Entrepreneurs Jigsaw“What do you need to start a business? Three simple things: know your product better than anyone, know your customer, and have a burning desire to succeed.”

Dave Thomas, Founder, Wendy’s


Make Better ChoicesStop conforming.  Stop retreating.  Stop surrendering.

We all have the same opportunities in life believe it or not.  Your life is not shaped by your circumstances.  Your life is shaped by your choices.  Life will happen but how you choose to respond will make all the difference.

Imagine a stranger coming into your home in the dark of night.  Do you conform to becoming a crime statistic?  Or do you put on the fight of your life?  So why are we so unwilling to put on that same fight everyday?  If you fight and win everyday, you will have lived a life full of challenges and would have won more than you would have had, had you conformed or surrendered.

Today I want to share with you, the power of choosing yourself, your loved ones, your health, your wealth everyday, ahead of surrendering to the status quo.  Sadly most people live life in auto pilot.  Their thinking has been surrendered and as such their lives are surrendered.  Think about the following…your habits define you, thus your default is always back to your ruling habits.  Whether its money, career or people your habits drive your behaviour.  Habits only run you when you switch off your thinking and surrender your choices.  Imagine you’re on a health and wellness plan.  You choose a new lifestyle of healthy eating, exercise and positive people to detox your body and mind.  Your habits though, are junk foods, lazing by the TV and company that supports that behaviour.  In the beginning, because you are amped up, fired up and super enthusiastic its easier to stick to your new regiment.  After a day/week or two your enthusiasm wanes as you are now unfocused on the goal and commitment you undertook.  Soon it’s the weekend and you find yourself with the “bad company”, drinking and dining on the very poisons you eradicated from your life and wont wake early for your pilates, yoga or spin class in the morning because you have surrendered.  The reason this happens is many fold but here are some practical tools for you you to Awaken Your Success Consciousness.

  1. Join the Early Risers Club – Beat the snoozers…they invariably become loosers.
  2. Start your day with Purpose – What am I going to achieve today?
  3. Get journaling daily – Goals, Affirmations, Plans and Timelines…keep working on your Success Master Plan.
  4. Make time to meditate  – Take up meditation.  A number of credible studies show the positive impact of meditation.  Staggering brain activity creates staggering results.
  5. Read something inspirational – Start your day with nutritional mental protein for your brain and heart.
  6. Commit to staying the course – Remind yourself of your reasons/motivation for the decisions.
  7. Develop Your Awareness – Ask what drives your behaviour?  How do you react under various conditions?  Do you surrender or do you fight?
  8. Choose Consciously – What are the best options for you?  Don’t become an auto pilot cruiser.
  9. Stay Focused – Its so easy to get entangled in non goal related activity.  Develop your skill of focusing on one task at a time, to completion.  Soon focus becomes a new habit.
  10. Never Quit – Commit to always challenging your status quo.  Commit to making better choices…always.

In the wise words of Wayne Dyer “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always YOUR CHOICE”.

Wishing you a inspired week ahead.  Live your best life.

For more on creating a culture of success at your organization contact me for a Complimentary 30-minute business or personal development strategy session.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com


Half Empty or Half Full“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

– Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister



Amazon“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”

Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO



Sales People @ Work“There’s no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you – unless your potion is hard work”

Jeffrey Gitomer



MICHAEL-JORDAN.-Vinesh-Maharaj“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan, NBA Legendary Basketball MVP


Partnership and team work“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all”

Dale Carnegie



Instagram“If you’ve got an idea, start today. There’s no better time than now to get going. That doesn’t mean quit your job and jump into your idea 100 percent from day one, but there’s always small progress that can be made to start the movement.”

– Kevin Systrom, Instagram

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN – This is Deeply Personal

The gift of life starts at conception and is generally joyous occasion welcoming into the world your new born.  Many a parent will know the joys of a new born child. The parents plan, hope, and bank all their dreams and aspirations on their new born. All parents want for their children what they themselves could not have as kids. These shape up in the form of academic, career, marital success and so forth.

