MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Has Poverty Consciousness Held You Back?

You would be surprised at the first instance if I told you that the largest number of millionaires in the US are first generation millionaires.  You would be more surprised to hear that they are largely immigrants.  Vinesh Maharaj Cash

Yes, immigrants who have found gaps and opportunities in your and my market.  In the book “The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, they go onto discuss the mindset of this super successful elite group.

Here are 5 Wealth Differentiators for your consideration: 

1.     Poor people buy TV’s – The truly rich invest in stocks, bonds, property, cash and in their businesses.  Poor people have the largest LCD, LED, 3D TV’s etc.  Wealth & Prosperity

2.     Poor people shop at premier brands – In keeping up with the Jones’s, Naidoo’s, Mahlangu’s and Van Der Merwes poor people want to appear to be rich.  The truly rich shop at discount stores, fruit and vegetable markets and wholesalers where they can get huge discounts and savings.

3.     Poor People drive luxury sedans and 4×4’s – paying 2 to 3 times in a depreciating liability while rich people buy quality reliable cars, cheaply and often at a hugely discounted cash price.

4.     The Poor work 8 hours a day – Minimum work for minimum wage.  Rich people work 12-16 hours a day.  Sometimes at 2 or 3 jobs to secure their futures.  Bankruptcy Effects

5.     The Poor are a pay cheque away from bankruptcy – Because poor people fund their lifestyles with debt, unemployment means bankruptcy.  Rich people live on cash earned, not cash borrowed.

The poor suffer poverty consciousness.  By poor I don’t mean those who have little to nothing alone.  It includes those who earn R50-100K + per month but are also highly geared with debt in credit cards, over drafts and personal loans.  They too are poor both in consciousness and in cash.

This poverty consciousness can be overcome.  By analyzing values, belief systems about money, childhood financial experiences and habits, you too can become super wealthy.  You don’t need to win the LOTTERY, start a food franchise or discover the latest cash fad.  A disciplined financial plan backed by the right wealth building psychology will set you free financially.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies for your personal and professional success and achievement. The Art of Wealth building is revealed, trained and mastered to bring about the results you want and need. Get the wealth blue print and watch your wealth soar.

This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj

