MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Perseverance, The Master key to your success

Your success is not purely based on either planning and execution or energy and enthusiasm. It is largely based on your ability to persevere along with all the above. 

In the world today, most things are instant. Think noodles, baby formula, “ready meals”, fast foods, diet fads etc. They all promise immediate gratification. Sadly this has warped reality and has created an expectation of instant results in almost everything. If I cannot get instant results the recipe or process must be flawed.

We have lost sight that everything has an incubation period. This is not theory, this is law. Think pregnancy, agriculture, cooking, baking, healthy living (eating and exercise), saving and investing. Success takes time. Through following a success plan i.e. “others have done it, so can I”; you too can achieve the same excellence as others have. 

When we throw the baby out with the bath water, we eliminate the possibility of any success. Rather we affirm the negatives such as “success is not for me”, “I don’t have his luck”, “I cant do it” etc.

Rather today I challenge you to persevere to succeed. The dictionary defines perseverance as follows:

“Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”

Synonyms: Persistence, tenacity, determination, resolve, resolution, resoluteness,, staying power, purposefulness, firmness of purpose etc.

Don’t ever quit, persist…persevere for once you reach critical mass in time and actions, results come fast and furious.

Every great achiever has had to persevere to finally succeed. Be it great businesspersons, musicians, artists or sporting legends. The names are countless. Here are a few for your reference: Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, The Wright Brothers, while more recently we have had Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Simon Cowell etc. They all swam against the tide, against the odds but through perseverance they ultimately succeeded in a magnanimous way.

Here are 5 perseverance mastery points for your success:

1. Commit to staying the course – “Come hell or high water”. Of course you must navigate your course and sometimes you may have to rest…but never, never, ever stop.

2. Dig deep – Within you is deeper reserves than you know. When hope is gone, dig in your heels and look within. Your strength is there I assure you. Use your reserves.

3. Review your plan, strategy and execution for stresses. Once you find them, fix them. A mighty ship can be sunk by a pin-sized hole in the hull.

4. Steady up – Take concentrated doses of daily action in the direction of your goal.

5. Face your challenges head on and never surrender.

In conclusion here is an inspired thought by the late great Maya Angelou:

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” 

Do what it takes, persevere the course and the results are achieved through law, not through theory.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies for your personal and professional success and achievement. The Art of Perseverance is mastered to bring about the results you want and need. Get the perseverance blue print and watch your successes grow.

This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today. 

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Has Poverty Consciousness Held You Back?

You would be surprised at the first instance if I told you that the largest number of millionaires in the US are first generation millionaires.  You would be more surprised to hear that they are largely immigrants.  Vinesh Maharaj Cash

Yes, immigrants who have found gaps and opportunities in your and my market.  In the book “The Millionaire Mind” by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, they go onto discuss the mindset of this super successful elite group.

Here are 5 Wealth Differentiators for your consideration: 

1.     Poor people buy TV’s – The truly rich invest in stocks, bonds, property, cash and in their businesses.  Poor people have the largest LCD, LED, 3D TV’s etc.  Wealth & Prosperity

2.     Poor people shop at premier brands – In keeping up with the Jones’s, Naidoo’s, Mahlangu’s and Van Der Merwes poor people want to appear to be rich.  The truly rich shop at discount stores, fruit and vegetable markets and wholesalers where they can get huge discounts and savings.

3.     Poor People drive luxury sedans and 4×4’s – paying 2 to 3 times in a depreciating liability while rich people buy quality reliable cars, cheaply and often at a hugely discounted cash price.

4.     The Poor work 8 hours a day – Minimum work for minimum wage.  Rich people work 12-16 hours a day.  Sometimes at 2 or 3 jobs to secure their futures.  Bankruptcy Effects

5.     The Poor are a pay cheque away from bankruptcy – Because poor people fund their lifestyles with debt, unemployment means bankruptcy.  Rich people live on cash earned, not cash borrowed.

The poor suffer poverty consciousness.  By poor I don’t mean those who have little to nothing alone.  It includes those who earn R50-100K + per month but are also highly geared with debt in credit cards, over drafts and personal loans.  They too are poor both in consciousness and in cash.

This poverty consciousness can be overcome.  By analyzing values, belief systems about money, childhood financial experiences and habits, you too can become super wealthy.  You don’t need to win the LOTTERY, start a food franchise or discover the latest cash fad.  A disciplined financial plan backed by the right wealth building psychology will set you free financially.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies for your personal and professional success and achievement. The Art of Wealth building is revealed, trained and mastered to bring about the results you want and need. Get the wealth blue print and watch your wealth soar.

This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 10 Time Management Tips from The Uber Successful

Did you know that there are only 86 400 seconds in a day?  This means nothing unless you use them wisely.  

Niccolo Machiavelli Time

Your most valuable commodity is your time.  How you manage, use or abuse time will either serve your success or hamper it.  Waste your time and you waste your life, for that’s what life is made of…time.

The greatest achievers across all disciplines were exceptional time managers.  The current super achievers among us are living testimony of effective time management.  Their objective is always how to maximize time; getting the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Today I want to share with you the Donald Trump Time Management System:

1.     Get Organized – Take time to organize yourself.  Clear your desk.  Clutter in your office, clutters the mind.  Organize your information for easy access.  Prepare for a new you.

2.     Start Early – As an early riser you steal light hours from life.  Getting more done before your competitors awake will set you up for an industrious lifetime of success.

Napoleon Bonaparte Time3.     Plan Your Planner – Schedule in your tasks, meetings and success activities like networking, creative planning, emails, gym, walking, reading etc.

4.     Manage Your Meetings – Don’t schedule one hour for one outcome.  Have micro meetings of 15 minutes where possible with an agenda sent out to all attendees.  Where not possible do not exceed a 30 minute meeting.  Scope creepers and whiners will steal your valuable time.  Get your outcome and get out.

5.     Prioritize – List your targets in sequence or in importance.  To bake a cake it may be sequential but to strike a business agreement or contract it may be in list of  importance thus jumping the sequence que.

6.     Deadlines – These are at the heart of your goals.  The time within which to achieve.  Ensure you are meeting them and better still exceeding them.

7.     Bite Size Chunks – Don’t try to build Rome in a day.  You will fail and feel unaccomplished.  Rather break down large tasks into small bite size chunks.  One bite at a time takes you closer to goal achievement.

8.     Manage Your Emails – Schedule time for email management.  During this time reply to all emails.  Reply immediately and clean up your mailbox.  A sense of achievement is ever present when you are up to date.  A clogged up mailbox will leave you feeling time strapped and under pressure.Nelson Mandela Time

9.     Take A Break – Make time for a regular healthy distraction.  Stop for a water break, sip your favourite tea or coffee, have a power lunch or meet someone inspirational for a quick friendly, catch up.  This small but necessary break will serve as a mini recharge.  Go back fired up!

10.     Plan Tomorrow Today – Schedule tomorrow’s success activities today.  Don’t wait and see…Take action and control your time and your outcomes.

 I leave you with this beautifully, well crafted quote:  “Yesterday’s history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present”.  Use your time well on the road to achievement or squander it on the path to nowhere.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies for your personal and professional success and achievement. The art of effective success oriented time management is revealed, trained and mastered to bring about the results you want and need. This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Excellence and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477




With the World Cup 2014 at our doorstep I wanted to share with you some mind blowing inspirational ideas of soccer legend Christiano  Ronaldo.   Ronaldo, is arguably the worlds best footballer of our time with Lionel Messi a close second currently… Cristiano-Ronaldo-Ballon

Today I want to debunk the myth of luck.  “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.” said Michael Angelo.  Let Ronaldo’s story bring about world class commitment to your personal and professional achievement by understanding the genius at work.

While Ronaldo hopes to take home to Portugal the Brazil World Cup 2014, let’s look closer at Ronaldo’s daily workout regime:

– Daily practice of 3 to 4 hours a day, making him super fit. Ronaldo has fat percentage of less than 10% body fat…

– Running for state (cardio of 25-30 mins) a session, multiple session per work out

– “Explosive Sprint” drills that are of high intensity (short-period exercises);  improving power, agility, coordination and filling his lungs with capacity

– Technical drills.  These are repeated until perfection to enhance skills and ball control

– Tactical football exercises to improve team play…repetition at the heart of all excellence

– Gym exercises to develop specific muscle groups , toning, strengthening and conditioning his physique and ability

Is it not amazing that he works so hard at his craft?  This excludes his: 

– Match performances.  He commits heart in every effort.  He plays to win and is a warrior at heart.  Ronaldo

– Sport psychologists.  Keeps him focused on the goals and outcomes.

