MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Lessons from the Road

Life can teach you many lessons if you just took the time to listen.  Reflect on every experience you have had.  There are always gems within every adversity.


Today I want to share with you one that I learnt on the road last week.  On route to a well known, respected entrepreneur empowerment company about 400 Km’s (248,5 miles) and 4hrs from my offices, to a little known town Lephalale in Limpopo, South Africa, home to some of the best game reserves in Africa with the Big 5 animals; The mighty king of the jungle the Lion, the African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard and the endangered Rhino, world class cuisine, beautiful green bushes, red sands, beautiful blue skies, a sun shining day.  The world never looked prettier.

Big 5

Regrettably, there was no cellular network for 3 straight hours on route and I wondered what I would do had I broke down, had an accident or any other roadside emergency?  Not allowing my mind to dwell on all the doom and gloom I kept focus on my presentation materials, the message I needed to deliver to my client and how I would help them fulfill their objectives.  Fortunately the day proceeded smoothly as planned and I made my way back home.  The client was overjoyed, I was satisfied and all that stood before me was the 4 hour commute back to Johannesburg through the serene, tranquility of mother nature and the road ahead.

The journey was pleasant with great weather, some fine music running through my stereo and my thoughts on my goals and objectives for the rest of the week until after 63 Km’s, the road was suddenly and abruptly CLOSED!!!  Upon inquiry I discovered that part of the road was washed away by the recent petulant rains that pounded the region for days incessantly and there was a 10 metre deep and 30 metre long stretch of road, gone.  There was no way over it, nor around it.  The only way was back to Lephalale and then take another route out to Johannesburg.

With sweat on my brow, the thought of going back, to go forward seemed too much to consider and opted for the road less travelled in search of the promised land.  The road less travelled was literally an off road, un-tarred, gravel road.  There were other dynamics which I had to consider:

  • Fuel – I was planned to refuel at the next town about 103 Km’s away as I was down to about 150 Km’s available and was watching my fuel gauge drop.  With each drop, my heart sank deeper and deeper still fearing the worst; getting stranded on a remote unused side road, not knowing how long and far the off road would take to eventually get me to a filling station.
  • Road worthiness – The roads are for off road vehicles, SUV’s, 4×4’s and similar.  Not for a sedan, which I drove.
  • Humps, ditches, mud and water – were gorged randomly on the road, making it extremely difficult and dangerous to navigate at times.
  • Time – The clock was ticking, I wanted to get back to Johannesburg, quickly and safely.
  • Safety, security and roadside assistance – “What if” played on my mind like a bad melody understanding I had no signal on my cellular network…

The journey gave me time for introspection.  Was I going to let what could happen dampen my mind, nervous system, and body (doom and gloom, heightened blood pressure and stress, fear and anxiety) be overcome with what could happen?

Quality thinking:

Thankfully, the many years of mental and emotional mastery ripped into gear.  I am not a victim.  I am a perpetrator.  I will deal with whatever I need to deal with, if and when it happens.  I cant cross bridges before I reach them.  I am a quality thinker.  I was not going to be the deer in the headlights.

Focused thinking:

I immediately refocused my mind on all the great things happening to me.  I’m away from the busyness of city life.  I’m in the tranquility of mother nature.  I could either enjoy taking in her beauty, or stress about what might happen.  I don’t have my phone ringing incessantly with emails, calls and messages.  I could really get down to deep, focused thinking.

Quality Questions:

I asked myself what can you learn from this and share with your family, friends, colleagues?  As that thought permeated my mind a 4 x 4 approached and I flagged down the traveller and asked more quality questions.  How far to go, how is the road ahead, what are the potential dangers and pitfalls etc?

Heres are some points I wanted to share with you:

  1. THINKING – You can choose your thoughts and outcomes, or run wild in auto pilot doom and gloom thinking.
  2. SUCCEED – You can either live in fear facing challenges, or we can live with adventure in succeeding at them.
  3. LEARN – You can choose to berate yourself, or you can choose to learn.
  4. ASK – You can either ask for assistance or go it your own and possibly land in the crocodile infested pit.
  5. ATTITUDE – You have the choice of attitude; how to respond to your challenges

“The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, a driver called Will Power, you will make it to a place called Success.” ― Unknown

Needless to say I made it back safely.  Next week I will share more of the gory details and will share with you the many practical gems I came away with.

Wishing you a fabulous week ahead in the achievement of your goals, converting them from dreams into reality.

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj



Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



Weekend Warriors Ahoy!

Weekend Warriors Ahoy!

What will you do differently or better than you did last weekend?

Here is one powerful idea to stoke your engine of achievement:

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing” – Benjamin Franklin

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj



The sales profession can either be extremely rewarding or as tough as nails.  Its really your choice on which side of the field you want to operate.

Today I want to share with you 3 ways to increase your sales numbers:

  1. Data Management – Regrettably more often than not we ignore what the data says, not understanding its value in forecasting and projecting.  Data management refers to your customers information like, buy cycles, product holding, average spend, last spend etc.  Invaluable information, if you know how to make it work for you.  In my key note talk I address the 5 keys to exceeding your targets through data management.  At the Sales training workshop we go on to explore an additional 10 methods.
  2. Mobility – The world has become a small village.  If you have the advantages of the technology we have accessible today, your mobility should actually increase your productivity.  Mobility of access to online data, products, reports of trends etc.  This means you no longer need be in your office…ever.  Your cell phone, note book or tablet could be all you ever need.  Learn how to master these through my Sales Key note talk where we provide 3 powerful productivity enhancing habits every sales professional requires.
  3. Social – This is avenue underutilized by most sales professionals.  Here I refer to the social media tools to stay in contact with your valued customers.  You can use the tools, to build relations and trust, to provide quality information and new products, services and ideas to your customers.  Every sales professional NEEDS to have that rapport with his network.  It leads to bigger and better networks over time, bringing you new, qualified prospective clients if you can identify and maximize the opportunity as it presents itself.  At my Sales Key note talk I show you how 3 powerful tools can turn your business around, while at the Sales training program we go even deeper to uncover the 5 principles of “sales talk” without selling concepts and application.

If you’re a sales professional ensure that you are at you A-game.  If not you wont be harvesting A rate customers.

I’m your coach and partner in success.

Vinesh Maharaj



Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477




We sometimes hear of harrowing, horrendous customer services-less experiences.  A lack of service, so atrocious it borders on “crimes against humanity”.  Those victims will never trust your adverts, false promises and false smiles again…ever!  All they will bear are the scars of dealing with you and your organization.  Not because you sell bad products or services but because you do not go the first mile for them, how will you go the extra mile.

Today I want to unpack with you why you need to keep up your A-game, caring for your customers.  Failure to serve the needs of your customers in a warm, pleasant, professional and solutions based manner will send them marching into your competitors arms quicker than a bee to nectar.

Experience is everything today.  Look around you…we all have surround sound, 3D movies, life-like amusement parks who provide first class life-like experiences.  When your customers experience your customer care in a positive, mind blowing, lets do that again kind of way based on customer excellence, they will want more and more of your products and services.

Here are 5 ways to CARE for YOUR CUSTOMERS:

  1. Show up – Go beyond lip service.  Actions instill FAITH, while words can be construed as meaningless.
  2. Showing you CARE, builds LOYALTY.   You, your customer and your organization will benefit at the end of the day.  Customers get to enjoy your products and services while your bottom line will smile healthily.
  3. Avoid Brand Tarnish – Brand tarnish, cant easily be removed, even with the worlds best stain remover, so rather go BRAND BUILDING.
  4. Your marketing and adverting will yield rewards through your brand ambassadors;  happy, cared for customers whose WORD OF MOUTH will sell you hard at the sports grounds, barbecues and at family outings.
  5. If you care SINCERELY, your customers will drive miles, passing your competitors just to support you.

Let these motivate you to offer more value than the market does.  Not just in products and services but in customer care. Its when times are tough that you will miss your clients lost through the customer services bleed.  Rather stem the loss with a high dose of sincerity, relationship and brand building by becoming a champion for your customer.

Don’t follow the herd, set your customer care standard so high, your competitors will be speechless.

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj




Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 5 Key Focus Areas for your Personal Mastery

Everything we are, is based on our past. Be it thought, words or acts, we either celebrate our greatness or we suffer our mediocrity with pain.

Today I want to help you shape your future into one of outrageous achievement. Regardless of your goals, the principles are universal. They cut across race, gender, religion, economic status etc. They are there for all those who wish to excel. For those of you who aspire to go beyond average and who are willing to put in the effort and time, victory is certain.

Why is it that there are so many average thinkers who have created exceptional results? Think of some your school friends or work colleagues. Are they better than you? No, they just discovered the formula for success in some arena of excellence.

Here are 5 key focus areas for your mastery:

Think, talk and act like a winner – No faking it. This is creation and manifestation. Do you think Bill Gates thinks about problems in his life? Thankfully he does not. He is a solutions man. His inner speak is confident about success. You may not see it on the outside but his internal dialogue is that of a winner. Another case in point. Do you think Tiger Woods is concerned about losing? Only on the 8th day of the week. He is always thinking and talking to himself about his success, causing consistency in his actions about victory.  So from today; Think, talk and act like a winner.

