Vinesh Maharaj: Your coach and partner in success

Inspirational – Motivational – Educational

Vinesh Maharaj:  Your coach and partner in success


Why You Must Stay Motivated by Vinesh MaharajIt’s no secret the world is filled with negative people, sharing negativity…and frequently so.  From the half hourly news bulletins, to Twitter, Facebook and the nosy neighbours.   Everywhere, people are suffering the disease of negativity.  Some of them spew it forth fervently everywhere they go, be it at the wedding, the funeral, the coffee machine or the water cooler.  It’s like they have an auto-send function built into their brain, talking before thinking, performing mass dumps on your consciousness.

Beware of the negativity pukers.  They will take over your think, they will infect you with their disease as easily as the flu virus is spread through a cough or a sneeze.  It’s that easy.  The consequences for you, is that your vision, ambition and goals will be blurred by their many layers of negativity.  The have a problem for every solution.  They are intent on keeping you trapped in their bleak reality.

Here are five negativity pukers you must avoid:

  1. The quitter – Beware the quitting pessimist.  How much can you learn from a quitter?  Probably just the lesson to never quit.  Quitting activates the quitters muscles.  Quit once and you begin the road most travelled.  Beware the quitter…it may start a habit you will one day regret.  They will share every negative thing that happened to them and that you should avoid their peril.  Don’t lend your ears to a quitter.  He will keep you trapped as a spectator to your dream life.
  2. The media – We all want to be in the know.  To know what’s happening in the world…but then it gets all skew. Bad news outsells good news.  Repeated exposure to bad news creates a self fulfilling prophecy.  Economists forecast slow growth, the media drives the nails in the coffin and voila…growth is slow.  Guess what…If you went on a carrot only diet, guess what colour you will end up?  Yes you bet…orange.  Beware what you “consume”.
  3. The gossip monger – The gossip monger will infect you at every turn with their deadly venom of office doom and gloom, the economic meltdown, the cheating CEO, the system is rigged against them…and you…blah, blah, blah…run forest, run…get the heck out of there.  Yesterday won’t be fast enough.
  4.  The well meaning dream shrinkers – Don’t risk it.  It’s tough out there. Don’t take risks, is it worth it, why do you need more?  Just relax, settle down, take it easy… Beware…the well meaning dream shrinkers.  Why do you want more?  Isn’t it too risky?  …etc, etc, etc.  Sounds like your mom , dad or other family members who out of fear want to keep you “safe”.  The fear of failure has them so wound up they don’t want to see you get hurt.  They will shrink your dreams from mountains to mustard seeds.  Watch out for them.
  5. The haters – Haters, hate that others are getting ahead and they’re getting left behind.  They can’t offer you any value except bitter hatred and want to hold anyone and everyone behind, including you.  They will share every negative ideology about anything you pursue.  You want to go on holiday overseas…he will tell you to beware of the high rate of airplane fatalities,  he will tell you how dangerous the world is with suicide bombers, he will tell you how weak the rand is, how dangerous the locals are, how there may be a tsunami…haters hate, the sooner you identify them, the better.  Then avoid them like cancer.

The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of Self Motivation.  Learn how to grow and dominate your think, your attitudes and your beliefs.  Should you fail yourself, others will dominate you.  They will determine your worth, value and contribution, limiting you to their definition of you as opposed to your full potential.

You must motivate yourself, daily.  You must choose your thoughts, beliefs and associates that inspire, motivate and activate the best in you.  If they can’t uplift you, they will suppress you.  Substitute them with those that catalyze your potential, fertilising and igniting you…from a spark to a flame to an atomic success.  You owe it to yourself to stay motivated, for if not, you will watch your dreams wither, shrink, get ridiculed and tramped upon by the unsupportive negative masses.  You must stay motivated, for if you don’t, you will never likely succeed at anything except being average…the curse of our times.  You must stay motivated just to keep you focused on the goals and opportunities, not the distractions and the problems, for they are limitless.  To counter them, amp up your motivation and keep on, keeping on.

