Leonardo Da Vinci Quote“Obstacles cannot crush me.  Every obstacle yields to stern resolve.  He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind”
– Leonardo Da Vinci
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Vinesh Maharaj

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Responsibility; The Leadership Masterskill

The best of the best, take 100% responsibility for their outcomes.  They don’t suffer the blame game.  They get it…taking responsibility, separates the boys from the men.

Leadership of any sort, starts with responsibility.  Whether in business, politics, sports or at home those persons who take full responsibility for the delivery of the vision, strategy and outcomes, fair far better than those who are constantly shifting blame away from themselves.  Responsible leadership means learning from past mistakes, making quality decisions and driving harder and smarter at their objectives.

You would have heard of or read the use of the following description sometime or other: “RESPONSE-ABILITY”, loosely defined as “the ability to respond”.  I want to go beyond this definition and show you how everyday decisions are acts of responsibility; either for, or against your goals.

Lets start with rising every morning.  Those people who committed to their health, wealth, success, knowledge and wisdom etc. are ALL early risers.  Why do you think?  They are squeezing out the “juice from life”.  Think orange juice…You can either get a few drops or a cup FULL of juice depending how much you squeeze out of it.  They start by taking responsibility for their time.  They want every second they can get from 24 hours.  What do you want from this life?  Life is made up of time.

Secondly, true leaders invest heavily in their goals…(health, wealth, success, knowledge and wisdom etc.)  From the moment they open their eyes they use their time to grow these objectives.  What do you think billionaires discuss at breakfast?  “How to make the next billion” of course!  They take full responsibility to get there.  They don’t blame the competition, the tax man, the government etc.  They take responsibility for solving these “problems” and in doing so enjoy the massive results they achieve.  What goals are you taking responsibility for?

Thirdly leaders take total responsibility, for both the takings and the losses.  Who earns the top $’s?  Certainly not the help.  You guessed it…THE BOSS.  She is the one who risks it.  The one who pays you even when she has lost along the way.  She’s a true leader who doesn’t make excuses but takes care of her responsibilities LIKE A CHAMPION.  Are you guilty of making excuses or are you wearing your champion honor on your sleeve?

Fourth, I want you to consider how you spend your money.  Everyone I know with the exception of a very small minority want to be wealthy.  The great majority who is more than well endowed in the grey and white matter (brain) arena, behave contrary to the rules of wealth.  They spend more than they save.  Until they start taking responsibility for their saving/spending never will they arrive at the wealth they dream of.  Responsibility is the master key to any achievement.  Are you taking the responsibility required to succeed?

Fifth, lets look at your associates?  Have you ever heard “You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with”?  Who are you keeping company with?  Responsible leaders associate with other visionary, success oriented people on the same trajectory.  Why is this so?  So that they can network and learn from each other both consciously  and unconsciously while playing golf, having dinner regardless of where they find themselves; kiddie parties, launches, bar mitzvah’s etc.  Its really not where.  It is who.  Are you taking responsibility for your associates? 

The list is endless.  Success in any field does not come by chance.  It comes from taking responsible actions to create the desired outcomes.  When you are clear about your responsibility to yourself, your family, your employees, your shareholders, the underprivileged etc. you can then act in line with your best intentions and highest values.  Taking responsibility alleviates you from victim and excuse making consciousness and empowers you to deliver the goods for failure never is an option once you accept complete responsibility.

Responsibility is a choice.  A daily moment to moment decision making process.  Take ownership of it.  Develop awareness at every moment to be congruent with your goals and objectives.  Winston Churchill said it so appropriately “The price of greatness is responsibility”.  Go on and do great things with this lifetime but start by taking responsibility.

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Investing in your greatest asset; YOU

Most people consider their home, cars, investment properties or investment portfolio’s as their greatest asset.  I beg to differ.  The greatest asset is standing in your shoes right now; YOU!  You, the asset created the other assets through a combination of work, intellect, investment etc.  Without you, the other assets were never attainable.

One small investment in yourself will yield countless personal and professional successes, like the apple seed and the apple tree farm.  Yes! from one small apple seed you can yield an apple orchard.  Your self development is, was and will always be in your hands and your hands alone.

