CUSTOMER SERVICES: 8 Must Learn Lessons

Whether you love, or hate the local fast food joints, you have to give credit where credit is due.  I’m certainly not referring to the highly processed, salty, fat infused, fried, nutrition-less foods they serve.  There are other Customer Service gems you can take away from these chains, along with your take out.












Here is some food for thought.  No pun intended.

Organization & Planning 

The organization and planning that goes into these well run, global fast food chains is world class.  Have you ever heard of them running out of anything?  They keep their customers happy, time and time again.  They understand their business so well, they know the demand of their product and serve them with a smile.  They plan meticulously and they get it right.

Time management

Some fast food chains operate 24 hours a day to keep their loyal following, following.  Did you know in some of these fast food chains you can get a full meal in about 1 minute?  They serve it up fast food style.  Saving you time.


They are committed to keeping their diners spotless.  Not just the tables and floors but their kitchens are almost surgically clean.  They get that you value hygiene and they clean to impress.

Team work

They are a well oiled unit.  Each person performing a unique, yet related activity to serve you, their loyal customer.  Everyone has a specialized function and knows their job so well, there is little to no room for error.  They work like a team with one goal in mind.  Keep them coming back again and again and again…


Every store you visit serves it up in exactly the same way.  Its consistent in size, shape, presentation, taste, time, cost, packaging etc.  They get that the recipe of success can be duplicated.  They are consistent and that keeps their customer loyalty high.


They provide a valued service to their customers.  To provide you with convenience, they also have a delivery and a drive through service.  Ingenious.


There is a product on their menu’s for every budget.  As Warren Buffet said “price is what you pay, value is what you get”.  You can feed an entire family rather inexpensively without taking into account the cost of your time had you spent the evening cooking.

Staff Training

Most of these fast food company’s have excellent training facilities which have the newbies oriented with the culture, ethos, values and mission of the company.  No newbie is unleashed into the stores until they have a firm, full grip on competencies required to fulfill the quality and service requirements mandated by the chain.  The newbies can spend weeks to months in incubation, mastering their craft.


The fast food chain staff are so well trained they always ask to up-sell or cross sell you when you place your order.  The next time you visit, listen for the magic words:  “Sir, can I upsize your order” or Ma’am, would you like dessert with that”?

The next time you are at one of the infamous fast food chains, look around you and observe how they execute the customer services trap.  Take stock of  “When was I last here?  What do I usually order?  Why do I keep coming back?”  etc.  The fact that they serve the “needs” of their customers keeps their balance sheet healthy and the queues lining up.

At the VINESH MAHARAJ Customer Excellence Program 2014 you will uncover the secrets to exceptional customer services.  You will get the strategies to keep you world class, the tips and tools to keep you ahead of the pack and the “how to’s” to accelerate your business growth, building a healthy balance sheet and queues lining up outside your door.

I’m your coach and partner in success…



Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


I'm your coach and partner in success...

I’m your coach and partner in success…