I challenge you to discover the bliss in motivation, to wake up amped every day.  To eliminate the negativity pukers and to own your think.  Then go to work like a madman on your goals.   “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily” said Zig Ziglar.

Want Vinesh Maharaj at your next Conference, Team Building or Team meeting, to motivate attitudes, behaviours and results…inquire today at;

For invitations to public programs like Vinesh Maharaj – PERSONAL MASTERY, send us an email to to keep you updated on the upcoming events.


Let’s talk truth…governments around the world are weak, economists forecasts for the world’s economy is bleak, employment numbers are up and many are cowering in fear, surrendering to the status quo, adopting the excuses of the media and the masses.MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN by Vinesh Maharaj

Now let me flip the coin on you…governments are still collecting billions in taxes, economies (personal and business) are growing, companies are minting dollars and many are taking advantage and are rising above the dictates of mass hysteria and media gloom.

The old adage; “is the glass half full or half empty”.  Yes it’s all perspective.  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or do you see the opportunity?  You can hide behind excuses or you can rise to action.  Even in the world’s most depressed economies there are new millionaire and billionaire debutants.  How do you explain that?  Well, simply it means those people are dictating their own reality.  The refuse to subscribe to the opinions of others, for factually is the glass half empty or half full is really just an opinion, reflecting your reality.

You must ask, are you your own enemy, holding yourself back on the accounts of others…forcing their reality upon you?  Reality is a choice.  Winners are creating their own reality perpetually.  They see the way around, through, over and under the “problem”, for they see them as opportunities.  They are willing to do what others are not willing to do, because everyone else only sees the pain.  Winners only see the gain which they are willing to pay for with effort.

The next time you choose your reality ask yourself?  Am I a victim of my own reality?  Or am I championing my cause, from the front, creating a reality that serves my success?  Are you getting down and dirty where others want to keep their hands clean?  By making more calls, investing in your networks, growing your skills and pushing harder while others are retreating, you are are sure to dominate the future.  If you fall asleep at the wheel, surely you can’t win the race.  So wake up and get committed, creating a reality that sees you and your team mount the summit of success.

Stop being your own enemy.  Commit to never becoming a victim of your own dogma.  Rather champion your reality and make it happen.

For more and to Book Vinesh Maharaj to speak at your next Conference, Team Building or Staff Meeting contact us today:

