Let’s talk truth…governments around the world are weak, economists forecasts for the world’s economy is bleak, employment numbers are up and many are cowering in fear, surrendering to the status quo, adopting the excuses of the media and the masses.MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN by Vinesh Maharaj

Now let me flip the coin on you…governments are still collecting billions in taxes, economies (personal and business) are growing, companies are minting dollars and many are taking advantage and are rising above the dictates of mass hysteria and media gloom.

The old adage; “is the glass half full or half empty”.  Yes it’s all perspective.  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or do you see the opportunity?  You can hide behind excuses or you can rise to action.  Even in the world’s most depressed economies there are new millionaire and billionaire debutants.  How do you explain that?  Well, simply it means those people are dictating their own reality.  The refuse to subscribe to the opinions of others, for factually is the glass half empty or half full is really just an opinion, reflecting your reality.

You must ask, are you your own enemy, holding yourself back on the accounts of others…forcing their reality upon you?  Reality is a choice.  Winners are creating their own reality perpetually.  They see the way around, through, over and under the “problem”, for they see them as opportunities.  They are willing to do what others are not willing to do, because everyone else only sees the pain.  Winners only see the gain which they are willing to pay for with effort.

The next time you choose your reality ask yourself?  Am I a victim of my own reality?  Or am I championing my cause, from the front, creating a reality that serves my success?  Are you getting down and dirty where others want to keep their hands clean?  By making more calls, investing in your networks, growing your skills and pushing harder while others are retreating, you are are sure to dominate the future.  If you fall asleep at the wheel, surely you can’t win the race.  So wake up and get committed, creating a reality that sees you and your team mount the summit of success.

Stop being your own enemy.  Commit to never becoming a victim of your own dogma.  Rather champion your reality and make it happen.

For more and to Book Vinesh Maharaj to speak at your next Conference, Team Building or Staff Meeting contact us today:

+27 84 990 1539


Sales Trainer I Motivational Speaker I Johannesburg, South Africa

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Outsell The Competition

Question-MarkSales people create jobs and make economies happen.  Average sales people get by, while professional Sales people earn the big bucks.  The reason they outsell the competition is simple, they have one priceless skill.  They ask, ask, ask, ask and ask for the business again and again.

The Art of Asking is a skill when refined, becomes subtle, non invasive, but lethal.  Too many Sales people go through the Sales process, get in front of the customer and rant on about their product and how it can change the world, make you a millionaire, save you tons etc. etc. etc…They then sit back and wait for the for the customer to BUY, sign an order, request delivery etc.  What really happens is that customers thank you for your time and walk you back to your car and you leave, empty handed, poorer in time and money.  Sounds familiar?

Sales professionals are always using strategic questioning techniques to get customer buy in.  They ask well crafted questions, leading the customer down the green garden path of yes, yes, yes and yes some more until the customer finally says YES!!! And BUYS! A seasoned, trained professional knows how to eliminate sales objections by asking the right questions early on while walking the customer down the sales path.  Improve the quality of your questions and earn the big bucks.

The next time you reflect on your Sales performance ask yourself…are you truly committed to outselling the competition?  To bring the quality questions to your team, invite me to present “SALES POWER”.  SALES POWER is a customizable Sales Training program to re-invigour your Sales team to close 2015 high.  Commit to world class and contact me today.


Does your business or organization need a Program Director (MC), Keynote or Motivational speaker at your next event? For a highly energized, deeply insightful and profoundly impactful speaker, look no further. Recommend VINESH MAHARAJ to your Marketing and Events team to secure VINESH MAHARAJ at your next product launch, team building or conference. BOOK VINESH MAHARAJ NOW. Send your inquiries to:


Ask Leading Questions by Vinesh MaharajASK LEADING QUESTIONS

Leading questions unlock doors of possibility. Learn to ask better questions to get better customers. Remember, the quality of your questions determine the quality of your sales.



Questions are the Answers“I keep six honest serving men, (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What And Why And When And How And Where And Who” 

Rudyard Kipling


Leonardo Da Vinci Quote“Obstacles cannot crush me.  Every obstacle yields to stern resolve.  He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind”
– Leonardo Da Vinci
Like, Comment & Share if you are committed to crushing your obstacles…
Vinesh Maharaj

RELATIONSHIP SELLING: Are you tired of chasing close off?