– Strategic planning.  Innovation in football is often undermined but it really separates the winners from the wannabes.

– Penalty and Free kick practicing.  He has become a deadly assassin with a football.  Going onto score countless breath taking goals from the spot

– T.V, Radio and print media.  Ronaldo spends many hours a month marketing his brand of success through all media types and is a highly sought after model.  His work includes Nike, Armani, Jockey, and Coca Cola to name a few.

I’ve asked and will keep asking “What are YOU working hard at”?  Wishing wont work.  Hard work alone will…

You know what keeps Ronaldo world-class?  Its knowing he has more within him.  His glory years are still ahead of him.  So are yours…  As baseball legend Babe Ruth said: “Its hard to beat someone who wont give up”.  Dont quit.

So whether you are in administration, sales, self employed, a business owner or CEO, show me your habits and I will show you your successes or failures.  Make good habits and make them your masters for within them lies your genius.  Blood, sweat and tears spent in preparation will serve you well in battle.

If you want to change your life, your outcomes or want a new lease on life, need personal and professional success like fish need water contact us at “NO-EXCUSES” today understanding the success formula used by Ronaldo.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies  for your personal and professional success and achievement. The art of out lasting the salad years before success is achieved are revealed, trained and mastered to bring about the results you want and need.  This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization today.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Excellence and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



RELATIONSHIP SELLING: Are you tired of chasing close off?

Are you tired of chasing “close off” every month or quarter?  While there are no secrets to sales success, there are certain gems which when cut and polished makes success all the sweeter.

Here is one such gem for your sales mastery.  RELATIONSHIP SELLING:

Relationship Selling is about building high quality relationships with new and existing customers.  These relationships have at its root; rapport (a connection of values in common), sincere listening skills and a genuine interest in solving the needs of the customer that’s not WIIFME based.  (Whats In It For Me).  Customers want meaningful relationships with suppliers and service providers.  They often want more than just a transactional relationship.  They want to trust and know that you care about their business sincerely.

These relationships when mastered become the source of repeat business and word of mouth referrals.  These relationships often last over many decades and across companies. Here are some powerful ideas for building high quality relationships.

  1. Establish Rapport – You must establish a “connection” with your customer.  You must find commonality between you and your customer which serves as your connection.  Commonality in values has more legs than “we both like golf”.  Remember that, “people, like people who are like themselves”.  The more you are like your customer, the sooner you are likely to succeed.
  2. Establish High Trust – When someone feels they can trust you, they open up.  Build credibility and trust follows.  Keep your word.  Show honesty and integrity in all your dealings.  Communication is more powerful when you are challenged than when its smooth sailing.  Call upon your customer to explain why you cant meet a delivery date or have to wait for stock to clear customs etc.  This shows your honesty. You don’t have to be perfect, you have to be trustworthy.
  3. Ask Quality Questions & Listen Intently –  When courting a customer, you must master the art of questioning and listening.  These are non invasive but fact finding questions which open the door to deeper questions such as “Why do you need delivery by Fridays?”.  The answer by the customer will give you a free education in their business model.  It will also provide insight into the customers “wants”.  He needs delivery every Friday but what he may want is peace of mind that you can do what you say you can.  Knowledge is power. Actually knowledge is currency.  Keeping this customer in your corner means keeping your delivery schedule come hell of high water for the result is customer peace of mind.  This peace of mind translates into repeat sales, referrals, recommendations and sometimes a life long friend.
  4. Objection Handling – When a customer says no, he is not rejecting you, your product or service or your company.  He is asking for clarification.  He is asking for terms and conditions.  He is empowering you to come back by handling the objection which will thus give him peace of mind.  Customers also want to know they are dealing with a professional.  Imagine consulting an amateur heart surgeon who has a ZERO success rate.  After interviewing him, would you really chance it?  Now consider the same heart surgeon walks you through his professional training, his supervised successes and the fact that he is his classes top student?  Paints a different picture, doesn’t it?  Objections are a part of the sale interview meant to allow you to counter with your competency, product superiority, flexibility etc.  Don’t shy away, handle them like a pro.
  5. Follow Up – Keep regular contact with your customers.  Even if just a quick hello, a cup of coffee and the occasional meal together that’s not based on business.  I assure you, your customer will raise the business.  Then you have free reign to talk shop.  This follow up, shows you care.  As Theodore Roosevelt  said, ‘No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care’.