Sadly most people finish school or university, find a job which they learn in the first year and then they stop learning and growing.  They stop growing and learning and they wonder why they are not producing the results of their peers who are steamrolling through life, hitting home runs at work, health, wealth, relationships and are ever increasingly successful.

THE SECRET is out…If you do not invest in yourself why should anyone else?  Today, evaluate in which areas you have stopped growing and challenge yourself to make that endeavour.  Personal and professional development will keep you at the cutting edge of living your best life.

Here is how:

  1. Take full responsibility for your personal and professional development.
  2. Set personal and career goals that inspire you.
  3. Take extra classes, finish your degree/MBA etc.
  4. Advance your career through knowledge. Subscribe to your industry journal and keep abreast.
  5. Invest in books.  Read voraciously.  Books are a treasure chest of possibilities.
  6. Attend seminars, workshops and courses relevant to your goals.
  7. Learn and master the art of communication.  Half of the solution is quality communication.
  8. Association:  Enhance your peer group – hang out with the people you want to be like.
  9. Become an expert in your field.
  10. Commit to CANIEConstant And Never Ending Improvement

One millisecond can separate the winner from the runner up.  That could mean the difference of millions of $’s  in earnings.  By committing to and taking action in your personal and professional development you are taking responsibility for your success and achievement.

“The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace” said Michael Jordan.  He knows the difference between first and second place and because he worked harder than anyone else the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, “Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time”.  Ask yourself:  What will the world say of YOU?

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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We are all products of our past thoughts.  Be it good, bad or ugly past thoughts, here you are.  Are you trapped by limiting beliefs, low self esteem, self sabotaging or are you suffering the hamster in the wheel syndrome?  Call it what you want, it ain’t pretty.  You have had, and missed some wonderful opportunities and what once looked like a garden of roses, soon turned into a garden of thorns.  What now?  Where to from here?

What if you truly understood and mastered the art of “POSITIVE THINKING”?  By no means am I advocating wishy-washy, airy-fairy delusions.  I mean principles based on thousands of years of philosophy, psychology, religiosity and business practices.

I’m a great believer in universal principles for success. Today I want to share with you THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING“.  In no means or way am I implying that you can lay in bed and think yourself thin, beautiful and rich by applying the THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING alone.  What I am implying is that if you change your thinking, you will change your results.  You will bring new opportunities, relationships and circumstances your way.  It takes a CONSCIOUS effort though.  Here is a sample of this timeless wisdom…

“What we are is what we have thought for years”.
Gautama The Buddha (560-480 BC) – Indian Spiritual leader and Founder of Buddhism

“Take charge of your thoughts. You can do what you will with them”.
Plato (428-327 BC) – Greek Philosopher and Prose Writer

Your life is an expression of all your thoughts.” 
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180) – Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher 

“As a man thinketh, so is he”

Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7

It is no secret that CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING” is not a new school of thought.  The great business books of our times also speak of this.  Whether you’re quoting Donald Trump, Malcolm Gladwell or Sir Richard Branson be sure to see the common thread; CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING supported by a strategic plan.  They never start out thinking they’re going to fail, do they?   All results, are the result of thoughts.  Thoughts which are clear, definitive and consistent, backed with a master plan to succeed MUST result in success.

Here are 10 Powerfully Empowering Ideas to help you:

  1. Don’t hold any negative thoughts, EVER – Avoid them like cancer
  2. Replace them with conscious positive thoughts which inspire your greatness – clear, definitive & consistent thoughts
  3. Go on a 30 day positive diet – think ONLY of your success
  4. Keep inspirational company which keeps you locked onto your best life
  5. Take 100% responsibility – You are NEVER a victim.  Rather be a perpetrator to your success
  6. Keep a list of gratitude – List all that you’re grateful for.  This changes your perspective…quickly
  7. Change your language – Use success language.  Speak of opportunities, not problems
  8. Hold in your minds eye, your success visualize
  9. Become the most positive person you know
  10. Practice, practice, practice and when you have mastered it, keep on practicing still

When you have mastered CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING your life will be so much simpler, yet so much more successful.  Let the results you achieve be testimony to this timeless wisdom.

I parting, I wish you leave you with this quote and ask that you LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT please?

“Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habit

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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