+27 84 990 1539


Sales Trainer I Motivational Speaker I Johannesburg, South Africa

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Why You Aren’t Motivated

Why You Aren't Motivated by Vinesh Maharaj
We all want to be fabulously rich, have sleek, hunky bodies, enjoy traveling the world
and having tons of free time to spend with friends and family etc. We all have good intentions to get there but as we all know, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The irony is that you, already know what you need to do in order to achieve these and more for yourself but you are constantly trading time, money, effort and a whack of excuses and never get to it, because you lack the motivation to do so.
The dictionary defines motivation as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”, or “the general desire or willingness of someone to do something”. So most people either out of sheer laziness or procrastination just never rise to the occasion.
Here is why you lack motivation:
1. You’re lazy – Yes I said it. You’re lazy. The work is not worth the reward. The couch is more comfortable than the pavements of sweat and hard work. The pleasure (result) of the grind pales in comparison to the pain of sweat and work. The value proposition of doing the work (EFFORT/REWARD ratio) does not inspire you.
2. You’re a professional procrastinator – 80% of the world’s population are professional procrastinators. Later, tomorrow, when I’m not tired, when pigs learn to fly…It’s a lie you feed yourself. The truth is you aren’t wanting/willing or interested in doing it at all. It makes you feel better to say later, than to admit the truth.
3. You don’t know what to do – Because you’re doing something you haven’t done before…you are getting uncomfortable and don’t have the road map, the tour guide or the manual to execute on your goals. You then hang up on yourself until you feel ready.
4. You don’t have enough WHY – You don’t have enough reasons for your success. Stack them up, count them, feel them, work them. Why do you want it? What will it mean to you?
5. You are not obsessed with your goals – Your lack of obsession with your goals means you enjoy massive amounts of distraction. Your distractions keep you unfocused, inactive and underperforming. Target lost…again.
Want to break through? Heres how:
1. Commit to overcoming your laziness – Start with admission. At the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or GA (Gambling Anonymous) all work on this principle. Start with speaking your truth, it shall set you free.
2. Immerse yourself in ACTION – START! By getting deeply immersed in action, you kick the habit of procrastination. Activate the “DO IT NOW” muscle. The muscles always there. Just commit to getting started.
3. Get skilled/trained/coached – There are endless resources at your disposal to acquire the skills you need. Google returned these searching “find a coach” (About 172 000 000 results (0,53 seconds) ). There is a Youtube video for everything. “Seek and ye shall find”. There are really no excuses for not knowing, not in this information age. Get it done.
4. Find your WHY – List, Stack, Emotionalize your WHY. How would I feel if I achieved this goal? How would you celebrate the goal achievement? How many reasons can you list to drive your achievement. Are these “why’s” sincerely from your heart…do you feel them vibrating at your core…?
5. Get obsessed – Immersion, singular focus and obsession will ensure you are not distracted by the whims of others. TV, social media, chit-chat and meaningless activities will fail to distract you because obsession means, eating, drinking and sleeping your goals. An obsessed man will climb Everest regardless of the many life threatening conditions. HE’S OBSESSED.
What’s your Everest? What’s your plan to get there? Who is in your support staff? When will you summit? Get on with it, the time has never been better than right now. Carpe diem or die a slow and meaningless life. Get motivated man, lifes passing by…
Vinesh Maharaj is a professional public speaker who is obsessed about getting you and your team going to the next level of achievement. Let your next conference, team building or team meeting echo with resounding success, commitment and motivation to do whatever it takes.
+27 84 990 1539

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Pain or Pleasure? What Drives You?

NLPAll human decisions and acts are to either avoid pain or to enjoy pleasure.  Yet, what seems painful to one person may be pleasurable to another such as the recent Comrades marathon.  Thousands of people felt drawn to the pain of the event in pursuit of the pleasure in completing it.  Some people have a high threshold for pain in the form of poverty, obesity, unhappiness etc.  Others in fear of those, do all they can to accelerate the great escape from pain.  Others are instantly attracted to the pleasure of wealth, a slim and trim physique and chooses emotional wellness over unhappiness.

Everything we do is to either enjoy the suffering of pain (self inflicted or complicit) or to enjoy the pleasure of achieving.  According to Anthony Robbins and the practitioners of Neuro Linguistic Programming, all humans have Six Basic Needs in a sequence and combination which is unique to you.  So ask your self what drives you?

Here are the six basic human needs that drives behaviour…

1. Certainty: Some people are seeking the assurance that they can avoid pain and enjoy pleasure.  Some of us even want to be certain of our appointment with death.

2. Uncertainty OR Variety: This is the need for the variety of the unknown or the requirement of change or some new stimulus.  These are generally people with the need for new and ongoing adventures.

3. Significance: This is the need to feel unique, important, special or needed by others.

4. Connection OR Love: Here we speak of needing a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone, family or community and sometimes something such as a brand.

5. Growth:  This the need for expansion of capacity,ability or understanding.  The need for continuous growth, development and learning…

6. Contribution: This is a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others who are in need.  We are driven by wanting to making a difference in the lives of others.

Your task is to understand the following:

  1. Which of these drive you most?  In what sequence?
  2. How do you meet these needs.  Are your actions positive or negative in fulfilling them?
  3. What can you do from today to focus on your growth and contribution?

By understanding what drives you, you can create new patterns of excellence which can serve you, creating lasting success.

Peak personal performance comes from understanding your drivers, whilst overcoming your limitations, transcending the mediocre and embracing your potential for the complete and ultimate breakthrough, giving you Personal Mastery.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Tired of The Rat Race? Time to Break The Box!

