Vinesh Maharaj: Your coach and partner in success

Inspirational – Motivational – Educational

Vinesh Maharaj:  Your coach and partner in success


Do you really want to double your sales numbers? Here is an immensely simple idea to double up on your sales production.

Vinesh-Maharaj---sales-peoplePerhaps you will brush it aside as being too simple and keep on with your current performance. Those who have taken this advice and apply it daily, update me regularly on how they are increasing their sales.

Here goes; simply ask ALL of your existing clients to introduce you to your next client. Its the easiest proven method to double your sales. Ask for that introduction and double your sales.

For more on improving your Sales teams performance contact me…

Wishing you constant and never ending sales mastery!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!


We all agree, life is short. Wether you live till 30, 50 or 80 years old… time flies, life is short and the clock is counting down for each of us.

Clock Countdown“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.” said Charles Richards.

Time is your most valuable resource. Make it count. Most people are switched off in a “living-dead” mode. They are unconscious of their unconsciousness. They may go through the motions but lack any vision, purpose or mission. Ask them why they work, tolerate the traffic or a below average income etc. and you will get some pretty interesting answers…

Life can consume your time without you having ever lived and without any productive results to show for it. Why spoil this wonderful opportunity? Rather you can make a substantial contribution to your legacy, your family, your company, your country by living your life, by using your time well and by acting purposefully at all levels.

Here are 7 powerful ideas to ensure you are living The Time Of Your Life:

  1. Plan your time and activities – Not in a “check box” manner but for purposeful results achievement. Start by listing your goal accomplishment within a time frame.
  2. Prioritize your time – focus on the highest priority tasks first. Choose the top 3 and stick with them until complete then go down you list, one task at a time.
  3. Don’t get distracted – Sure your phone will be notifying you about BBM/Messenger/Whatsapp messages, your emails will keep on coming in. Don’t react to them. Stay focused on the task at hand. You can respond later when you have met your objectives.
  4. Set objectives for every action/task – Set “sales calls” targets, “km’s run” targets, “weight goal” targets, “family time” targets, “queries responded to” targets etc. If you can measure your performance truthfully you will see how much we squander time and how little time we actually use for goal achievement.
  5. Go for the jugular – At whatever you do, make sure you hit bulls eye until it becomes your new standard. Put your time and effort into creating results you can be proud of. Don’t go through the motions alone.
  6. Limit your coffee/water cooler breaks – Time thieves lurk nearby and will hijack you on their time squandering projects. They get you trapped and talking without any focus on time wastage…all in the name of work, gym, socializing etc. Before you know it, 30 minutes of your life was wasted talking about the weekend, sport, politics and other office minutiae. I’m not saying don’t socialize. I am saying use your social time for socializing. Get results first and socialize later.
  7. “I’m rather busy right now, can we chat after 5pm”? – When you say this to the time thieves in your office you will be amazed that they wont be around one second after 5pm. They only become clock watchers when it comes to “their” time, and neither will they waste “their” time for you. Use this phrase “I’m rather busy right now, can we chat after 5pm” and save hours of your life everyday . You will become a goal focused, super sonic, super achiever of note.

By implementing these ideas you will become highly productive and will get much more done than the average Joe. You will put yourself in the line of more opportunity. New projects, more sales, more responsibility, more money will be attracted to you by virtue of your ability to deliver time and time again. Pun intended.

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it” said Stephen R. Covey. So in the interest of time I ask that you get cracking…

If you want to Sponsor this and related inspirational and motivational talks, training and coaching on Sales, Customer Excellence, Leadership and Personal & Professional Mastery then contact me.

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Do you really want to create lasting change?

Decision Choose Change or  Same Old StreetZig Ziglar, American Sales and Motivational speaker put it so appropriately when he said; “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily”.  In this spirit, here is a dose to create lasting change ensuring your peak performance, at work, in your business and at your personal goals.

