance slump. Either there are too many months in the year, or the customer line is too short for too long or the rut and routine has got the better of the Sales person and therefore they lack energy, confidence and commitment. An unacceptable reduction in results becomes evident.

This can be daunting even for a seasoned professional. Your conversion ratios start to decline, your confidence wanes and your self belief crashes. Today I want to share 7 Great Sales Quotes To Live By so that you can find the conviction, self belief and self confidence. Let these 7, serve as your North Star and guide you to the promised land of Sales Success.

1. To me, job titles don’t matter. Everyone is in sales. It’s the only way we stay in business. – Harvey Mackay

2. If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will. – Bob Hooey

3. I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard. – Estée Lauder

4. You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise. – Patricia Fripp

5. On any given Monday I am one sale closer and one idea away from being a Millionaire. – Larry D. Turner

6. If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative. (via directcreative) – David Ogilvy

7. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. – Zig Ziglar

To rock your Sales teams results and get them moving faster and consistently towards their goals, engage VINESH MAHARAJ to train, inspire and motivate Sales Excellence. To instill massive amounts of conviction, self belief and self confidence to your team, invite me to present “SALES POWER”. SALES POWER is a customizable Sales Training program to re-invigour your Sales team to close 2015 high. Commit to world class and contact me today.


Does your business or organization need a Program Director (MC), Keynote or Motivational speaker at your next event? For a highly energized, deeply insightful and profoundly impactful speaker, look no further. Recommend VINESH MAHARAJ to your Marketing and Events team to secure VINESH MAHARAJ at your next product launch, team building or conference. BOOK VINESH MAHARAJ NOW. Send your inquiries to:

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Outsell The Competition

Question-MarkSales people create jobs and make economies happen.  Average sales people get by, while professional Sales people earn the big bucks.  The reason they outsell the competition is simple, they have one priceless skill.  They ask, ask, ask, ask and ask for the business again and again.

The Art of Asking is a skill when refined, becomes subtle, non invasive, but lethal.  Too many Sales people go through the Sales process, get in front of the customer and rant on about their product and how it can change the world, make you a millionaire, save you tons etc. etc. etc…They then sit back and wait for the for the customer to BUY, sign an order, request delivery etc.  What really happens is that customers thank you for your time and walk you back to your car and you leave, empty handed, poorer in time and money.  Sounds familiar?

Sales professionals are always using strategic questioning techniques to get customer buy in.  They ask well crafted questions, leading the customer down the green garden path of yes, yes, yes and yes some more until the customer finally says YES!!! And BUYS! A seasoned, trained professional knows how to eliminate sales objections by asking the right questions early on while walking the customer down the sales path.  Improve the quality of your questions and earn the big bucks.

The next time you reflect on your Sales performance ask yourself…are you truly committed to outselling the competition?  To bring the quality questions to your team, invite me to present “SALES POWER”.  SALES POWER is a customizable Sales Training program to re-invigour your Sales team to close 2015 high.  Commit to world class and contact me today.


Does your business or organization need a Program Director (MC), Keynote or Motivational speaker at your next event? For a highly energized, deeply insightful and profoundly impactful speaker, look no further. Recommend VINESH MAHARAJ to your Marketing and Events team to secure VINESH MAHARAJ at your next product launch, team building or conference. BOOK VINESH MAHARAJ NOW. Send your inquiries to: