PUSH by Vinesh MaharajPush Until Something Happens

Watch this space for details on the upcoming

VINESH MAHARAJ Personal Mastery Program

…coming this August 2015.



Personal Mastery by Vinesh Maharaj“Don’t go to the grave with the music in you. Let your life be an opus. Play every note as if it were your last”

Watch this space for the date for the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ Personal Mastery Program…coming this August



Poverty or Wealth
Bill Gates 
said it succinctly; “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, But if you die poor it is your mistake”.

Poverty, just like wealth is a choice.  We are all come into this world with nothing.  Why is it that some get to amass fabulous wealth while others with the same opportunities only amass poverty?

“In the abundance of water, a fool is thirsty” – Bob Marley

One of the foremost priorities for all is to secure personal financial freedom.  Most know the basics of money management:

  • Pay yourself first (Save 10% or more of your income every month).
  • Save more than you spend (live within your means).
  • Invest in appreciating assets not depreciating liabilities (property, stocks and bonds, not cars and credit based debt).

“Wealth is the product of a mans capacity to think” – Ayn Rand

Yet the irony is that most peoples lifestyles are out of sync with their income.  Lets understand why.  The media has created the impression that you are only successful when you own the following list:

  • You drive a German luxury car.
  • You live in a leafy green neighbourhood/golf estate.
  • You, your spouse and your kids (from birth) dress exclusively in designer brands.
  • You have the latest watch, wallet and credit cards to match your lifestyle.
  • You amass all the toys of the super rich.

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life” – David Henry Thoreau

The truth is that only the super rich 1% of the world population is being showcased on television, the news, retail magazines and reality television shows as being ultra successful and live that way.  The remaining 99% is imitating wealth but are actually deeply impoverished.

Escape the trap?

  1. DECIDE – Your duty is to make a decision…Am I to continue being part of the debt trap of appearance, or am I ready to embrace true wealth creation?  Answer this and begin a new trajectory in accumulating financial freedom.
  2. PLAN – Plan your assault against poverty.  Arm yourself for war on poverty.
  3. EDUCATE THYSELF – Educate yourself on financial freedom.  Understand the paths, the pitfalls and the potential risks inherent while working toward the rewards.
  4. ACT – Act boldly and bravely.  Take consistent, daily, weekly, monthly action to realize your financial success.  Don’t become a wall flower in your own financial management.
  5. SACRIFICE – All great achievements usually come at a great price.  Just like mediocre achievements come through a mediocre price.  Sacrifice the bling for the real thing.
  6. STAY FOCUSED – Don’t get distracted or disturbed by the media, financial institutions and other naysayers who want to keep you in the dark.  Your ignorance is their business.  They want a piece of your pie.
  7. TRACK –  Keep track of your performance.  Are you winning or losing?  Is your strategy still relevant?  Is your thinking, planning and action congruent with wealth creation?

“I think when you spread the wealth around, its good for everybody” – Barack Obama

For more on your Business Development, Sales Conference, Sales Training and Sales Coaching needs, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to showcase our products and services to help you and your organization fulfill its goals and objectives. I welcome hearing from you.

Keep smiling, keep shining!!!

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539



Man In The MirrorThe late Michael Jackson died before delivering the highly anticipated finale of his career…”THIS IS IT!!!”. A lifetime spent devoted to his musical craft, inspiring and influencing hundreds of thousands of future musicians like Neo, Chris Brown and Usher to name a few popular ones. Generations of fans from grandmothers to grand children. A multi million dollar career touching millions of lives across countries, races, economies.

It would be grossly negligent to not mention the troubles Michael Jackson suffered but that aside I want to focus on his MASTERY for who is perfect in every sense? You and I too have to “keep it in the closet”. Those old unwanted skeletons that can harm, hinder and suffocate us. Yet through mastery you can liberate yourself from your past by acting in the present, creating the future.

We are all familiar with the story of his childhood success, his marvelous solo career which spanned over decades but today I wish to share with you The Man in The Mirror concept for this is it.

“I’m starting with the man in the mirror I’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself and make a change.”

Mastery begins within. It begins with massive dissonance. The exhaustion of the status quo. You are terribly tired, fed up of things staying as are when what you want (desire) drives you to change. Change what? Well, to change any set of results we have to “start with the end in mind” according to Stephen Covey. Whether you want to lose weight, make more money, take more ownership of your life, become self reliant etc you must identify the end result you want to manifest.

So I ask you…Are you happy with “The Man in The Mirror”? Are you happy to live in your shadow? Are you content living unfulfilled? Are you elated at being a victim of your own design? Are you surrendered to life of mediocrity? Or are you ready to make that change? Are you ready to embrace you potential? Set and Achieve new heights? Abandon victim status and adopt winner status? Are you ready to fight for a life crafted and designed to perfection? Are you ready to stand proud as The Man in The Mirror?

The choice is always yours. Take full responsibility and make that change today!

Join me at the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Program…Break the chains, remove the shackles, set yourself free…

Date: 12 June 2015

Venue: Johannesburg

Time: 9am – 5pm

More details:

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN – This is Deeply Personal

The gift of life starts at conception and is generally joyous occasion welcoming into the world your new born.  Many a parent will know the joys of a new born child. The parents plan, hope, and bank all their dreams and aspirations on their new born. All parents want for their children what they themselves could not have as kids. These shape up in the form of academic, career, marital success and so forth.

The child goes on to become their own person pursuing their own dreams and aspirations. Ask any child their career aspirations and the answers could be anything from Dr. to lawyer, teacher, scientist, business person etc. with sincere belief that it is possible for them. Their innocence is soon smashed by the so called “reality”. Children have their creativity stolen in the classroom by “colouring in the lines”, by following the sheep or conforming to a process, instead of finding their own process while still coming to the same conclusions as taught in school. Originality, creativity and possibility are slowly but surely reduced to minimalism and as you know all breakthroughs in all fields are by people who broke the mold and were non conformists in their thinking. Ask Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela if they conformed…
We, parents are then further guilty of tearing down the child’s self belief. The first words we teach our children is not “mom” and “dad”. Rather it is NO and DON’T. We repeat these words thousands of times through the life of the child and we wonder why people have low self belief? Let me tell you why…The parents with good intentions to protect the child are always shouting “NO” and “DON’T”. “No! Don’t play in the street”, “Don’t play with fire”. “Don’t play with the TV”, “Don’t put your finger in the electrical socket” etc, etc, etc. Parents intend to protect their children from harm, death and financial pain but never spend a moment explaining and educating the child due to the child’s lack of understanding and development in its early years. The child grows up thinking “I m not good enough”, “nothing I do is right”, “nothing I do is good enough”.

The saga continues into childhood. At school we all know how mean kids can be. Name calling, bullying and shaming happens daily and the child withdraws into the protective shell low self esteem, low self belief and low self confidence. The matter progresses further in that we are always compared to siblings, family or friends. “Why cant you be more like your brother”, “your cousins studying to become a Dr., what are you studying”…Then comes love and as I always say, first romances always end in tragedy. Ask Romeo and Juliet…Hormones rage, so does fear of change yet emotions mature. We all have ended up heart broken, there are no exceptions.

At school, some teachers drive down your self esteem and confidence…instead of uplifting and teaching you, they speak down to you and ridicule you, not because you are a slow learner…perhaps because they are poor teachers? If life is an on going painful fight for your psychological existence of self esteem, self belief and self confidence how are you to shine like the star that you are? While this may fuel the quitter in you and may justify why you are still playing small, living in your shadows and are not living true to your potential and neither living your dream life, the time has come…the time has come for you to take 100% ownership and responsibility for your life. You cant blame your parents, friends, teachers and others for your failures or surrender to mediocrity. You can only take responsibility for both where you are and where you want to be.

This is deeply personal to both you and I. Just imagine having unlimited self esteem, self belief and self confidence to cast off the shadows of failure and adopt the light of possibility? Just imagine if you walked into your dream career, where you are making a meaningful difference in the lives of the people you served? Imagine creating your dream life and living true to your potential? Imagine all that was possible for you happening right now? You know what I would say? I would say “WAKE UP”!!! Imagination alone will not take you there.

