Time Steve Jobs“My favourite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time..”

– Steve Jobs



The Sales Professionals Quote. Vinesh Maharaj“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.”

– Stephen Covey




DARWIN QUOTE. Vinesh Maharaj
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

– Charles Darwin



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Get out of your own way

GuiltySelf sabotage is a daily occurrence most of us choose not to focus on, or even discuss.  Yet many people are guilty of impeding their own progress through bad choices.  Choice is a wonderful equalizer.  Everyone chooses their own reality.  Your life is full of choices from rising in the morning to resting at night.  Everyone has the same 24 hours everyday and everyone chooses their own level of poverty.  For some $20K is enough per month, for others $50K or a $100K is not enough.  Do you choose to surrender at $20K?  Whats your number?  When do you surrender?

Self Sabotage affects almost everyone at some point or another.  “I have a tendency to sabotage relationships; I have a tendency to sabotage everything. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being afraid. Useless, good-for-nothing thoughts” said Michael Buble.

Personal Treason should be a punishable offense.  This will reduce or eliminate people from making poor decisions.  What is personal treason you wonder?  Well, its when you act contrary to your highest values, goals and ideals.  Here is an example.

A young college boy meets girl, gets drunk together, “falls in love”, gets her pregnant, quits college to marry and feed his new found love and new arrival. He chose the girl over his education.  He chose alcohol over common sense.  He then chose to have unprotected sex risking several STD’s, unwanted pregnancy and perhaps even the deathly HIV.  He then chooses marry as it’s “the right thing to do” after all the wrong things he has done…  This is a typical example of personal treason.  His life could have been so different had he made better choices.  Now he trades 5 days a week to survive on a white collar salary and numbs himself over the weekends watching sport, drinking beer and eating away his pain.  Personal Treason can result in personal destruction as in this case.

Lets understand better choices…had the young man not gotten drunk and then chose not to have unprotected sex, he would not have  gotten his love pregnant.  He would not have to drop out of college but could have graduated and built a career as opposed to working in a dead end job, marrying the same girl he fell in love with, having and raising a beautiful family through design not through circumstance.  Thus pursuing a career as opposed to a job.

Now you may not self sabotage to this degree, but as Steve Jobs said in his Stanford commencement address in 2005, that looking forward you cant always connect the dots but by looking back you can see how choices are all interconnected and how they serve or fail you.

Here are 5 compelling ideas to stave off Personal Treason:

  1. Be the worlds best gate keeper – Keep at bay any self limiting, self defeatist, self treason thoughts, scenarios and opportunities.  A gate keeper has keen awareness of what serves your success and what sinks your success.
  2. Choose your reality – Disrupt your self defeatist thinking and instilling possibility thinking.  Make informed choices and eliminate self sabotaging..to serve your greater good.  Choose the path of more resistance.  Instant gratification leads to long term pain.  To gain muscles, body builders choose more short term pain, heavier weights, more repetitions etc.
  3. Time/Benefit calculation (BUY NOW…PAY LATER, or PAY NOW, ENJOY LATER) Instant gratification (getting it right now and benefitting in the moment) as opposed to seeing time as a continuum staving off the short term pleasure for the long term goal.  Start by calculating the pro’s and the cons of your impending decisions.  All instant gratification comes at a price…
  4. Price/Value proposition – By establishing the price of immediate actions versus delayed gratification…which one comes at a higher price?
  5. Enable your success – Ensure that everything you do is consistent with your road map to “Success-ville”.  Those short detours to instant gratification can lead you down the slippery slopes of destruction.

So get out of your own way and summit the peaks of your personal performance.  Stop self sabotaging and start creating, networking, dreaming and planning your great escape from the jails of personal treason imprisonment.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com



Sales Professionals Quote“Sales is a contact sport. Get out of the office and get face to face with your customers”




THE ENTREPRENEURS  MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE Vinesh Maharaj“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

Publilius Syrus




Man In The MirrorThe late Michael Jackson died before delivering the highly anticipated finale of his career…”THIS IS IT!!!”. A lifetime spent devoted to his musical craft, inspiring and influencing hundreds of thousands of future musicians like Neo, Chris Brown and Usher to name a few popular ones. Generations of fans from grandmothers to grand children. A multi million dollar career touching millions of lives across countries, races, economies.

It would be grossly negligent to not mention the troubles Michael Jackson suffered but that aside I want to focus on his MASTERY for who is perfect in every sense? You and I too have to “keep it in the closet”. Those old unwanted skeletons that can harm, hinder and suffocate us. Yet through mastery you can liberate yourself from your past by acting in the present, creating the future.

We are all familiar with the story of his childhood success, his marvelous solo career which spanned over decades but today I wish to share with you The Man in The Mirror concept for this is it.

“I’m starting with the man in the mirror I’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself and make a change.”

Mastery begins within. It begins with massive dissonance. The exhaustion of the status quo. You are terribly tired, fed up of things staying as are when what you want (desire) drives you to change. Change what? Well, to change any set of results we have to “start with the end in mind” according to Stephen Covey. Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, take more ownership of your life, become self reliant etc you must identify the end result you want to manifest.

