Let’s talk truth…governments around the world are weak, economists forecasts for the world’s economy is bleak, employment numbers are up and many are cowering in fear, surrendering to the status quo, adopting the excuses of the media and the masses.MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN by Vinesh Maharaj

Now let me flip the coin on you…governments are still collecting billions in taxes, economies (personal and business) are growing, companies are minting dollars and many are taking advantage and are rising above the dictates of mass hysteria and media gloom.

The old adage; “is the glass half full or half empty”.  Yes it’s all perspective.  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or do you see the opportunity?  You can hide behind excuses or you can rise to action.  Even in the world’s most depressed economies there are new millionaire and billionaire debutants.  How do you explain that?  Well, simply it means those people are dictating their own reality.  The refuse to subscribe to the opinions of others, for factually is the glass half empty or half full is really just an opinion, reflecting your reality.

You must ask, are you your own enemy, holding yourself back on the accounts of others…forcing their reality upon you?  Reality is a choice.  Winners are creating their own reality perpetually.  They see the way around, through, over and under the “problem”, for they see them as opportunities.  They are willing to do what others are not willing to do, because everyone else only sees the pain.  Winners only see the gain which they are willing to pay for with effort.

The next time you choose your reality ask yourself?  Am I a victim of my own reality?  Or am I championing my cause, from the front, creating a reality that serves my success?  Are you getting down and dirty where others want to keep their hands clean?  By making more calls, investing in your networks, growing your skills and pushing harder while others are retreating, you are are sure to dominate the future.  If you fall asleep at the wheel, surely you can’t win the race.  So wake up and get committed, creating a reality that sees you and your team mount the summit of success.

Stop being your own enemy.  Commit to never becoming a victim of your own dogma.  Rather champion your reality and make it happen.

For more and to Book Vinesh Maharaj to speak at your next Conference, Team Building or Staff Meeting contact us today:

+27 84 990 1539


Sales Trainer I Motivational Speaker I Johannesburg, South Africa


PUSH by Vinesh MaharajPush Until Something Happens

Watch this space for details on the upcoming

VINESH MAHARAJ Personal Mastery Program

…coming this August 2015.



Leonardo Da Vinci Quote“Obstacles cannot crush me.  Every obstacle yields to stern resolve.  He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind”
– Leonardo Da Vinci
Like, Comment & Share if you are committed to crushing your obstacles…
Vinesh Maharaj

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Do you really want to create lasting change?

Decision Choose Change or  Same Old StreetZig Ziglar, American Sales and Motivational speaker put it so appropriately when he said; “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily”.  In this spirit, here is a dose to create lasting change ensuring your peak performance, at work, in your business and at your personal goals.

  1. Raise your standards – Wether you want to get out of the rat race or out of the rut you find yourself in, you must start by raising your standards.  Commit to a higher standard of excellence in your health, work, wealth and relationships.
  2. Get out of your comfort zones – Challenge yourself. Do something different.  Start with ONE thing that you wish to improve.  Take the first step and stay with it until you are ready to take the second step and so on.  Give up the couch and adopt the treadmill.  Quit the TV and embrace a new book.  Give up the junk foods and invest in great foods…Go for it!  You can do it…
  3. Show up – Be present, with full awareness.  Show up in mind, body and soul.  Commit your whole self to whatever you set out to do and when you are doing put more of yourself into it.
  4. Get more oxygen – Try walking, swimming, cycling or running.  More oxygen to your brain means more clearer focused thoughts.  Oxygen is to the brain what uranium is to nuclear power.  Become a powerhouse, get more oxygen.
  5. Stay hydrated – Your body is composed of 70% water.   Water provides electrical energy to both thought and memory processes.  A well hydrated brain, improves memory, focus, creativity and clarity. Drink more water and super charge your brain.
  6. Keep your word – Build massive credibility by delivering on your word, be it to yourself, your family and friends, your customers etc.
  7. Master your thoughts – Stay optimistic in thought and keep thinking only those thoughts which support your desired  outcomes.
  8. Build your Neuro-psycho-motor skills – The act of writing down your goals daily keeps the missile focused on the goal.  Its like programming the destination into your GPS daily.  Write down and read your goals daily
  9. Act as if your life depended on it – By taking massive amounts of action in the direction of your goals you are sure to get massive results.  Act, act and keep acting…results follow action.
  10. Visualize the rewards of your success –  Don’t visualize the pain of failure.  Stay on point.