What if you sacrificed just a few months of your life to craft your dream body, your financial status, your dream partner, your dream home, your emotional independence and financial success? The time is going to pass anyway…if you do nothing, you get nothing. Do something, do something spectacular, something phenomenal, something inspiring, something hair raising. The alternative is to play dead…eat, sleep, work, commute, rest, entertain and start again…where is the fireworks in that I ask you???

Andrew Carnegie “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy & inspires your hopes”. If you want to create fireworks, want to feel like you can walk on water and achieve fabulous results in your life don’t delay. The time is NOW! Ke Nako!

Make 2015 your best year yet…Invest in your development, join me as we unleash your potential and the genius within you to soar with the eagles. To live this life fulfilled with results in health, wealth, education, relationships, in spirituality, in community. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate, don’t procrastinate or you are bound live a life of dull and boring, work and bills…stress and worry…


As I said, this is deeply personal, personal to you and I…Unleash your Mastery…this is no dress rehearsal, this is it. Your life, your you spend it minute to minute will determine your life. Spend it with us…Masters and Students of Mastery.

Saturday, 28th March 2015

From 9am till 5pm

Maropeng Conference Centre

Book Now:

Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery 28 March 2015

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Your Personal Mastery

Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery 28 March 2015Personal greatness or mastery is a personal journey to self awareness, commitment and improvement in one or many key result areas such as ones health, wealth, career, relationships etc.  It’s a commitment to being all that you can be, while doing whatever it takes to live a life fulfilled with hope, ambition and clarity of purpose.  It is living ones highest values, purposefully whilst scoring hat tricks in your dream life.

Today I wish to share some insightful truths about Your Personal Mastery:

One – Your habits define you

Habits are like CD’s.  The tracks are in-grooved or ingrained yet are invisible to the naked eye.  Habits form over time through repeated actions.  Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit”.

Choose good habits or your old ones may either destroy you completely or lead you down the garden path of mediocrity.  Here is how:

1.  Stop to identify your foremost habits…

2.  Then ask how they serve you?  Does it bring guts, glory and results?  Or does it just bring you escapism, pain and regret?

3.  Choose a better way.  Choose not just to give up the bad habit but rather to master the better habit.  Don’t spend all day focused on the problem.  Rather go to work on the solution.  Should you defer back to you old habit time and again as is expected just brush yourself off and recommit to mastering the new habit.  Work on mastering the habit.

Two – Seek and Ye shall find

Become world class at asking.  There is no shame in asking for what you want.  Be it from yourself or others.  The Bible says;  “Ask, and it shall be given to you, Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you”.

Everyone is looking for answers or solutions, yet not many know how to find them.  The great secret is quality questions.  In the world, asking is the skill to getting all that you want from life.  The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of your questions.  Remember; he who leads the questions, dictates the direction.  Here is how:

1.  Have clarity in outcomes.  Ask for exactly what you want.  Don’t skirt around issues.

2.  Ask, seek and knock, again and again…should I say that again?  Ask incessantly.  As you improve the skill of asking, seeking and knocking…people and opportunities will come in search of you.  Trust and be prepared

3.  All health, wealth and success in all of life’s key result areas are available to everyone.  By learning to ask better questions you master tapping into them.  Your questions will lead you to WHO can assist you, WHERE to get help, HOW to succeed, WHAT to do, WHEN to proceed.  All you require is a WHY that’s big enough to drive your success.  Seek and Ye shall find!

Three – Play like Clapton

Eric Clapton who many regard as one of the worlds foremost guitarists is a musical genius or hero to many generations with hits like  “Wonderful tonight”, “Layla” and “Tears in Heaven”.   Eric Clapton known as “Slow Hand”, sure is not slow in any sense of the word.  He is a genius of mastery.  Ask yourself what are you mastering?  What is your genius?  There is genius in all of us.  Maths genius, chess genius, business genius, sporting genius, musical genius…the list is endless.

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will believe it’s whole life that it is stupid”, said Albert Einstein.  Unleash your genius.  Here is how:

1.  Don’t live other peoples dreams.  Live your own.  The music is already within you.  You just have to listen for the beat, the bass line, the rhythm…and let the lyrics flow forth.  Just play like Clapton and write your own path.

2.  Love what you do.  Don’t get caught making a living while hating yourself for surrendering your genius.  Can you imagine how frustrated Clapton would have been in a corporate office chained to the golden handcuffs of a cushy salary, company benefits and a thirteenth cheque?

3.  Mastery pays.  Get rewarded.  The best in all fields are handsomely paid.  How does a salary compare to a sold out Wembley stadium?  Ask Eric Clapton.  He made millions of pounds last year.

In the final analysis all mastery is within your grasp.  

“Leave behind shoes no man can fill” read a recent Harley Davidson advertisement.  To help you succeed, the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop will assist you to live true to your dreams and potential. This world class program has gifted new beginnings, new results and new successes. Why not live your dream life? Here are some program outcomes.

– Master The Psychology of Becoming

– Master The Psychology of Prosperity Consciousness

– Master Your Personal Wealth Creation Blue print

– Master The Art of Relationship Mastery

– Get The Life You Want…Now

– Master Your Health, Longevity & Happiness

The Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop is happening on:

Date: 28 March 2015

Day: Saturday 9am – 5pm

Venue: Johannesburg

Book Now:

Making 2015 a year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539



Einstein Master Quote“Only a person who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person”

– Albert Einstein


DATE: 28 March 2015
TIME: 9am – 5pm
WHERE: Roodepoort, Johannesburg

Lets make 2015 your year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN – Succeed or Surrender?

Succeed Or Surrender HandcuffsTwin brothers, born to junkie parents in the Bronx, New York.
“What chance do they stand” you ask as mom passes out for days and dad disappears to get high on another fix. Meanwhile they live off boxed cereals and whatever they can get their hands on, not bathing or cleaning because no one cares and are living in fear.

They’re abused emotionally and physically until one day dad dies of an overdose. Their little lives perhaps will be easier without the taunting and troubles dad brought them. Mom, to support her habit, sells herself on the streets and soon contracts a variety of STD’s, gets beat up by predatory men and ends up dead soon after due to alcoholic and drug poisoning. The boys are put in foster homes and many years later are interviewed as part of their ongoing social welfare requirements.

In their 30’s they both answer the same set of questions. Here is whats fascinating…both were asked: “To what do you attribute your current status“? They both answered in exactly the same way, yet used different words. They said “If you understood my circumstances, you would understand how I ended up here“.

One brother turned out to be a drunk and junkie living on social welfare in the very same Bronx he was saved from, while the other became a Doctor, is happily married, has a beautiful family home in the suburbs, has two beautiful children and lives a life free from the crime and grime of the Bronx. Both saw their circumstances as either the keys or the handcuffs. Both saw the inevitable…succeed or surrender?

In his book, “The Snowball Effect”, Warren Buffet refers to the “Ovarian Lottery” when comparing 3rd world and 1st world births. The children born to American wombs will not have to deal with conflict, wars, corruption and a lack of basic health and education. Whilst their African counter parts would have lost the lottery taking birth in an African womb. I disagree. In the 21st century, forget your birth right or lottery status . The only thing that counts for anything is your perception and your willingness to acquire the right skills and knowledge.


“You become what you think about all day long” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

We all are familiar that “your perception is your reality” or “the glass half empty or half full”, “the problem versus opportunity” etc. As James Allen said; “The circumstances do not make the man, they merely reveal him”. Its your job to see the silver lining in every cloud. In the beginning it’s going to be impossible to see but once you start seeing it regularly, the elephant in the room diminishes and the opportunity expands.

Its been said “Its not what happens to you that matters, its how you respond that does”. Many people have come back from severe setbacks and have crafted out a fabulous life of accomplishment. Be they War or concentration camp survivors, brutal crime and gross addiction survivors or just started life on the wrong side of the railway line. If they can do it, then so can you.

Succeed or Surrender


One – Always expect the best for yourself and others

Always expect the best for yourself and others. Remember that your perception is your reality. Your expectations with practice is non different from the Law of Attraction. Allowing good things to happen to you. Sometimes they come in the form of a problem. And within the problem lies the opportunity. Much like a present/gift. You have to unpack the problem to find the opportunity.