The child goes on to become their own person pursuing their own dreams and aspirations. Ask any child their career aspirations and the answers could be anything from Dr. to lawyer, teacher, scientist, business person etc. with sincere belief that it is possible for them. Their innocence is soon smashed by the so called “reality”. Children have their creativity stolen in the classroom by “colouring in the lines”, by following the sheep or conforming to a process, instead of finding their own process while still coming to the same conclusions as taught in school. Originality, creativity and possibility are slowly but surely reduced to minimalism and as you know all breakthroughs in all fields are by people who broke the mold and were non conformists in their thinking. Ask Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela if they conformed…
We, parents are then further guilty of tearing down the child’s self belief. The first words we teach our children is not “mom” and “dad”. Rather it is NO and DON’T. We repeat these words thousands of times through the life of the child and we wonder why people have low self belief? Let me tell you why…The parents with good intentions to protect the child are always shouting “NO” and “DON’T”. “No! Don’t play in the street”, “Don’t play with fire”. “Don’t play with the TV”, “Don’t put your finger in the electrical socket” etc, etc, etc. Parents intend to protect their children from harm, death and financial pain but never spend a moment explaining and educating the child due to the child’s lack of understanding and development in its early years. The child grows up thinking “I m not good enough”, “nothing I do is right”, “nothing I do is good enough”.

The saga continues into childhood. At school we all know how mean kids can be. Name calling, bullying and shaming happens daily and the child withdraws into the protective shell low self esteem, low self belief and low self confidence. The matter progresses further in that we are always compared to siblings, family or friends. “Why cant you be more like your brother”, “your cousins studying to become a Dr., what are you studying”…Then comes love and as I always say, first romances always end in tragedy. Ask Romeo and Juliet…Hormones rage, so does fear of change yet emotions mature. We all have ended up heart broken, there are no exceptions.

At school, some teachers drive down your self esteem and confidence…instead of uplifting and teaching you, they speak down to you and ridicule you, not because you are a slow learner…perhaps because they are poor teachers? If life is an on going painful fight for your psychological existence of self esteem, self belief and self confidence how are you to shine like the star that you are? While this may fuel the quitter in you and may justify why you are still playing small, living in your shadows and are not living true to your potential and neither living your dream life, the time has come…the time has come for you to take 100% ownership and responsibility for your life. You cant blame your parents, friends, teachers and others for your failures or surrender to mediocrity. You can only take responsibility for both where you are and where you want to be.

This is deeply personal to both you and I. Just imagine having unlimited self esteem, self belief and self confidence to cast off the shadows of failure and adopt the light of possibility? Just imagine if you walked into your dream career, where you are making a meaningful difference in the lives of the people you served? Imagine creating your dream life and living true to your potential? Imagine all that was possible for you happening right now? You know what I would say? I would say “WAKE UP”!!! Imagination alone will not take you there.

What if you sacrificed just a few months of your life to craft your dream body, your financial status, your dream partner, your dream home, your emotional independence and financial success? The time is going to pass anyway…if you do nothing, you get nothing. Do something, do something spectacular, something phenomenal, something inspiring, something hair raising. The alternative is to play dead…eat, sleep, work, commute, rest, entertain and start again…where is the fireworks in that I ask you???

Andrew Carnegie “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy & inspires your hopes”. If you want to create fireworks, want to feel like you can walk on water and achieve fabulous results in your life don’t delay. The time is NOW! Ke Nako!

Make 2015 your best year yet…Invest in your development, join me as we unleash your potential and the genius within you to soar with the eagles. To live this life fulfilled with results in health, wealth, education, relationships, in spirituality, in community. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate or you are bound live a life of dull and boring, work and bills…stress and worry…


As I said, this is deeply personal, personal to you and I…Unleash your Mastery…this is no dress rehearsal, this is it. Your life, your time..how you spend it minute to minute will determine your life. Spend it with us…Masters and Students of Mastery.

Saturday, 28th March 2015

From 9am till 5pm

Maropeng Conference Centre

Book Now: mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com

Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery 28 March 2015