And The Winner Of the Rat Race is....So, you wake up in a box called a bed.  You shower in a box.  You have boxed cereal.  You drive to work in a box.  You ride the box up to your office.  You speak to others on a box and you turn on your box at your desk.  You repeat the same pattern, watching TV on a box and following the instructions on the box…ultimately ending up in a box on your funeral day.  Now lets be frank, Our thoughts and actions have been shaped into this box.  Today, lets break free from box thinking.  Lets use our creativity to be limitless in health, wealth, career…

The dogma of going to a good school, getting good grades, marrying a good person and working your buns off and one day you will be happy, rich and fulfilled has left us all red faced.  We trade 40 years of full time employment for a few years of living in retirement.  We are self imprisoned to serve the dreams of others while sacrificing ours until old age.  Now lets face the brutal truth…

Get out of the box.  Stop running the treadmill of the hamster.  Start taking responsibility and accountability for your life.  A golden handshake which has become rusty over time is of no value when you trade 5 days of imprisonment for 2 days of freedom.  Emancipate yourself.  This is the new revolution.  This is the time to break free from the rat race.  There are no winners in the rat race…there are just rats.

I’m a big advocate of self employment, entrepreneurship, business ownership etc.  You should rather ‘own” the rat race, than run in it.  By owning the rat race, you create opportunities for others to fulfill their needs.  Note I’m not advocating their dreams will be fulfilled, unless it is your dream to flip burgers until death, or mop floors until age 65, or that you want to be a taxi driver as its the most fulfilling occupation under the sun.

Don’t be fooled by so many “Get Rich Quick” scams which sing out loudly “Earn R20K in 2 weeks”, “Work from Home and get Rich”, “Business Opportunity”,  “Get rich while staying at home”, they often translate into “Work for me at no pay, just commission”, “Free time”?  Its a fallacy.   It takes all your free time earn those commissions.

Lets examine how you can kick the box:

  1. Work for yourself.  Start today.  We all have hundreds of needs to be fulfilled.  Look around you.  Wherever you see problems, I see opportunities.  By solving other peoples problems, you create opportunities.
  2. Invent, create, re-invent.  The opportunities are there for manufacturing new products, offering new services or improving the services of existing businesses.  Lets consider a few examples…get together your family members and start a family business.  Use each others networks and skills and launch from the living room or garage but remember to succeed, you must exit the garage and enter formal business premises.  Why import Chinese products when we can make them ourselves?  Start a new food franchise/bakery from your home.  Start a soap manufacturing business.  Start a cosmetics company and partner with a huge distributor to reach new markets.  Develop an app that adds value.  Grow flowers for the funeral parlour.  Grow vegetables for the local store.  Resell stationary to businesses and schools.  Find a unique advantage that you can add value for your customers to compel them to do business with you.  Add value in price, quality, service.  There are endless ideas.  Choose one you love to do, grow it until it matures and the skies are truly the limits.
  3. Sell, sell, sell…The greatest ideas are useless if you cant sell them onto others.  You reach success when you achieve critical mass.  When you sell millions, to millions of customers, you are serving millions and therefore you are earning millions.  Sell to the greatest number of customers both local and international through mass reach…either a a national footprint through stores or through an online store.  While you sleep, customers can buy through your online portal, because sales grows us, our economy, our dreams, ambitions and goals.

If you are truly tired of the rat race and want a viable alternative, that’s going to take time and effort, and you are sincere about building a meaningful lifestyle geared towards your possibility, your dreams and your achievement then you cant miss this opportunity.

Start up now and grow your business from idea to fledgling to a thriving business through the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop. This Program is targeted at serious, sincere entrepreneurs who are committed to kicking the rat race in favour of running their own race.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Get out of your own way

GuiltySelf sabotage is a daily occurrence most of us choose not to focus on, or even discuss.  Yet many people are guilty of impeding their own progress through bad choices.  Choice is a wonderful equalizer.  Everyone chooses their own reality.  Your life is full of choices from rising in the morning to resting at night.  Everyone has the same 24 hours everyday and everyone chooses their own level of poverty.  For some $20K is enough per month, for others $50K or a $100K is not enough.  Do you choose to surrender at $20K?  Whats your number?  When do you surrender?