Two – Imagine the universe is conspiring just to make you succeed

Just imagine that the universe is conspiring to make you succeed. It is arranging the right people, conversations and opportunities to present themselves to you. I’ve literally walked into many opportunities by leveraging this practice. Perception is reality.

Three – Be prepared

When opportunities do arise “out of the blue” be ready for them. Remember that: “luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation”. So be prepared. Sweat it out in the gym of preparation, so you can smile on the podium of achievement. Don’t squander opportunity because you are nor prepared.

Knowledge and Skill:

“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a pre-requisite” – BARACK OBAMA, Address to Joint Session of Congress, Feb. 24, 2009

Your ability to increase your knowledge and skills will cast a vast ocean between you and the competition. It should be your primary focus to up skill your knowledge and abilities so as to increase your earning ability. The market pays premium for highly skilled, goal oriented super achievers while the mediocre get paid inflation linked salaries. Just enough to keep them coming back month after month while deluding themselves into thinking they are on their way to financial freedom.


One – Start where you are with what you have

Right now in your shoes stands your greatest asset which is surrounded by potential and opportunity. It is not necessary to jump careers, get further academic qualifications or start your new business. There are opportunities aplenty in your midsts. Ask yourself if there are any other people in your office who earn more than you? Of course there are. Now ask yourself are there any people in your office who earn double what you earn? I’m almost certain there is. Now ask yourself what knowledge and skills do they have that warrants their income? Once you identify them, ask yourself how can I acquire that knowledge and skill, going to work immediately to take your share of opportunity.

Two – Give more than you are paid to

The ability to give more value than you are paid to will place you among the elite performers in any discipline. Give praise, recognition and respect to everyone you meet…be he a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. The ability to smile warmly and greet confidently signals to the other person that “I am worth it”. Making him or her feel worthwhile increases their self esteem and in turn increases yours too. So what if they don’t return your gesture, just keep on sowing great seeds of respect and respect will follow you. Treat everyone you meet and deal with as the most important person in the world and they too shall mirror you, treating you as such. The most amazing thing is that it costs you nothing to be a gentleman or a lady. In your customer dealings, go that extra mile…establish meaningful and lasting relationships and I assure you the return on investment is a repeat customer.

Three – Be sincere

Charlatans may fool me once but never again. People smell insincerity from miles away. Put your heart into your discussions, emails and phone calls. Don’t pay lip service, pay sincerity. Sincerity has opened doors of opportunity that were locked away and removed from access. Yet sincere, heartfelt inquiry has unlocked potential for many a person who may have seen the silver lining evaporate from the cloud. Sincerity commanded the co-operation of their peers, customers, suppliers etc. and have benefitted from just being sincere in everything you do.

You reap what you sow, so sow greatness and it wont matter where you are from, 1st world or 3rd world. It wont matter if you are from Soweto, Sandton or Serbia

In your hands lies the decision to Succeed or Surrender. In your hands lies the opportunity to either make it or break it. All that matters is what you do next? Will you retreat to the comfort zone of mediocrity or will you rise to the potential within?

To help you succeed the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop will assist you to live true to your dreams and potential. This world class program has gifted new beginnings, new results and new success to many. Why not craft your reality and stop dreaming? Here are some program outcomes.

– Master The Psychology of Becoming

– Master The Psychology of Prosperity Consciousness

– Master Your Personal Wealth Creation Blue print

– Master The Art of Relationship Mastery

– Get The Life You Want…Now

– Master Your Health, Longevity & Happiness

The Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop is happening on:

Date: 28 March 2015

Day: Saturday 9am – 5pm

Venue: Johannesburg

Book Now:

Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539



Peak PerformanceThe ability to rise and shine 365 days a year is a difficult feat for anyone. There are always obstacles and opportunities at every turn which can in fact drain your physical, emotional and intellectual energies. More so when you are dealing with sustained personal or professional crisis. Stress, a silent killer can be quietly eating away at you. You then slowly reduce or increase your appetite, sleep becomes a luxury, yet the list of deliverables on your plate continues to mount.