Become relentless – Do you think the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell thought of quitting? Even when the world thought they were gone crazy, even at the threat of being institutionalized, the thought never entered their minds. The only thing they ate, drank and slept was their ultimate success. They were relentless. What are you relentless about?

Coaches, Mentors and Master Mind groups – The very best of the best have Coaches, Mentors and Master Mind groups to keep them as sharp as a razors edge. Can you imagine Donald Trump being “blunt”, uncertain and confused about which way to go on his next property deal? Never! The worlds best have business mentors, fitness coaches, grooming consultants, relationship coaches and even psychologists and hynotherapists who help keep them at their A-game. Its a well known secret that that the star with the best support team has the odds stacked in his favour. Who is your support team?

Ask better questions – Most people seek knowledge through reading and learning. Thats great for while you are at school. In the school of life, directed questions can speed up your learning experience as it is targeted for your outcomes. Imagine having an “encyclopedia” you can turn to any page with just the information you sought to handle a challenge you are unsure of? If you can leverage your “support team”; mentors and coaches with quality questions, you will make better decisions, faster with a greater chance of success.  They wont just give you the answers but they will give you the tools to handle your situation better and teach you the art of quality decision making.

Diamonds in your back yard – Don’t ever discount the people in your network or opportunities within your view. There are often untapped gems within your circle. This includes opportunities you are blind too. They are just under your nose but either you fail to see them or fail to see the value in them. Don’t miss out. Most often the opportunities we seek are staring us in the face but we have a “scotoma”. This is defined in medicine as “a partial loss of vision or a blind spot in an otherwise normal visual field”. Its in our blind spot. The right conversation with an unassuming friend, relative or colleague may set you off into the major league for he or she could network you, introduce you or open your eyes to the world of opportunities you were unaware of. You may be living in a diamond field but only see the coal.  So before you look outside, look inside!

If you are really tired of mediocrity, I challenge you.  I challenge you live your best life, with purpose and passion.  Start today with small, consistent steps of mastery.  Make everyday an adventure.  Imagine you were writing your life story.  Would it be one of, would have’s, could have’s and should have’s?  I sincerely doubt it.  Live true to your potential for greatness is the spark within all of us.  Fan and fuel it and watch the inferno of unstoppable, outrageous achievement grow.  You cant rewrite the past but you sure can script the future.

Why stand small, when you can stand tall?

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj


Thomas Edison.Resilience.Vinesh Maharaj



Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


SALES OBJECTIONS: Price Handled Professionally

Some sales people take objections personally.  It angers and frustrates them, ruining an entire day and sometimes a entire week.  Naturally no one wants to hear the dreaded “NO!”.  Once you grasp that its a fact of life and even a law of nature it becomes very understandable.

Fore mostly, you should be handling the objection on its merits.  A common objection is price.  For many people, everything is too expensive.  You hear it all the time.  The cost of living, the fuel price, the cost of private schooling etc.  The list is endless.

Secondly, you must account for the fear factor involved in parting with ones hard earned money.  Most of us were raised to build “security” and security is based around having money.  So anything that involves parting with money can be very scary for your prospective client.

Sales professionals understand rejection and never take it personally.  Here are a few practical  tips on objection handling:

VALUE – Most people are willing to spend money on things that add value to their business and personal lives.  Ensure you show them the value before you show them the price.  Once they see the value, the rest falls into place.

PEACE OF MIND – Whatever we buy, we all want peace of mind, it will leave us better off rather than worse off.  Demonstrate how your product/service will satisfy this need.  Eg.  “When your wife is dropping off your kids at school, you can continue with your business activities unhindered as the new XYZ model from CARS INC. is safe and reliable having won car of the year once again”.  

COST PER DAY – When you reduce the price into a daily price by dividing the total price by the number of days in the month, depending on the product/service it can equate to a paltry amount, sometimes less than the price of coffee or lunch.  Suddenly it does not seem that expensive to your prospective client and they will be one step closer to the purchase.

Sadly the bargain hunter may never become your client but thats his prerogative.  Yours is to focus on the clients who will benefit from your services and products , so focus with laser like intensity and close more sales.

I’m your coach and partner in success.

Vinesh Maharaj





Vinesh Maharaj, is a highly esteemed and accomplished Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. He is renowned for his practical, effective and easy to apply methods, which can be implemented immediately. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and will infect you and your team with enthusiasm and energy.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



Customer services can be as smooth as pie or as tough as nails.  One thing that I’ve uncovered as success in this arena is understanding one’s customers.