Self Sabotage affects almost everyone at some point or another.  “I have a tendency to sabotage relationships; I have a tendency to sabotage everything. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being afraid. Useless, good-for-nothing thoughts” said Michael Buble.

Personal Treason should be a punishable offense.  This will reduce or eliminate people from making poor decisions.  What is personal treason you wonder?  Well, its when you act contrary to your highest values, goals and ideals.  Here is an example.

A young college boy meets girl, gets drunk together, “falls in love”, gets her pregnant, quits college to marry and feed his new found love and new arrival. He chose the girl over his education.  He chose alcohol over common sense.  He then chose to have unprotected sex risking several STD’s, unwanted pregnancy and perhaps even the deathly HIV.  He then chooses marry as it’s “the right thing to do” after all the wrong things he has done…  This is a typical example of personal treason.  His life could have been so different had he made better choices.  Now he trades 5 days a week to survive on a white collar salary and numbs himself over the weekends watching sport, drinking beer and eating away his pain.  Personal Treason can result in personal destruction as in this case.

Lets understand better choices…had the young man not gotten drunk and then chose not to have unprotected sex, he would not have  gotten his love pregnant.  He would not have to drop out of college but could have graduated and built a career as opposed to working in a dead end job, marrying the same girl he fell in love with, having and raising a beautiful family through design not through circumstance.  Thus pursuing a career as opposed to a job.

Now you may not self sabotage to this degree, but as Steve Jobs said in his Stanford commencement address in 2005, that looking forward you cant always connect the dots but by looking back you can see how choices are all interconnected and how they serve or fail you.

Here are 5 compelling ideas to stave off Personal Treason:

  1. Be the worlds best gate keeper – Keep at bay any self limiting, self defeatist, self treason thoughts, scenarios and opportunities.  A gate keeper has keen awareness of what serves your success and what sinks your success.
  2. Choose your reality – Disrupt your self defeatist thinking and instilling possibility thinking.  Make informed choices and eliminate self serve your greater good.  Choose the path of more resistance.  Instant gratification leads to long term pain.  To gain muscles, body builders choose more short term pain, heavier weights, more repetitions etc.
  3. Time/Benefit calculation (BUY NOW…PAY LATER, or PAY NOW, ENJOY LATER) Instant gratification (getting it right now and benefitting in the moment) as opposed to seeing time as a continuum staving off the short term pleasure for the long term goal.  Start by calculating the pro’s and the cons of your impending decisions.  All instant gratification comes at a price…
  4. Price/Value proposition – By establishing the price of immediate actions versus delayed gratification…which one comes at a higher price?
  5. Enable your success – Ensure that everything you do is consistent with your road map to “Success-ville”.  Those short detours to instant gratification can lead you down the slippery slopes of destruction.

So get out of your own way and summit the peaks of your personal performance.  Stop self sabotaging and start creating, networking, dreaming and planning your great escape from the jails of personal treason imprisonment.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 7 Practical Steps to Getting What You Want

Monday Mental Protein by Vinesh MaharajWaking up early can be challenging with the cold dreary mornings, foggy skies and frosty air if you have no all-consuming-purpose.  Mine, is to share the message of possibility, abundance, opportunity  and mastery if you just awaken to it.  Slumbering through life is not an option for you, is it?  The cold early mornings are a breath of fresh air.  As I sip on my coffee, I reminisce on it’s flavour, enjoying its comfort while updating my journal of the activities, meetings and relationships I need to serve, I wish to share with you that the key to success is not just big hair raising goals alone.  Goals are a measure…but people, human relationships and superior human interactions is the way and the means.