For the next week, ask more of yourself.  Check against this list daily whether you are in fact walking the road less travelled to greatness, or are you suffering the road of the masses…more of the same?  Ask more of yourself than of anyone else.  You only know how far you can go until you do in fact get there, and then go on some more.  There are no limits to potential.  Potential grows exponentially in execution.  Don’t wait or hesitate to be great.  Start today and accelerate lasting change you can be proud of.  In the words of Jim Rohn; “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”.  Master these and make them your habits.

If you want to Sponsor this and related inspirational and motivational talks, training and coaching on Sales, Customer Excellence, Leadership and Personal & Professional Mastery then contact me.

Wishing you constant and never ending inspiration and motivation!!!

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477


Contact Vinesh Maharaj today to get tangible results for your organization!!!


“We must become the change we wish to see in the world” said Mahatma Gandhi 

CEOAt school I recall completing an essay and held many subsequent  discussions on “Being President For A Day” during my English Literacy class.  We  were commissioned to write how we would use or “abuse” our given powers as President.

Of course the class nationalist would nationalize the economy. The class philanthropist would do everything he could “for the needy”.  The class capitalists would do everything they could to create wealth.  The class fools would foolishly create a multitude of public holidays and longer paid vacations.  Yet we all wanted to change something…reduce crime, increase literacy, improve service delivery etc.

As I reflect on that exercise I realize that YOU are in fact president of your own self.  I am CEO, State president or Managing Director of “THE VINESH MAHARAJ FAMILY TRUST”, just as you are of your own “personal” or “family trust”.  Is your trust growing in health and wealth or is it on the decline into debt and disease?  Everything you think, say and do has consequent effects on you and your family.  Be it in your Economy, Health, Education, Home etc.  Why day dream about being president or CEO when actually you already are?

Here is the challenge most people fail at.  They fail at having a game-plan.  They get into life, trying to build the ship while sailing.  Dangerous living is it not?  The CEO, President or Managing Director has the responsibility for result achievement.  Do you want to be famed for your success or become infamous for your lack thereof?

Today I wish to share with you these truths about your results:

  1. What you see, is what YOU have created – You cannot blame the government, the economy, or your lack of education for your current situation.  You must start by taking 100% responsibility for your current status.  In good or bad, accept your personal participation.  By active or tacit agreement, through decisions and actions here you are.  Like it or lump it, the facts are the facts.
  2. Status Quo Dissonance? – Are you really happy with the current state of affairs?  Or have you come to settle for things as they are because that’s how the chips have fallen?  If you could change your current status what would you change?  Think about the toxic people you may want to reconsider.  Are you happy with the  state of your health, wealth, relationships etc?  Having a healthy dissonance about your current status can be the impetus or fuel that feeds the furnace of success.
  3. Change – Daily we change our clothes, sometimes our cars and even our homes but how often do we change our minds?  “To change the worldyou must first change your mind.” said Jimi Hendrix long before popular psychology.  To change our results, we must start to change ourselves. Challenge your own perceptions and realities and if you cant, then have others challenge them for you.
  4. Design a Life – Go back to the drawing board – We spend months and years planning a wedding or vacation but spend not even an hour in drawing up a “LIFE PLAN”.  Craft your path and the road will reveal itself to you.  Start with the end in mind and fill in the pieces like a jig saw puzzle.
  5. Challenge yourself – When things get tough, its time for you to get tougher.  Who said it will be smooth sailing?  The reason the bottom is full is because success comes at a price most are unwilling or unable to pay.  Do you have the “currency” to pay for your success?
  6. Work, work and more work – Ask any successful person about the “secret to success”.  They are always working hard at their plans.  It sometimes takes the 100th strike at the rock to break it.  Don’t think for a moment that the preceding 99 were futile.  They were instrumental in wearing down the rock, breaking down its resistance.  So after planning, strike away for you might strike gold.
  7. Measure and Manage – Keep score, watch your daily, weekly, monthly and annual dashboards.  Track your progress, stop to refuel and most of all, enjoy the journey.  The sweetness of success is not only in the arrival.  Its in the entire journey.  Building quality relationships, overcoming obstacles, winning small wins etc. are all reminiscent of the final victory.