Your customer can often be like a combination lock.  Except that you may not know the combination.  Think of a large safe you are trying to pick.  An expert lock pick, can hear the numbers click into place.  You must tune in your hearing ability and understanding of what drives the customer behaviour.  When you get it all right, the numbers line up and the safe door opens.  Voila!  You have a happy, satisfied customer who will come back for more happiness.  So success in Customer services too has a success formula.

Its when you get it wrong that you should really get to grips with your customers lock code.

Here are 5 easy to use tips to unlock the unhappy customer’s code:

  1. Listen intently – Among the words is the emotion trying to be communicated.  Usually anger, disappointment, frustration etc.
  2. Apologize – Once the emotion is identified, “regret” the poor outcome.  Speak sincerely from the heart and say sorry.
  3. Take action – Resolve the matter and convert the customers emotion into a positive; happy, content, satisfied.
  4. Personalize – Call up your customer, sow goodwill and pave the future together
  5. Commit – It wont happen again

Go on and take care of your customers, for if you fail to, your competitors certainly will.

I’m your coach and partner in success…






Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and accomplished Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. He is highly regarded for his practical, effective and easy to apply methods, which can be implemented immediately. He is inspired about your Sales Success, Personal and Professional mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and infects his delegates with enthusiasm and energy.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile:  + 27 84 990 1539

Fax:  +27 86 402 0477


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 5 Core Skills to succeed at anything

Every craftsman has a tool kit, wherein he keeps his most prized tools.  Be it a mechanic, carpenter, a surgeon, a manager or CEO.  Your tools are the means to your greatness.  The sharper your tools, the greater the demand will be for your skill set.  Ask yourself what are your tools?  In life, the quality and depth of your tool kit will determine the quality of your success.

In your shoes right now is your greatest asset.  Yes, YOU.  If you grow and nurture your talents and abilities, you will be filling your toolkit with the relevant requirements to become superb at executing your craft.

Here is a short list of 5 Core Skills you need to succeed at anything:

1.  COMMUNICATE – The ability to communicate effectively is severely underrated in our existence.  Sadly this art has been overlooked for its simplicity.  Most people are resorting to micro communication based on social media tools; Whatsapp, BBM, imessenger etc. Alternatively its either poor or no communication.  The power of communication will set you apart from your competition because the stronger the communicator, the better the results. Whether you are a salesman, a manager or a politician the quality of your results is based on the the quality of your communication.  I often hear references to the “gift of the gab”, “smooth talker” etc. and can only applaud the mastery of communicator.  The “gift” was earned.  The “smoothness” was smoothed out.  No one started out being a strong communicator.  Actually we all start out ignorant babies, learning our a, b, c’s.  This communication skill is a deep science in itself for its further broken down into internal and external communication, and also in verbal and non verbal communication.  Invest in becoming a great communicator.  Remember that your next level growth depends on it.  So go on and read, study, take short courses to master this art.  President Obama is a great example of a strong communicator, Michael Jackson was a strong communicator using his body and voice to woo the whole world with his rhythm and song.  Arnold Schwarzenegger was a great communicator as The Terminator.  He immortalized the phrase “I’ll be back”.  What will you immortalize?

2.  A WILL OF IRON – The best of results come from those persons who have dogged determination to overcome any and all obstacles to their goals.  I’m talking about the super achievers who go over and above the call of necessity.  They don’t just do the needful to just survive.  They go to breaking point and hit hard, breaking down resistance or obstacles to their success.  They fight tooth and nail to succeed.  “No”, is just fuel in their engines.  “Cant” is oxygen to their combustion.  Their resolve accelerates in the face of adversity.  They have resilience like steel and won’t be broken.  The keep going, even when no one else will.  That is their greatness.  To develop a will of iron here are five simple ideas to get you going.

i.)  Rise early

ii.) Go beyond your comfort zone

iii.) Finish what you start

iv.) Never quit

v.)  Celebrate little victories

3.  BRILLIANT AT BASICS –  The best of the best are Brilliant at Basics.  The develop the recipe, master it and then take it to market.  They get that if brilliant at basics, they avoid the murky waters of challenges, problems and failure.  Ask any baker, mechanic, architect or CEO how much do they really stray from the basics?  The usual answer is never!  If the recipe or formula works, why change it? Rather brilliance comes from the most basic.  The next time you savour a delicious, warm baguette fresh from the bakery, ask yourself did the baker venture outside the brilliance zone?  Of course not.  Thats what makes that baguette brilliant.  Your brilliance is to master your fundamentals.  They are the cornerstones of your success.