Are you tired of chasing “close off” every month or quarter?  While there are no secrets to sales success, there are certain gems which when cut and polished makes success all the sweeter.

Here is one such gem for your sales mastery.  RELATIONSHIP SELLING:

Relationship Selling is about building high quality relationships with new and existing customers.  These relationships have at its root; rapport (a connection of values in common), sincere listening skills and a genuine interest in solving the needs of the customer that’s not WIIFME based.  (Whats In It For Me).  Customers want meaningful relationships with suppliers and service providers.  They often want more than just a transactional relationship.  They want to trust and know that you care about their business sincerely.

These relationships when mastered become the source of repeat business and word of mouth referrals.  These relationships often last over many decades and across companies. Here are some powerful ideas for building high quality relationships.

  1. Establish Rapport – You must establish a “connection” with your customer.  You must find commonality between you and your customer which serves as your connection.  Commonality in values has more legs than “we both like golf”.  Remember that, “people, like people who are like themselves”.  The more you are like your customer, the sooner you are likely to succeed.
  2. Establish High Trust – When someone feels they can trust you, they open up.  Build credibility and trust follows.  Keep your word.  Show honesty and integrity in all your dealings.  Communication is more powerful when you are challenged than when its smooth sailing.  Call upon your customer to explain why you cant meet a delivery date or have to wait for stock to clear customs etc.  This shows your honesty. You don’t have to be perfect, you have to be trustworthy.
  3. Ask Quality Questions & Listen Intently –  When courting a customer, you must master the art of questioning and listening.  These are non invasive but fact finding questions which open the door to deeper questions such as “Why do you need delivery by Fridays?”.  The answer by the customer will give you a free education in their business model.  It will also provide insight into the customers “wants”.  He needs delivery every Friday but what he may want is peace of mind that you can do what you say you can.  Knowledge is power. Actually knowledge is currency.  Keeping this customer in your corner means keeping your delivery schedule come hell of high water for the result is customer peace of mind.  This peace of mind translates into repeat sales, referrals, recommendations and sometimes a life long friend.
  4. Objection Handling – When a customer says no, he is not rejecting you, your product or service or your company.  He is asking for clarification.  He is asking for terms and conditions.  He is empowering you to come back by handling the objection which will thus give him peace of mind.  Customers also want to know they are dealing with a professional.  Imagine consulting an amateur heart surgeon who has a ZERO success rate.  After interviewing him, would you really chance it?  Now consider the same heart surgeon walks you through his professional training, his supervised successes and the fact that he is his classes top student?  Paints a different picture, doesn’t it?  Objections are a part of the sale interview meant to allow you to counter with your competency, product superiority, flexibility etc.  Don’t shy away, handle them like a pro.
  5. Follow Up – Keep regular contact with your customers.  Even if just a quick hello, a cup of coffee and the occasional meal together that’s not based on business.  I assure you, your customer will raise the business.  Then you have free reign to talk shop.  This follow up, shows you care.  As Theodore Roosevelt  said, ‘No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care’.

The benefits of relationship selling are multiple.  Start caring today.  Call upon your toughest customer and commit to building that bridge towards a high quality relationship.  You will be pleasantly surprised when he asks you over to give you new business.  When we change our perceptions and commit to our mutual success, success follows.

At the VINESH MAHARAJ Sales Training Program – 2014 you will learn many more powerful relationship building techniques.  You will get the strategies to keep your sales numbers world class, the tips and tools to keep you closing more sales faster and easier and the “how to’s” to accelerate your business growth.  Have your company contact me today for your sales achievement.

I’m your coach and partner in success…



Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Lessons from the Road

Life can teach you many lessons if you just took the time to listen.  Reflect on every experience you have had.  There are always gems within every adversity.


