Make your own luckPerformance separates the mediocre from the peak performers.  Usain Bolt, the worlds fastest man is one of the foremost peak performers in the world of athletics, Donald Trump in the world of real estate, Jeff Bezos among online retailers etc.

Performance is the end result of preparation, planning and execution.  Of course you may argue that Usain, Donald and Jeff had a predisposed advantage… be it genetics, karma or luck.  Lets evaluate these assumptions…Genetics:  Does every child of Mr and Mrs Bolt go on to win the 100m sprint at the Olympics? No!  Does every Trump child become anywhere near as triumphant as Donald? No!  Will the Bezos kids ever reach the peaks of Amazon? No!  Review history to see how few siblings (if any) or descendants ever reach the hallmarks established by their very own gene pool.  Is success and peak performance a question of karma or luck?

I do believe that this is certainly true.  What is karma or luck?  Its no more than the Law of Cause and Effect.  For every effect, there are a series of causes.  For one to achieve any outcome (effects)  there has to be a set of causes that make them possible.  To become wealthy (effect), one should keep expenses under income, save and invest (cause).  To become poor (effect) one should run expenses over income and have no savings and investments (cause).  Therefore to increase your desired effects we must increase the required causes.

Luck has been defined as “when preparation meets opportunity.  This echos true of the Law of Cause and Effect.  “He was lucky that he bought a lottery ticket” you may hear.  No pay, no play…you too could have been “lucky”.  “He was at the right place at the right time”.  This too is indicative of a hidden/unknown series of actions which led up to being at the right place at the right time.  Luck is real.  Karma is real.  The Law of Cause and Effect is real.

Today I want to get you focused on making your own luck and having karma work for you:

  1. Invest time in understanding the difference between your current status (effects) and desired status (desired effects), whatever your goal.
  2. Ask yourself why you are where you are?  Understand your effects. Feel the pain and pleasure of where you are to boost you to the next level.
  3. Now ask how can I change my causes (Inputs) to change my effects Outputs).  What actions do you need to undertake to bridge the gap to succeed.
  4. Sow seeds you WANT, like a farmer of success.  The more you sow what you want, the more you reap what you want.
  5. Believe in your heart that your ship is docking.  Know that whatever you sow, you will reap.

Here are some challenges to improve your “luck” this week.

  1. Be revolutionary.  Challenge the status quo…push the envelope
  2. Be masterful.  Execute like a swan…with grace and sophistication.
  3. Be amazing.  Touch the lives you serve.
  4. Be tenacious.  Work non stop to create the causes to create the effects you want.
  5. Be childish.  Have fun.
  6. Be active.  Take massive amounts of action consistent with your goals.
  7. Be an eternal optimist.  Know that what you sow, you shall reap.

Through this system of creating your own luck, you can go on to be, do and have all your heart desires.  In the immortal words of famous film producer Samuel Goldwyn; “The harder I work, the luckier I get”For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, Administration and Customer Services, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 084 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: The Business of Sales

Sales professionals worldWhether you’re married or single, parent or not, employed or in the hunt for a new a job…we are all in sales. All day long…as a business owner, director, manager, parent or friend you are selling daily. You are selling yourself, your credibility, your ability, your standards, your competence. We all are in the business of sales.

Not only are you selling yourself, you are also selling your ideologies on business, management, love, friendship, money etc. Every time we speak we are selling or encouraging a desired outcome which we want more of or we are discouraging an outcome we want none of. Ultimately we are all in sales.

Parents sell morals and values. Being a person of morals and values will unlock a brighter future for their children. “Be honest and work hard”.

Mothers sell good health. “Eat your fruit and vegetables”.

Dad sells a academic success. “Do your home work, my girl”.

Doctors sell longevity. “Take these medicines 3 times a day”

Lawyers sell peace of mind. “We’ll get them”.

Insurers sell peace of mind. “Don’t worry, when you’re gone, we will care for your family”.

Cinema’s sell dreams. “Miss this and miss out. Coming to a cinema near you”

Shoe stores sell confidence. “A woman in heels is true elegance”

ICT stores and brands sell efficiency. “What would you do without your cellular phone and laptop”?

Car dealerships sell you an experience. “Single man – sports car. Family man, family car for family vacations”

Take out sells convenience. “I’m running late. I’ll get take out for dinner at …”

Banks sell promises. “Invest with us and watch your wealth grow”.

Still don’t believe me? What do you sell?

Wether you are in school, just matriculated, at university, are a stay at home mom or dad, are employed or unemployed, master your sales. Here is why:

Wouldn’t you like to get more and better results faster? Without blood, sweat and tears?