4.  INNOVATE – The ability to innovate will undoubtedly set you apart from the rest of the pack.  The world is awaiting your new and improved products and services.  Finding new and better ways and methods of production, access and delivery will open new doors and pathways to success.  Sir Richard Branson is a great example of innovation.  What he did with Virgin Atlantic opened the doors to modern day, quality experiential travel.  Not only is Virgin making lots of $’s, its also championing the consumer and is constantly improving their service and astounding its customers.  He is creative, takes and creates chances and is willing to learn from failure.  Can you apply this to your situation?  Absolutely.  Go on and ask yourself “How can I make my product or service better,  more accessible, less expensive and unique to to the market”?  Keep asking your clients what they think and take notes.  Gems will fall from heaven to answer your question.  Find ways of adding immense value, after sales services and added convenience that keeps the market buying again and again.

5.  BECOME A VISIONARY – All the greats, from the beginning of time were visionaries.  Whether at art, philosophy, science or business they were the game changers. Because of them we have a longer life expectancy, better information, beauty and grace, employment and opportunity.  Visionaries are those people who see the world in 3D.  They see the challenges, opportunities and pave the way forward to creating exceptional products and services.  Here are a few you will recognize and appreciate.  Henry Ford who pioneered the motor vehicle manufacturing process to be the first to mass produce cars affordable for all.  Oprah Winfrey, who was born in a unheard of town in Mississippi.  She was raped at 9 and at 14 birthed a son who died shortly after birth.  From nothing but vision and hard work, she created an empire.  From her own TV show to owning her own production company (HARPO) to owning her own network;  OWN – Oprah Winfrey Network.  Lastly the iconic Steve Jobs; a university drop out, who “dropped into” classes like calligraphy while at campus.  He had a vision of the future with his sleek, zen like mobile creations that took the world by storm making Apple the most valuable company on the NYSE in 2011.  The ipad, iphone, ipad etc are remarkable testimony of his visionary spirit.

There are many other skills you need to add to your arsenal.  These five however will separate you from the herd and as you push the envelope watch your confidence and competence grow.  As you go through your day today identify just one that you can easily apply to strengthen your position.  Don’t settle for less.  Stop playing it small and safe.  Live with faith in yourself.  Intensify your efforts and become all that you can be.

Your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj




Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and accomplished Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. He is highly regarded for his practical, effective and easy to apply methods, which can be implemented immediately. He is inspired about your Sales Success, Personal and Professional mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and infects his delegates with enthusiasm and energy.   Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization.

Vinesh Maharaj

Your coach and partner in success…

Mobile:  +27 84 990 1539

Fax:  + 27 86 402 0477


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Weekend Warriors Ahoy!!!

Many people work office hours on weekdays.  Friday is often a jubilant day for may reasons.  The weekends upon us.  Its time to rest and recover.  For others its time to party and get down.  For many its time to spend with loved ones and do the things we cant do on weekdays.

Whatever your reasons, make sure that you find time to invest in yourself this weekend.  Here are 5 tips to make you a weekend warrior:

  1. Read something inspirational, motivational or educational
  2. Work out – swim, run or cycle.  Get your heart rate up
  3. Show up – Be there for your loved ones, share meals, laughs, hugs and kisses together
  4. Rest well – Don’t be the richest man in the grave
  5. Feed your soul – Whatever your persuasion feed your soul

I’m your coach and partner in success wishing you a weekend packed with wholesome all round goodness.

Vinesh Maharaj



SALES ACTIVITY: Numbers Never Lie!!!

The first time I heard that numbers never lie, I accepted it as truth.  However, only later did I grasp the full purport of how evident this is in every thing we do.  Most success is measured in numbers right?  Earnings, sales, incentives, commissions, weight, time, distance, laps etc.

For sales professionals this is one measure which you cannot let out of mind, nor sight.  Your sales success is governed by this statistic.  Your sales numbers never lie for they are fact based.  They tell a story of your activities.

Too many sales people delude themselves that they are “busy”.  If you are busy with low value activities then you get low value returns.  Lets not be busy, rather lets be productive in the generation of high quality sales.

Start today by managing your sales activity.  Here is how:

  1. Set and commit to daily sales goals and targets
  2. Break them into little tasks – Calls, meetings, quotes, administration etc.
  3. Measure your activity – Calls made, meetings concluded, sales achieved etc.
  4. Be truthful with yourself – Interrogate your numbers
  5. Improve – Commit to improving your activity.  No one has scored 100% to date so there is room for improvement.

For more on how to improve your sales numbers in giving you the sales edge feel free to contact me and get tangible value like many others have.  You will perfect your sales skills, generate quicker results and increase your revenue.

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