  1. Raise your standards – Wether you want to get out of the rat race or out of the rut you find yourself in, you must start by raising your standards.  Commit to a higher standard of excellence in your health, work, wealth and relationships.
  2. Get out of your comfort zones – Challenge yourself. Do something different.  Start with ONE thing that you wish to improve.  Take the first step and stay with it until you are ready to take the second step and so on.  Give up the couch and adopt the treadmill.  Quit the TV and embrace a new book.  Give up the junk foods and invest in great foods…Go for it!  You can do it…
  3. Show up – Be present, with full awareness.  Show up in mind, body and soul.  Commit your whole self to whatever you set out to do and when you are doing put more of yourself into it.
  4. Get more oxygen – Try walking, swimming, cycling or running.  More oxygen to your brain means more clearer focused thoughts.  Oxygen is to the brain what uranium is to nuclear power.  Become a powerhouse, get more oxygen.
  5. Stay hydrated – Your body is composed of 70% water.   Water provides electrical energy to both thought and memory processes.  A well hydrated brain, improves memory, focus, creativity and clarity. Drink more water and super charge your brain.
  6. Keep your word – Build massive credibility by delivering on your word, be it to yourself, your family and friends, your customers etc.
  7. Master your thoughts – Stay optimistic in thought and keep thinking only those thoughts which support your desired  outcomes.
  8. Build your Neuro-psycho-motor skills – The act of writing down your goals daily keeps the missile focused on the goal.  Its like programming the destination into your GPS daily.  Write down and read your goals daily
  9. Act as if your life depended on it – By taking massive amounts of action in the direction of your goals you are sure to get massive results.  Act, act and keep acting…results follow action.
  10. Visualize the rewards of your success –  Don’t visualize the pain of failure.  Stay on point.

For the next week, ask more of yourself.  Check against this list daily whether you are in fact walking the road less travelled to greatness, or are you suffering the road of the masses…more of the same?  Ask more of yourself than of anyone else.  You only know how far you can go until you do in fact get there, and then go on some more.  There are no limits to potential.  Potential grows exponentially in execution.  Don’t wait or hesitate to be great.  Start today and accelerate lasting change you can be proud of.  In the words of Jim Rohn; “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”.  Master these and make them your habits.

If you want to Sponsor this and related inspirational and motivational talks, training and coaching on Sales, Customer Excellence, Leadership and Personal & Professional Mastery then contact me.

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!


Success and no less“A lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks, has not instinct and energy enough to work his way back to the sea, but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is and dies, although the slightest effort would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps within a yard of him. The world is full of human lobsters: men stranded on the rocks of indecision and procrastination, who, instead of putting forth their own energies, are waiting for some grand billow of good fortune to set them afloat.”

– Dr. O. Marden

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539



Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Mediocre-Ville Dream Killers

I know that you started out with ambition, desire and passion. You dreamt of a life lived well, with love, time, health, family, wealth, freedom, travel etc in abundance? We all started as starry eyed kids dreaming of the lives we would one day live. Being inspired by a life that has so much on offer, either through the books we read, the movies we watched or the scenes we saw unfold before our eyes. So much was possible then. You either had the environment which said: “Go out and make it happen” or the one that said: “Hey! That’s not for us. That is for others”.

Dream killers…there are dream killers on every street corner. “Has been’s”, “never been’s” and “never will be’s”. Yet they serve condemnation and scorn upon anyone who is willing to break through. They are sometimes your family and your closest friends. Their good intentions are more often than not just them communicating their fears. They fear your success , for you may “outgrow” them. Rather we keep you trapped here with us in “Mediocre-Ville”, where the pond is small and the rest of the frogs in the pond are not threatened by your success. They serve out advice like…

“Play it safe, don’t risk it”

“Live small, don’t take chances”

“Don’t bite more than you can chew”

“Think it through carefully”

“What about your family”

“What if you fail?”

This is a one sided coin. It only counts the negatives. Where are the positives? What about the other side, that perhaps gives you a balanced view. Both the upside and the downside?

“With risk comes rewards”

“Live! Go for it”

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”

“I trust you have thought it through carefully”

“Your family will benefit immensely from your success”

“Can you imagine if you succeed?”

Dream fuelers provide both and sum more. They give balanced views but encourage preparation for all eventualities and provide you with inspiration and motivation that success is indeed possible. Everything is possible with time and perseverance. Up until a few centuries ago, it was believed that the earth was flat. People would die if they differed with the masses mis-belief. Thank you Nicolas Copernicus for clearing up the fears that we would sail to the end of the earth and drop to our deaths. We are still sailing…A mere hundred years ago, we were doomed to believe we would light our nights with oil lamps and candles. Thankfully a “madman”; Thomas Edison persisted. At the same time, man had long ago surrendered that he would never dominate the skies. Only creatures of the winged type could fly. Today we commute daily via the sky waves. Thank you the Wright brothers who were “uneducated”.

Your age does not serve as a hinderance to your success. Neither does your bank balance, educational or social status determine your success. The universal laws of success do not discriminate. They favour anyone who follows them. The most important ingredient; is to get started, regardless of the “Mediocre Dream Killers” . In the words of Martin Luther King Jnr: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”. Most people are awaiting the whole staircase to show itself. That’s like looking at an apple and waiting for the tree to grow to believe that within the apple is an orchard. Should the apple rot, you will never believe its potential so rather get on the first step to your success.

Wishing you adventure and bountiful success, whether you wish to lose weight, get out of debt, save and invest more, start your own business or get that new account. Remember we often end up regretting more the things we have not done than those we have done.

If you want to Sponsor this and related inspirational and motivational talks, training and coaching on Sales, Customer Excellence, Leadership and Personal & Professional Mastery then contact me.

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: The Sylvester Stallone Success Story you didn’t know…

sylvester stallone rambo

You may know him as Rambo, Rocky or one of the many other heroic names and characters he portrays in his block busting movies since the 70’s. What most people don’t know is how Sylvester Stallone started. What beginnings he came from and what personal and professional pain he suffered to crack the code into the big time. The Sylvester Stallone Success Story is another Rags to Riches success story most people are unfamiliar with and I wish to share with you today.

Why is this relevant to you? Because the lessons in his story are generic to success. Success is a recipe and if you follow it, you to must therefore become successful just like Sly. Here is some insight into Sylvester Stallone’s recipe for success:

He was repeatedly rejected and told he had “the face for radio” and “the voice for the deaf”, in many different words. When he was hired, he was hired as a “goon” and was led to believe there is no room in Hollywood for his face, voice and looks.

Personal Pain
Not only was Sly a starving artist, his first wife eventually tired of supporting his dream and left him. Alone with just his dog in a “heat-less” apartment through winter, with no electricity as he could not pay for his utilities and rental and was soon to be evicted. He reached the point where he had to choose who eats…him or the dog? He was forced to sell his dear and loyal friend Bhaktus to a man known as “Little Jimmy” who he met at a local liquor store for just $50.

Broke, alone but with huge inspiration, upon watching a massive boxing heavy weight title fight, Sly Stallone wrote like a mad man. The idea of Rocky, the characters, the scenes and script unfolded. He wrote incessantly for 24 hours and took to market his script with the leading producers and directors of that time. Success does not just pay dividends because you are inspired. It also requires perseverance.

Stallone went from offer to offer with the proposal being scooped up by the film producers and directors but with one condition. They would hire a star name to play the lead character. There was no room for Sly in his own movie. The offers to buy the script increased from $100 000.00 to $400 000.00 but without Sly in it. Stallone would not relent. This was his script, his role and his big break. They finally agreed on a fee of $25 000.00 upfront and shared risk and reward. They would not pay him the big bucks in fear. What if the movie failed?

With $25 000.00 in his pocket Sly subsequently bought back his dog Bhaktus for a whopping $3 000.00. That’s a great return on investment, ask any financial advisor. Little Jimmy and Bhaktus were both cast in the blockbuster movie, Rocky. The movie went on to win the Academy Award, for best picture in 1976.