You would like to swing a vote, outcome or decision in your favour, wouldn’t you?

You do want to get hired for your dream job, don’t you?

Wouldn’t you like to earn more money?

You would like to date him or her, wouldn’t you?

Wouldn’t you like to exceed your sales target?

You would want to win the sales competition at your company if you knew how, wouldn’t you?

All of these above results are based on your salesmanship. Among the greatest sales people we know here are some CEO’s who are not in sales per se. They sell the opiate of their business philosophy, which their staff and customers drink wholesale. Think Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Donald Trump while at home consider Adrian Gore, Cyril Ramaphosa and Jaco Maree among countless others. These people are among the greatest sales people. They have thousands of employees who in turn sell that opiate to the consumer market raking in trillions of Rands.

So take that leap of faith and get into learning mode, for the greatest sale to make is still to be made.

Join me for the Business Empowerment: Sales & Marketing Workshop 2015 to rock your business or personal life by making more sales, more often at ever increasing value.

DATE: 27 February 2015


VENUE: Hatfield, Pretoria


Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate the sales person in you. Go on to outsell the competition in every aspect of life.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

If you’d like a complimentary 30-minute business development strategy session with me, for more information, please contact us at NO-EXCUSES to unleash your entrepreneurial talents, grow your business and acquire the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits of wildly successful entrepreneurs.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 10 Time Management Tips from The Uber Successful

Did you know that there are only 86 400 seconds in a day?  This means nothing unless you use them wisely.  

Niccolo Machiavelli Time

Your most valuable commodity is your time.  How you manage, use or abuse time will either serve your success or hamper it.  Waste your time and you waste your life, for that’s what life is made of…time.

The greatest achievers across all disciplines were exceptional time managers.  The current super achievers among us are living testimony of effective time management.  Their objective is always how to maximize time; getting the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Today I want to share with you the Donald Trump Time Management System:

1.     Get Organized – Take time to organize yourself.  Clear your desk.  Clutter in your office, clutters the mind.  Organize your information for easy access.  Prepare for a new you.

2.     Start Early – As an early riser you steal light hours from life.  Getting more done before your competitors awake will set you up for an industrious lifetime of success.

Napoleon Bonaparte Time3.     Plan Your Planner – Schedule in your tasks, meetings and success activities like networking, creative planning, emails, gym, walking, reading etc.

4.     Manage Your Meetings – Don’t schedule one hour for one outcome.  Have micro meetings of 15 minutes where possible with an agenda sent out to all attendees.  Where not possible do not exceed a 30 minute meeting.  Scope creepers and whiners will steal your valuable time.  Get your outcome and get out.

5.     Prioritize – List your targets in sequence or in importance.  To bake a cake it may be sequential but to strike a business agreement or contract it may be in list of  importance thus jumping the sequence que.

6.     Deadlines – These are at the heart of your goals.  The time within which to achieve.  Ensure you are meeting them and better still exceeding them.

7.     Bite Size Chunks – Don’t try to build Rome in a day.  You will fail and feel unaccomplished.  Rather break down large tasks into small bite size chunks.  One bite at a time takes you closer to goal achievement.

8.     Manage Your Emails – Schedule time for email management.  During this time reply to all emails.  Reply immediately and clean up your mailbox.  A sense of achievement is ever present when you are up to date.  A clogged up mailbox will leave you feeling time strapped and under pressure.Nelson Mandela Time

9.     Take A Break – Make time for a regular healthy distraction.  Stop for a water break, sip your favourite tea or coffee, have a power lunch or meet someone inspirational for a quick friendly, catch up.  This small but necessary break will serve as a mini recharge.  Go back fired up!

10.     Plan Tomorrow Today – Schedule tomorrow’s success activities today.  Don’t wait and see…Take action and control your time and your outcomes.

 I leave you with this beautifully, well crafted quote:  “Yesterday’s history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present”.  Use your time well on the road to achievement or squander it on the path to nowhere.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies for your personal and professional success and achievement. The art of effective success oriented time management is revealed, trained and mastered to bring about the results you want and need. This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Excellence and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Choosing your company


This past weekend many of us spent time with other people.  We have heard it before but has it really resonated with us: “A man is known by the company he keeps”.  Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you hung out with?  Therefore, the people you choose to associate with has massive power in your growth and development or your stagnation and regression.

To increase that average and to send your knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits sky rocketing you towards your goals here are a 5 powerful tips I want to share with you today:

Success starts with YOU – How do YOU associate with yourself?