The mind and body is an intricate, complex and sophisticated union. Taking great care of both will give you the edge in all aspects of your being, while failing to, will yield the inevitable crisis none of us can afford.

Today I wish to share with you 7 Peak Performance Habits to Master:

One – Get enough shut eye

Burning the midnight oil on both ends, leaves you exhausted, unfocused and unproductive. Get sufficient, regulated sleep. It varies from between 4 – 6 hours per person. Should you suffer sleepless nights, consult a sleep doctor who can assist you in finding regular, quality sleep. Beware that oversleeping can also cause drudgery in your day. So get to bed and make it count, don’t count sheep. The edge you have when well rested is high energy, clarity of thinking and definiteness of purpose.

“To be prepared is half the victory” – Miguel Cervantes

Two – Work out

I know how busy you are. Dawn to dusk and some more chasing duty, responsibility and accountability. I know you’re busy. That should be no excuse for the investment in your physical health. Take time out of your schedule to run, swim, gym etc. Peak performers are in peak shape because they get the return on investment in the physical activity. They’re brighter, more alert, sharper, more focused and lethal in the work place. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Execute and get results.

“Cry in training, laugh on the battlefield” – Samurai Maxim

Three – Eat like a king

I don’t mean consume unlimited low quality, high quantities of processed foods. Mother nature has gifted us fruits, nuts, berries, cherries and many other high oxidant foods that supply the heart and brain fuel to achieve your goals. Why not take advantage of these? Cut back on the junk and minimize the trunk. Drink lots of water through your days. Not only does it hydrate, it also aids the brain function, keeping you on point for longer. You are what you eat, so eat like a champion.

“Simplicity is the key to brilliance” – Bruce Lee

Four – Fill your cup

Whatever your religious or spiritual persuasion, fill your cup. When connected there is magic in everything you do. Attend, participate and learn the wisdom of ancient teachings and apply them to your daily life. There is power in spirit, greater than matter. An empty cup makes a lot of noise, but a full cup beams with wisdom. Go on, fill it up…

“Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul” –Niccolo Machiavelli

Five – Invest in You Inc.

Invest in your becoming. Buy and read books that will grow your inner self and your income. Attend workshops and courses that make you better than you were yesterday. Sacrifice time and money and the return on this investment will make you unstoppable and will also line your bank account. You are your greatest asset, make it count for something. Do something for yourself and in turn will do for your family. Invest in YOU Inc. before you sink in the ocean of competition, new technology and ideology. Become a free thinker, not a dogmatic slave.

“Imagine the possibility of unlimited possibilities” – Unknown

Six – Choose your friends

When you hang out with losers, don’t be surprised where you end up…yes “Loserville”. Hang out with people who share your values, your aspirations, your ambitions. They will fuel you to go out and do whatever it takes. They will unlock doors of opportunity, make new introductions to key people who can assist you in becoming all that you be. So, choose your friends wisely.

“To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking” – Goethe

Seven – Rest & Relaxation

Make sure you get enough rest and relaxation. Play outdoors in nature. Go for long walks on the beach, forest or mountains. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will give you new inspirational ideas, unlock your creativity and soothe your mind. Take advantage of early morning sunrise walks while the phone does not ring. While everyone else is asleep. Join a yoga class that uses nature as its backdrop. Watch the sunset while having a picnic with your partner. Rest your mind and tap into pure energy.

“You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation” – Homer Rice

Remember, exceptional results only come from exceptional efforts.Exceptional efforts only come from exceptional people. Become that exceptional person, start by committing to becoming that person of value then regardless of the challenges on hand, you can handle them like the champ you are.

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one” – James Froude

Across all disciples the exceptional super achievers have invested massively. They in turn reap the rewards of such investments. Your time is now. Take advantage of the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop. Here are some of the Workshop Outcomes:

– The Psychology of Prosperity Consciousness

– Your Personal Wealth Creation

– The Art of Relationship Mastery

– Getting The Life You Want…Now

– Health, Longevity & Happiness

The Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop is happening on:

Date: 28 March 2015

Day: Saturday 9am – 5pm

Venue: Johannesburg

Book Now: for details

Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539