Today I want to share with you one that I learnt on the road last week.  On route to a well known, respected entrepreneur empowerment company about 400 Km’s (248,5 miles) and 4hrs from my offices, to a little known town Lephalale in Limpopo, South Africa, home to some of the best game reserves in Africa with the Big 5 animals; The mighty king of the jungle the Lion, the African Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Leopard and the endangered Rhino, world class cuisine, beautiful green bushes, red sands, beautiful blue skies, a sun shining day.  The world never looked prettier.

Big 5

Regrettably, there was no cellular network for 3 straight hours on route and I wondered what I would do had I broke down, had an accident or any other roadside emergency?  Not allowing my mind to dwell on all the doom and gloom I kept focus on my presentation materials, the message I needed to deliver to my client and how I would help them fulfill their objectives.  Fortunately the day proceeded smoothly as planned and I made my way back home.  The client was overjoyed, I was satisfied and all that stood before me was the 4 hour commute back to Johannesburg through the serene, tranquility of mother nature and the road ahead.

The journey was pleasant with great weather, some fine music running through my stereo and my thoughts on my goals and objectives for the rest of the week until after 63 Km’s, the road was suddenly and abruptly CLOSED!!!  Upon inquiry I discovered that part of the road was washed away by the recent petulant rains that pounded the region for days incessantly and there was a 10 metre deep and 30 metre long stretch of road, gone.  There was no way over it, nor around it.  The only way was back to Lephalale and then take another route out to Johannesburg.

With sweat on my brow, the thought of going back, to go forward seemed too much to consider and opted for the road less travelled in search of the promised land.  The road less travelled was literally an off road, un-tarred, gravel road.  There were other dynamics which I had to consider:

  • Fuel – I was planned to refuel at the next town about 103 Km’s away as I was down to about 150 Km’s available and was watching my fuel gauge drop.  With each drop, my heart sank deeper and deeper still fearing the worst; getting stranded on a remote unused side road, not knowing how long and far the off road would take to eventually get me to a filling station.
  • Road worthiness – The roads are for off road vehicles, SUV’s, 4×4’s and similar.  Not for a sedan, which I drove.
  • Humps, ditches, mud and water – were gorged randomly on the road, making it extremely difficult and dangerous to navigate at times.
  • Time – The clock was ticking, I wanted to get back to Johannesburg, quickly and safely.
  • Safety, security and roadside assistance – “What if” played on my mind like a bad melody understanding I had no signal on my cellular network…

The journey gave me time for introspection.  Was I going to let what could happen dampen my mind, nervous system, and body (doom and gloom, heightened blood pressure and stress, fear and anxiety) be overcome with what could happen?

Quality thinking:

Thankfully, the many years of mental and emotional mastery ripped into gear.  I am not a victim.  I am a perpetrator.  I will deal with whatever I need to deal with, if and when it happens.  I cant cross bridges before I reach them.  I am a quality thinker.  I was not going to be the deer in the headlights.

Focused thinking:

I immediately refocused my mind on all the great things happening to me.  I’m away from the busyness of city life.  I’m in the tranquility of mother nature.  I could either enjoy taking in her beauty, or stress about what might happen.  I don’t have my phone ringing incessantly with emails, calls and messages.  I could really get down to deep, focused thinking.

Quality Questions:

I asked myself what can you learn from this and share with your family, friends, colleagues?  As that thought permeated my mind a 4 x 4 approached and I flagged down the traveller and asked more quality questions.  How far to go, how is the road ahead, what are the potential dangers and pitfalls etc?

Heres are some points I wanted to share with you:

  1. THINKING – You can choose your thoughts and outcomes, or run wild in auto pilot doom and gloom thinking.
  2. SUCCEED – You can either live in fear facing challenges, or we can live with adventure in succeeding at them.
  3. LEARN – You can choose to berate yourself, or you can choose to learn.
  4. ASK – You can either ask for assistance or go it your own and possibly land in the crocodile infested pit.
  5. ATTITUDE – You have the choice of attitude; how to respond to your challenges

“The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, a driver called Will Power, you will make it to a place called Success.” ― Unknown

Needless to say I made it back safely.  Next week I will share more of the gory details and will share with you the many practical gems I came away with.

Wishing you a fabulous week ahead in the achievement of your goals, converting them from dreams into reality.

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj



Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and insightful Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results and can be instantly implemented. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477