Like Mahatma Gandhi said “We must become the change we wish to see in the world” – its now up to you.  Will you embrace that change or will you surrender to the status quo, more of the same…

For more on creating lasting change in your personal and professional or in your business life feel free to contact me.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Lessons from the Road – Continued

Last week I wrote of my unplanned adventure into the unknown.  If you missed it you can read it here

“Lessons from the Road” gave me deep insight into how we face challenges and decisions daily, but fail to see the opportunities within them.  Here are more of the “silver linings” for your consideration.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change:


Here I was, after almost 20 Km’s of dirt road, rocks, gravel, mud, dust etc and I’ve just come upon a wide river stream with just a single lane concrete road over it.  The silver grey concrete just about covered the rocks, concealing their brown natural stone.  The river was fortunately at a low level and was not a threat even though a thin flute of water ran over the concrete lane.  I’ve known many pessimists (due to the many people I meet and engage with) and realized that when we perceive obstacles, they grow in our minds.  When we perceive opportunities they too grow our minds.  Which one wins?  The one you feed! By feeding the way I looked at my situation, I saw the opportunity and it took my breath away:  “WOW!  What an adventure.  This was a priceless experience money cant buy.  Soak it in, soak it in” my heart echoed.

When you’re Psychologically strong, not only can you survive anything, you can go on to thrive:


 Most people invest in their bodies almost exclusively.  We all want to weigh less, have more muscle and be appealing to the eye.  We spend money on gym fees, trainers, meal replacements, clothes for every event, shoes, handbags, fragrances and make up.  That of course excludes the bi-monthly trip to the hair salon, tan can and beauty salon.  While we are unstoppable at beautifying the body, very few of us invest in our psychology or our minds.  I’m not referring here to psychology relative to mental health disease but  to growing the psychological or mental muscle.  When Viktor Frankl was held in a Nazi prison, because of his strong mind, he could not be bound by the shackles, the prison razor wire fences, the guards torment nor the constant threat of torture and death.  He transcended those using his mind to his advantage.  He found reasons to live, thankfully due to having power over his mind.

Read more about Viktor Frankl here:

Unlock the Power Within:


Within you is the spark of life which is an incessant, undying spirit to achieve.  Based on the past, we have developed self limiting beliefs, self defeating tendencies and have lost our spirit of adventure and achievement.  I sure was not about to surrender to mediocrity of life on the road.  The spirit of adventure within me unleashed and all I saw was abundance.  Thousands of trees, with millions of leaves, more sand than anyone could count.  Millions of litres trickling by in the passing stream, ant hills dotting the red landscape; home to how many million ants do you think?  Everywhere there was the reminder that there are no limits, only the ones we set for ourselves.  There is no lack, other than within our thinking.  At the Vinesh Maharaj Personal & Professional Mastery Program, we unleash your potential, break down the limiting beliefs and set free your pure potential.

Be Extra-ordinary:


While finding my way back onto the highway, I asked myself, considering the many choices we make daily; “will I play for ordinary and be comfortable or would I want a life of extraordinary and be stretched and fulfilled?”  You guessed right.  Ordinary is dull, predictable and unfulfilling.  Ask an average person how their day was.  Yes!  Don’t be surprised by their response.  What kind of day do you want?  What kind of romance, occupation, health or wealth do you want?  Join the league of extraordinary and live a life fulfilled.   

Its not as difficult as many make it out to be.  Here are 5 strategies you can employ immediately to get you going:

  1. Take the road less travelled – There are no road blocks or traffic jams.  Its also much more adventurous and fulfilling than going on the same old, same old!  
  2. Find your new perspective – Don’t be trapped by other peoples dogma.  Live YOUR own life
  3. Invest in your mental and emotional mastery Yes!  Come to my seminar or have your company contact me.
  4. Fan the spark of achievement – It takes one small act of bravery.  Its within you, I know…
  5. Go for glory – Be extraordinary – Do you want an ecstatic 3D, HD experience called life?  Or will you be content with a monologue, 2D, black and white, static life?

Don’t forget the clock is always ticking.  Decide and act today for tomorrow may never arrive. 

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477