The rest as they would say is history, along with the multiple block busting sequels that followed. It also launched Sly Stallone’s career as an action figure hero, starred in many other titles; Rambo, Game Over, The Expendables etc.

Not only has he made it, he was no one hit wonder. He has immense staying power. Through the decades, you, your parents and kids have experienced the Stallone brand and have voted with your feet at cinema’s, T.V, movie rentals and DVD purchases. The latest Stallone offering being Expendables 3 which is currently showing at a cinema near you.

Here is a lesser known fact: As a leading actor in 34 films, Sly has raked in $3,346,408,505 in worldwide aggregate box office takings. Not too shabby for a 30+ year career for a guy who was not categorized as a potential star or block buster quality.

Here are some take aways for your Monday dinner:

1. Do not let anyone else determine your value. Only you know your worth. Only you can demonstrate it.
2. Failure is just natures way of saying try again but use another way. Keep trying, no defeat, no depression. Keep trying.
3. Who said there wont be pain? Success is not always an easy ride. There will be challenges and obstacles along the way. Prepare for it.
4. How to overcome the pain? Stay inspired. There is inspiration on every corner, in every picture, in every note, in every word, in every relationship. Just harvest the inspiration and more pours forth.
5. Persevere. Don’t get weepy eyed. Get involved…more. Every great man and woman of our times across business, religion, philosophy and across all disciplines persevered with pride. They were not going to quit…ever. Think Gandhi, Martin Luther King (Jnr), Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, The Wright brothers, Steve Jobs and countless others…persevered.
6. Success begets success. Hit one home run and you learn possibility. Hit a hundred home runs you reap a new habit. Stallone has made a habit of success.

Don’t try to be Sylvester Stallone, just be YOU. Pursue your dreams and goals. Make them happen, now. Not some obscure day in the future that may never come. Start today!!!

If you wish to Sponsor this and related inspirational and motivational talks, training and coaching on Sales, Customer Excellence, Leadership and Personal & Professional Mastery then contact me.

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Are you up for this challenge?

Today I want to challenge you. I mean really…challenge you. Force you to face reality. Consider the following…

1. The competition will swallow you alive, chew you up and spit you out:

Never before has the world become this melting pot of nationalities and multinationals who are all competing for resources: Jobs, homes, contracts, services, customers etc. Yes, everyone has already landed and more are on their way in, in search of new gold. The new graduates, 1st generation immigrants and new multinationals are willing to work twice as hard as you and at half your income. They will put in more hours and will want to impress your boss and customers with their skills and competencies. Beware, you may sooner or later become redundant unless you act in the present to secure your future. The multinationals have deeper pockets backed by their Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen etc. and can sustain long droughts to get to your market share,

2. Is your PTY. LTD. (YOU) a growth stock or has it become a has-been company?

Have you seen your hey day and now it’s the twilight years of your career? Has your IP increased and remained immensely competitive with the rest of the first world or have you settled into 3rd world offerings, quality and delivery?

3. Are you a one hit wonder who will never see glory again?: You came, you sang and you were conquered?

Hardly a few will admit the harsh truth and man up to reality. If you don’t shape up, sadly you will ship out. It’s not my rule or law. It’s the laws of nature and nature is not capricious. Nature is consistent, whoever you are. It’s the survival of the fittest.Those who innovate, create and serve the needs of the ever changing times shall survive. The rest, end up in dust.

So whatever your position today, good, bad or ugly…sharpen your tools. When Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”, he had the luxury of time. The world turned slowly. Globalization was not born yet and competition was sparse. Today, you need to sharpen that axe faster than the competition. Better still you need an axe that wont get blunt, that runs on sunshine during the day and moonshine at night, that runs 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

Go on and get the EDGE. Here is a parting shot to inspire you by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

“The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.”

Wishing you constant and never ending growth and achievement.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!