So I ask you…Are you happy with “The Man in The Mirror”? Are you happy to live in your shadow? Are you content living unfulfilled? Are you elated at being a victim of your own design? Are you surrendered to life of mediocrity? Or are you ready to make that change? Are you ready to embrace you potential? Set and Achieve new heights? Abandon victim status and adopt winner status? Are you ready to fight for a life crafted and designed to perfection? Are you ready to stand proud as The Man in The Mirror?

The choice is always yours. Take full responsibility and make that change today!

Join me at the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Program…Break the chains, remove the shackles, set yourself free…

Date: 12 June 2015

Venue: Johannesburg

Time: 9am – 5pm

More details:   mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com


Leadership Through Adversity: Uplift Your Business

Promo page 1 Seminar Title Bar New 2MIDDELBURG, MPUMALANGA, SOUTH AFRICA

I’m really excited to engage with you in your town later tonight. If you are a manager or leader in your organization, make your way to hear me present “Leadership Through Adversity: Up lift Your Business”.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

– John Quincy Adams




The Entrepreneurs Motivational Quote by Vinesh Maharaj“Forget about the business outlook, be on the outlook for business”

Paul J. Meyer



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 7 Practical Steps to Getting What You Want

Monday Mental Protein by Vinesh MaharajWaking up early can be challenging with the cold dreary mornings, foggy skies and frosty air if you have no all-consuming-purpose.  Mine, is to share the message of possibility, abundance, opportunity  and mastery if you just awaken to it.  Slumbering through life is not an option for you, is it?  The cold early mornings are a breath of fresh air.  As I sip on my coffee, I reminisce on it’s flavour, enjoying its comfort while updating my journal of the activities, meetings and relationships I need to serve, I wish to share with you that the key to success is not just big hair raising goals alone.  Goals are a measure…but people, human relationships and superior human interactions is the way and the means.

People unlock doors of opportunity if they like and trust you.  People will either sing your praise or be the cause of your demise.  Long after you have left the room, people will remember how you made them feel.  Does the waft of roses remain or that of thorns cutting through bloody flesh?  In every sphere of reality, unless you are a renounced monk in the Himalaya’s, who has carried a vow of no interactions, a vow of complete silence meditating upon self realization, we are constantly surrounded by people.  Best then to master human relationships as it is one of the keys to the combination lock; success.

Remember that everyone around you is a potential battery, powerful beacon or communication station.  Batteries that can recharge you through tough times.  A beacon of hope and inspiration and your greatest advocates, singing your (song) message.  By increasing your batteries, beacons and communication stations, you will increase the friendship, love and value in your life benefitting both your personal and professional lives,  while simultaneously launching an avalanche of construction of your purpose.

  1. Acknowledge your shortcomings.  The last time I checked no one is perfect.  Get to work on self improvement.  If you don’t work on yourself, who will?  Start investing in your non academic education (How to Win Friends and Influence people – Dale Carnegie is a great start) to increase your human relationships.  Acquire new skills, master new habits and acquire relevant knowledge in becoming a master of relationships.
  2. Stay humble.  I don’t mean become a door mat.  I mean keep your feet on the ground and your heads out of the clouds.  No one enjoys the company of an arrogant, self absorbed, egotist.  Real humility opens doors to endless opportunities.  Don’t let success, money or status get to your head.  Remember, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” and “pride comes just before a fall”.  So stay humble.
  3. Stop judging, start understanding.  In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey he speaks of Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.  The world will be brighter if we all adopted this simple, yet extremely difficult path.  We are too confined to being right, heard or being better.  Instead, change your lenses and see the world through other peoples eyes.  While it’s largely the same view, reality may be transparently different.
  4. Make a difference.  Whats the use of long winded talks about making the world a better place?  Or discussing world peace?  Or complaining about the poor state of affairs.  Lets get active and be champions of change.  Whining has never won any friends, neither has complaining.  Lets act for change.  Lets walk our talk and make a difference in the lives you are surrounded by.
  5. Adjust your attitude.  You are not a victim unless you CHOOSE to become one.  By adjusting your attitude you can overcome almost any challenge or situation.  Sometimes all you have is your attitude, like Victor Frankl who was confined to a Nazi concentration camp where death was certain.  Through a small attitudinal adjustment, not only did he survive but went on to becoming a respected author, neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor.
  6. Give more than you are expected to.  Give more in love, in support, in friendship.  He who gives is supremely richer than he, the taker who constantly takes and takes and takes without watering the tree that feeds him or her.  Provide more value and give more.  There are endless ways to give more.  Start today with a warm smile and a heart-felt greeting…not only will your friends, family, customers and colleagues be delighted, you too will feel a wave of warmth overcoming you.
  7. Service is the only way.  Everyone is a servant.  Even the president.  He serves the peoples needs.  No one person can claim I am not a servant.  By serving the needs of others, invariably your needs are met.  Increase your rate of service, improve your quality, improve your mood of service and great destinations are possible for you.  Serve those around you and your value to them increases.

Remember that people create opportunities, people buy from people, people support people.  Thus after yourself, your greatest investment is in other people, for through them your goals are realized.  So get started today by sending personalized notes and cards.  Make a warm call to an old friend, relative or customer.  Then stay in touch as is regular as is required.  Nurture the people and the people will nurture you, your goals and your success.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.  Though inspired and motivated staff who share values, you can move mountains.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com