The benefits of relationship selling are multiple.  Start caring today.  Call upon your toughest customer and commit to building that bridge towards a high quality relationship.  You will be pleasantly surprised when he asks you over to give you new business.  When we change our perceptions and commit to our mutual success, success follows.

At the VINESH MAHARAJ Sales Training Program – 2014 you will learn many more powerful relationship building techniques.  You will get the strategies to keep your sales numbers world class, the tips and tools to keep you closing more sales faster and easier and the “how to’s” to accelerate your business growth.  Have your company contact me today for your sales achievement.

I’m your coach and partner in success…



Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



Almost halfway through 2014, I want to remind you of the long forgotten New Years resolutions some of you undertook as the calendar struck the beginning of a new year.  To lose weight, get out of debt, save more money, further your studies, to start your own business? 

How far have you come with the achievement of these goals?  How soon will you accomplish them? Or will they remain on the ever-elusive task list?

Too many of us fail ourselves because we have never understood, nor had any real strategy to achieve our goals.  Sadly it’s not taught at schools or universities.  Yet without goals you are like a ship without a rudder or, a captain without a compass.  Sooner or later you will run aground.

 Here are 10 Keys to ensure you hit your goals, every time:

 1.    Be 100% CLEAR about what you want to achieve – Many of us are trying to fulfill cloudy, hazy ideas.  If you don’t know where you are going, don’t be surprised when you get nowhere…

2.    Clearly articulated WRITTEN goals, have every chance of success – Now you see them, now you don’t fleeting thoughts about your goals can never be fulfilled for the mind is a busy body, going from idea to idea, challenge to challenge, relationship to relationship all in 3 seconds flat.  Your goal in mind has no chance of survival.  Writing it has every chance of success.

3.    Ensure that your goals are PERSONAL – Don’t compete with the Jones’s.  Their goals and ambitions are fueled by a different set of values compared to yours.  Remember values drive behavior.  You can only achieve goals in line with your values.

4.    Ensure your BELIEFS are in line with your goals – If not, review your beliefs and then your goals.  If you cant believe it is possible for you, then you have failed in the first instance.

5.     “The secret of getting ahead is GETTING STARTED. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” – Mark Twain

6.    Set TIMELINES – For micro achievement, for measurement, for strategy review and realization of your goal.  Don’t fear having to review your goal.  The best of plans have to be reviewed and sometimes changed to ensure success.

7.    SYNERGIES – Join a group, club or organization that will provide you with the support required to achieve your goals.  Small business chambers, a mentor, weigh less, the personal trainer at the gym , etc.  There is power in synergies.

8.    WORK HARD – No goals are ever achieved without hard work.  Sweat in preparation but I promise you will enjoy sweet success in achievement.  Do whatever it takes.

9.    Stay FOCUSED – There are many distractions that will compete with your goals.  There may even be the temptation to stop the pursuit of your goals because “it is too hard”, “it’s taking too long” etc.  Don’t be distracted, be focused.  When all you see in your scope of success is your goals as achieved, every bulls eye you hit is highly fulfilling.

10. Be RELENTLESS – So what if it takes a week or a month longer to achieve?  So what if it takes a year longer to achieve?  Don’t quit, ever.  Be relentless.

 Make 2014 count as your year of achievement.  Start today.  Don’t delay.  Reach higher ground by setting your goals higher.  “Why grovel with the turkeys when we can soar with the eagles”?   Let your goals fuel you further and faster taking you far beyond your wildest dreams setting a new tone for an ever increasingly fulfilled life.

At the upcoming VINESH MAHARAJ – PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL MASTERY PROGRAM – 2014 we unpack ALL the strategies  for your personal and professional goal achievement.  You will uncover ALL the tools required to assist you in realizing your goals.  You will get the strategies to keep you inspired, the tips and tools to keep you focused and the “how to’s” to accelerate the realization your goals, building a brighter future, realizing your true potential.  This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement. Get more details for you and your company by contacting me. Go on and create your destiny of success and achievement.

I’m your coach and partner in success…



Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales Success, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477