People unlock doors of opportunity if they like and trust you.  People will either sing your praise or be the cause of your demise.  Long after you have left the room, people will remember how you made them feel.  Does the waft of roses remain or that of thorns cutting through bloody flesh?  In every sphere of reality, unless you are a renounced monk in the Himalaya’s, who has carried a vow of no interactions, a vow of complete silence meditating upon self realization, we are constantly surrounded by people.  Best then to master human relationships as it is one of the keys to the combination lock; success.

Remember that everyone around you is a potential battery, powerful beacon or communication station.  Batteries that can recharge you through tough times.  A beacon of hope and inspiration and your greatest advocates, singing your (song) message.  By increasing your batteries, beacons and communication stations, you will increase the friendship, love and value in your life benefitting both your personal and professional lives,  while simultaneously launching an avalanche of construction of your purpose.

  1. Acknowledge your shortcomings.  The last time I checked no one is perfect.  Get to work on self improvement.  If you don’t work on yourself, who will?  Start investing in your non academic education (How to Win Friends and Influence people – Dale Carnegie is a great start) to increase your human relationships.  Acquire new skills, master new habits and acquire relevant knowledge in becoming a master of relationships.
  2. Stay humble.  I don’t mean become a door mat.  I mean keep your feet on the ground and your heads out of the clouds.  No one enjoys the company of an arrogant, self absorbed, egotist.  Real humility opens doors to endless opportunities.  Don’t let success, money or status get to your head.  Remember, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” and “pride comes just before a fall”.  So stay humble.
  3. Stop judging, start understanding.  In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey he speaks of Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.  The world will be brighter if we all adopted this simple, yet extremely difficult path.  We are too confined to being right, heard or being better.  Instead, change your lenses and see the world through other peoples eyes.  While it’s largely the same view, reality may be transparently different.
  4. Make a difference.  Whats the use of long winded talks about making the world a better place?  Or discussing world peace?  Or complaining about the poor state of affairs.  Lets get active and be champions of change.  Whining has never won any friends, neither has complaining.  Lets act for change.  Lets walk our talk and make a difference in the lives you are surrounded by.
  5. Adjust your attitude.  You are not a victim unless you CHOOSE to become one.  By adjusting your attitude you can overcome almost any challenge or situation.  Sometimes all you have is your attitude, like Victor Frankl who was confined to a Nazi concentration camp where death was certain.  Through a small attitudinal adjustment, not only did he survive but went on to becoming a respected author, neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor.
  6. Give more than you are expected to.  Give more in love, in support, in friendship.  He who gives is supremely richer than he, the taker who constantly takes and takes and takes without watering the tree that feeds him or her.  Provide more value and give more.  There are endless ways to give more.  Start today with a warm smile and a heart-felt greeting…not only will your friends, family, customers and colleagues be delighted, you too will feel a wave of warmth overcoming you.
  7. Service is the only way.  Everyone is a servant.  Even the president.  He serves the peoples needs.  No one person can claim I am not a servant.  By serving the needs of others, invariably your needs are met.  Increase your rate of service, improve your quality, improve your mood of service and great destinations are possible for you.  Serve those around you and your value to them increases.

Remember that people create opportunities, people buy from people, people support people.  Thus after yourself, your greatest investment is in other people, for through them your goals are realized.  So get started today by sending personalized notes and cards.  Make a warm call to an old friend, relative or customer.  Then stay in touch as is regular as is required.  Nurture the people and the people will nurture you, your goals and your success.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.  Though inspired and motivated staff who share values, you can move mountains.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 084 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Sowing Seeds of Success

Sowing Seeds of SuccessSeeds are the birthright of future goals or achievement.

Daily, we are either sowing seeds of doubt, fear and failure or seeds of confidence, courage, success and achievement.  Seeds are the thoughts and actions which when applied with a successful formula, germinate and create your desired outcomes.  No school, college or university teach the Art Of Seeding which explains why so many people are harvesting the bitter fruits of self destruction, financial meltdown, marital failure, career disaster and so forth.

Its common knowledge that within an apple, is a potential orchard.  Similarly, within you there is an infinity of riches of all kinds; Health, Wealth, Family, Friends, Community, Spirituality etc.  Why then are so few people living in full potential?