Are you speaking to the genius within?  Is your internal dialogue inspiring, creative, motivated, solutions and growth oriented or is your inner speak feeding sentiments of failure, hopelessness and unbearable problems?  You are the captain of your ship and only YOU choose its destiny.  Choose to associate with yourself in a positive, productive and purposeful manner and watch your destiny appear on the horizon, like a beautiful sunrise after a cloudy day.

You become who YOU eat with:


Have breakfast with Sir Richard Branson, lunch with Donald Trump and dinner with Warren Buffet.  Associate with these great minds through their books.  Read after meals, before bed, after rising.  Read!!!  Don’t forget “readers are leaders”.  When you touch the honey jar, some has to stick to your fingers.  Once your mind has been stretched by new ideas, concepts and tools, it cant ever go back to its original state.  Save money on coffee’s, clothes and toys but invest in good books.  Invest in rich protein for your brain at every opportunity.  It will fuel you beyond your imagination.

The Quality of your associates

"A man is known by the company he keeps"

“A man is known by the company he keeps”

The people you hang out with, will either elevate you to greatness or tie you down to mediocrity.  They will either be your greatest liberators or your greatest incarcerators.  You decide.  Associate with those persons who inspire and motivate you.  Those who believe in you.  Those that will challenge you to be, do and have more success in your life.

Friends or enemies? – Radio & TV


Too many people find comfort in “gaga” and the one eyed monster; yes, radio and television.  Most people collapse into a trance like state which steals your mind, your time, your life by telling you what to eat, drink and buy.  It fuels the Jones’s syndrome and sells “dreams” to people who have none of their own.  Its like candy for the eyes and ears but has zero nutritional value.  Many people spend 4-6 hours a day watching minutia.  Some say its for the news.  Lets be honest in 2000 years not much “new” has happened.  Why do they call it NEW’s?  Why do you sacrifice hours in a mindless trance?   If you cant learn anything from the TV or radio, get rid of it.

Coaches & Mentors

Coaching for success

Coaching for your Success

All the greats; musicians, artists, sportsmen, sports women and business leaders have Coaches and Mentors.  The value of a professional coach can be seen in the cost at which they come.  The best sports teams pay millions of dollars a year to keep their teams in peak performance.  Business professionals consult grooming consultants, communication coaches, sales coaches, psychologists and many other services from coaches to keep them at the cutting edge.

Usain Bolt has a track coach, a gym coach, a sport psychologist and a business manager in his corner.  Who do you have in your corner?

Mentors are those who through experience and proven success, provide assistance and guidance.  They remove the darkness by shedding light on “how-to”,  they often open doors to their connections and share the secrets of success with their trainees.

During my key note talks, coaching and training I cover these concepts in greater detail.  As the foundation of all success its imperative that you master these 5 powerfully liberating ideas and go on to become exceptional by implementation.

The choices we make today will determine our results tomorrow.  If you are truly committed to your achievement, make better choices.  Choose to be stretched by your associates, your coach and mentor.  The results will speak for themselves.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


I'm your coach and partner in success...

I’m your coach and partner in success…

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 5 Key Focus Areas for your Personal Mastery

Everything we are, is based on our past. Be it thought, words or acts, we either celebrate our greatness or we suffer our mediocrity with pain.

Today I want to help you shape your future into one of outrageous achievement. Regardless of your goals, the principles are universal. They cut across race, gender, religion, economic status etc. They are there for all those who wish to excel. For those of you who aspire to go beyond average and who are willing to put in the effort and time, victory is certain.

Why is it that there are so many average thinkers who have created exceptional results? Think of some your school friends or work colleagues. Are they better than you? No, they just discovered the formula for success in some arena of excellence.

Here are 5 key focus areas for your mastery:

Think, talk and act like a winner – No faking it. This is creation and manifestation. Do you think Bill Gates thinks about problems in his life? Thankfully he does not. He is a solutions man. His inner speak is confident about success. You may not see it on the outside but his internal dialogue is that of a winner. Another case in point. Do you think Tiger Woods is concerned about losing? Only on the 8th day of the week. He is always thinking and talking to himself about his success, causing consistency in his actions about victory.  So from today; Think, talk and act like a winner.

Become relentless – Do you think the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell thought of quitting? Even when the world thought they were gone crazy, even at the threat of being institutionalized, the thought never entered their minds. The only thing they ate, drank and slept was their ultimate success. They were relentless. What are you relentless about?

Coaches, Mentors and Master Mind groups – The very best of the best have Coaches, Mentors and Master Mind groups to keep them as sharp as a razors edge. Can you imagine Donald Trump being “blunt”, uncertain and confused about which way to go on his next property deal? Never! The worlds best have business mentors, fitness coaches, grooming consultants, relationship coaches and even psychologists and hynotherapists who help keep them at their A-game. Its a well known secret that that the star with the best support team has the odds stacked in his favour. Who is your support team?