To manifest success, a deep internal realization and awakening must first happen.  The realization that its all, already within you (BELIEF).  Followed by it is possible for you (POSSIBILITY),  along with the INSPIRATION to work at toiling the soils of success until manifestation is achieved.


There are no short cuts to going anywhere worthwhile.   Success its-self must be earned.   Success is not an event.  It’s a process.  Don’t seek financial freedom in an event such as the “LOTTO”, “when I land that DEAL”, when “I earn $1Mil“, “when I get a RAISE”.  LOTTO winners end up broke or dead within 5 years.  Any lasting and meaningful place to go to in health, wealth and any other is a process.  A series of incremental activities which yield the final RESULT.


If you sow apple seeds, you cant expect strawberries.  Be crystal clear about what you want and what you sow.  Some people often get mixed results not understanding the fundamentals that THOUGHTS and ACTIONS must always be congruent.  You cant think of Paris but drive to Parys…You can’t think of wealth sometimes but your ever consuming fear is poverty.  You cant think diet but live on fast foods etc.  Be clear, consistent and congruent in your seeding and your harvest will yield exactly what you had sown.


Luck is defined as “when preparation meets opportunity”.  I am a great believer in creating my own luck through being best prepared for success.  This includes knowing WHEN and WHAT to sow.  There are seasons for sowing and seasons for harvesting.  That’s how nature maintains perfect balance.  Don’t sow today, for today.  Sow for tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, the next decade, the next century etc.  Take a long term view of success.  We are not gambling for random, instant results.  Rather, we are planning and preparing, using the infallible laws of nature.  Preparation  creates opportunity.

Seed quality makes or breaks your best laid plans.  If your seeds are past its sell by date, you have a serious setback.  If the quality of your thoughts and acts are weak, inconsistent and incoherent, you are destined for “The Farm-ville of Failure”.  Quality of thoughts, planning and execution is pivotal to creating and manifesting your success.  Ensure your seeds are world class for what you sow, you shall reap.  Sow junk…harvest junk!  To reap a  world-class harvest you must sow world class seeds. So take time to ensure your quality, before, during and after.  Don’t feel confined, rather feel liberated in that you can remove, change and influence your harvest by acting on your quality.

Fertile soil is a prerequisite for any crop to yield its full potential.  Don’t sow in dry, arid, barren lands.  Ensure your ideas are implemented in the fertile soils of opportunity.  Sometimes you have to create the environment for your success.  Water and fertilize your plans, contacts and environment until it becomes ready for sowing.  At other times you may have to find lands (environment and contacts) better suited to your plans and ideas for the (time/money/value) cost of cultivating the soil may see your opportunity pass due to competition (who may beat you to market), a change of season (late to harvest) or a marked decline in demand.

Every farmer has help.  He seeks the hands that will bring him the desired outcomes…a bountiful harvest.  Hands, with years of experience.  Ensure you are generous enough to seek the right help with experience to manifest your dreams.  If not, your well laid out seeding plans, may just come to a pile of dust for your lack of experience.  Experience is wisdom acquired through self study, learning and doing the very thing you are trying to execute.  Get the best hands you can afford to increase your probability for succeeding.

Let it rain abundance.  To further increase your success, orchestrate the rains of success…abundance.  You will require fertilizer, water, sunshine etc. to create abundance.  Ensure your circumstances allow for the rains of abundance.  How to create abundance you may ask?  Firstly, start by sowing abundance with others.  If it is money you want, start by being generous to family, friends, charities etc.  Whatever you give, you get….ten fold.  If it is love you want…give it.  Give it freely.  To increase your social circle hook up with other socialites and create opportunities for others.  Zig Ziglar said “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”.  Abundance is everywhere, you can see it in everything.  Let it rain an abundant harvest in your life.  In your career, In your business.  In your relationships.  The way to abundance is seeding.  Start today…To harvest a life of self confidence, courage, success and achievement partner with me at my upcoming Personal Mastery Program to sow your dream life.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539