Ask better questions – Most people seek knowledge through reading and learning. Thats great for while you are at school. In the school of life, directed questions can speed up your learning experience as it is targeted for your outcomes. Imagine having an “encyclopedia” you can turn to any page with just the information you sought to handle a challenge you are unsure of? If you can leverage your “support team”; mentors and coaches with quality questions, you will make better decisions, faster with a greater chance of success.  They wont just give you the answers but they will give you the tools to handle your situation better and teach you the art of quality decision making.

Diamonds in your back yard – Don’t ever discount the people in your network or opportunities within your view. There are often untapped gems within your circle. This includes opportunities you are blind too. They are just under your nose but either you fail to see them or fail to see the value in them. Don’t miss out. Most often the opportunities we seek are staring us in the face but we have a “scotoma”. This is defined in medicine as “a partial loss of vision or a blind spot in an otherwise normal visual field”. Its in our blind spot. The right conversation with an unassuming friend, relative or colleague may set you off into the major league for he or she could network you, introduce you or open your eyes to the world of opportunities you were unaware of. You may be living in a diamond field but only see the coal.  So before you look outside, look inside!

If you are really tired of mediocrity, I challenge you.  I challenge you live your best life, with purpose and passion.  Start today with small, consistent steps of mastery.  Make everyday an adventure.  Imagine you were writing your life story.  Would it be one of, would have’s, could have’s and should have’s?  I sincerely doubt it.  Live true to your potential for greatness is the spark within all of us.  Fan and fuel it and watch the inferno of unstoppable, outrageous achievement grow.  You cant rewrite the past but you sure can script the future.

Why stand small, when you can stand tall?

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj


Thomas Edison.Resilience.Vinesh Maharaj



Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



We are all products of our past thoughts.  Be it good, bad or ugly past thoughts, here you are.  Are you trapped by limiting beliefs, low self esteem, self sabotaging or are you suffering the hamster in the wheel syndrome?  Call it what you want, it ain’t pretty.  You have had, and missed some wonderful opportunities and what once looked like a garden of roses, soon turned into a garden of thorns.  What now?  Where to from here?

What if you truly understood and mastered the art of “POSITIVE THINKING”?  By no means am I advocating wishy-washy, airy-fairy delusions.  I mean principles based on thousands of years of philosophy, psychology, religiosity and business practices.

I’m a great believer in universal principles for success. Today I want to share with you THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING“.  In no means or way am I implying that you can lay in bed and think yourself thin, beautiful and rich by applying the THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING alone.  What I am implying is that if you change your thinking, you will change your results.  You will bring new opportunities, relationships and circumstances your way.  It takes a CONSCIOUS effort though.  Here is a sample of this timeless wisdom…

“What we are is what we have thought for years”.
Gautama The Buddha (560-480 BC) – Indian Spiritual leader and Founder of Buddhism

“Take charge of your thoughts. You can do what you will with them”.
Plato (428-327 BC) – Greek Philosopher and Prose Writer

Your life is an expression of all your thoughts.” 
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180) – Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher 

“As a man thinketh, so is he”

Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7

It is no secret that CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING” is not a new school of thought.  The great business books of our times also speak of this.  Whether you’re quoting Donald Trump, Malcolm Gladwell or Sir Richard Branson be sure to see the common thread; CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING supported by a strategic plan.  They never start out thinking they’re going to fail, do they?   All results, are the result of thoughts.  Thoughts which are clear, definitive and consistent, backed with a master plan to succeed MUST result in success.

Here are 10 Powerfully Empowering Ideas to help you:

  1. Don’t hold any negative thoughts, EVER – Avoid them like cancer
  2. Replace them with conscious positive thoughts which inspire your greatness – clear, definitive & consistent thoughts
  3. Go on a 30 day positive diet – think ONLY of your success
  4. Keep inspirational company which keeps you locked onto your best life
  5. Take 100% responsibility – You are NEVER a victim.  Rather be a perpetrator to your success
  6. Keep a list of gratitude – List all that you’re grateful for.  This changes your perspective…quickly
  7. Change your language – Use success language.  Speak of opportunities, not problems
  8. Hold in your minds eye, your success visualize
  9. Become the most positive person you know
  10. Practice, practice, practice and when you have mastered it, keep on practicing still

When you have mastered CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING your life will be so much simpler, yet so much more successful.  Let the results you achieve be testimony to this timeless wisdom.

I parting, I wish you leave you with this quote and ask that you LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT please?

“Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habit

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

Like, Share & Leave a Comment Please!

