MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Why You Aren’t Motivated

Why You Aren't Motivated by Vinesh Maharaj
We all want to be fabulously rich, have sleek, hunky bodies, enjoy traveling the world
and having tons of free time to spend with friends and family etc. We all have good intentions to get there but as we all know, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The irony is that you, already know what you need to do in order to achieve these and more for yourself but you are constantly trading time, money, effort and a whack of excuses and never get to it, because you lack the motivation to do so.
The dictionary defines motivation as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”, or “the general desire or willingness of someone to do something”. So most people either out of sheer laziness or procrastination just never rise to the occasion.
Here is why you lack motivation:
1. You’re lazy – Yes I said it. You’re lazy. The work is not worth the reward. The couch is more comfortable than the pavements of sweat and hard work. The pleasure (result) of the grind pales in comparison to the pain of sweat and work. The value proposition of doing the work (EFFORT/REWARD ratio) does not inspire you.
2. You’re a professional procrastinator – 80% of the world’s population are professional procrastinators. Later, tomorrow, when I’m not tired, when pigs learn to fly…It’s a lie you feed yourself. The truth is you aren’t wanting/willing or interested in doing it at all. It makes you feel better to say later, than to admit the truth.
3. You don’t know what to do – Because you’re doing something you haven’t done before…you are getting uncomfortable and don’t have the road map, the tour guide or the manual to execute on your goals. You then hang up on yourself until you feel ready.
4. You don’t have enough WHY – You don’t have enough reasons for your success. Stack them up, count them, feel them, work them. Why do you want it? What will it mean to you?
5. You are not obsessed with your goals – Your lack of obsession with your goals means you enjoy massive amounts of distraction. Your distractions keep you unfocused, inactive and underperforming. Target lost…again.
Want to break through? Heres how:
1. Commit to overcoming your laziness – Start with admission. At the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or GA (Gambling Anonymous) all work on this principle. Start with speaking your truth, it shall set you free.
2. Immerse yourself in ACTION – START! By getting deeply immersed in action, you kick the habit of procrastination. Activate the “DO IT NOW” muscle. The muscles always there. Just commit to getting started.
3. Get skilled/trained/coached – There are endless resources at your disposal to acquire the skills you need. Google returned these searching “find a coach” (About 172 000 000 results (0,53 seconds) ). There is a Youtube video for everything. “Seek and ye shall find”. There are really no excuses for not knowing, not in this information age. Get it done.
4. Find your WHY – List, Stack, Emotionalize your WHY. How would I feel if I achieved this goal? How would you celebrate the goal achievement? How many reasons can you list to drive your achievement. Are these “why’s” sincerely from your heart…do you feel them vibrating at your core…?
5. Get obsessed – Immersion, singular focus and obsession will ensure you are not distracted by the whims of others. TV, social media, chit-chat and meaningless activities will fail to distract you because obsession means, eating, drinking and sleeping your goals. An obsessed man will climb Everest regardless of the many life threatening conditions. HE’S OBSESSED.
What’s your Everest? What’s your plan to get there? Who is in your support staff? When will you summit? Get on with it, the time has never been better than right now. Carpe diem or die a slow and meaningless life. Get motivated man, lifes passing by…
Vinesh Maharaj is a professional public speaker who is obsessed about getting you and your team going to the next level of achievement. Let your next conference, team building or team meeting echo with resounding success, commitment and motivation to do whatever it takes.
+27 84 990 1539



I often find myself wondering how it is that we have so many gym’s committed to peak physical shape and performance and can appreciate the efforts put in by both the company’s that run them and the athletes that use them.  The benefits are outstanding in that many lose weight, gain muscle, feel great while some even look like Greek Gods and Goddesses.  I am a huge fan of the gym.

My concern is the lack of mental gym’s.  How can you ever attain Peak Mental Fitness?  Yes, we have school, colleges and universities but they are designed in many ways to teach you knowledge but not how to think.  By now we have come to realize that “thoughts are things” as per Napoleon Hill.  We spend all day thinking some 60 000 thoughts a day, but like hamsters on the same wheel, we struggle to think new thoughts solely because we have not run“the treadmill of the mind”, to create new neuro-pathways to higher thinking, to deeper thinking, to analytical thinking, to possibility thinking, to focused thinking etc.

Here are some insights used and taught by “master minds” and “think tanks” that have solved many of life’s questions.  Among many millions of solutions, these included curing diseases and creating vaccines.   Creating communication platforms such as telephones, the post office and the fax machine to creating computers, email, cellular phones, text messages and Whatsapp and BBM messages, reducing both cost and time.

File sharing in real time.  No more scurvy or plague. No more Mr. Postman.  No more Fax machines.  No more darkness.  Hello electricity.  Hello air conditioning, refrigeration, microwave cooking etc. These have made our lives simpler in so many ways.  The greats created transportation, from cars that drive, to cars that self drive to cars that self parks.  Hello air transportation and space transportation.  All these and more were borne out of the minds of Peak Mental achievers.  This was not achieved through hard work alone.  Initially it was through thought, through analytical thinking, through deduction and many hours of mental gymnastics.

 If its possible for them, then Peak Mental Fitness sure is possible for you and I.  Here is how…

  1. Decide to become a quality thinker – Decide to think only quality thoughts that progress your plans, improve your actions and analyzes your results.  Then act on your information, to create better results.
  2. Commit – Go on a 30 day mental gym schedule.  Expand your mind, expand your horizons.  For the next 30 days take up this challenge.
  3. Your mind is a sponge – Fill it all day long.  Read and listen, not just in your genre and in your view point.  Read beyond your comfort zone.  Read views opposed to your own with an open mind.
  4. Challenge yourself – Change your circle of friends for a month.  A different group has new dynamics, different perspectives and ideas which will challenge your own.
  5. Learn a new language, musical instrument or sport – By learning a new language, musical instrument or sport, you will learn a new set of skills.  New, neuro-pathways will be created in the brain.  It will get all areas of your brain activated and firing on all cylinders.
  6. Ask better questions – The quality of your life is based on the quality of your questions.  Ask better questions.  Who, Why, How, What if etc.  Challenge your thoughts and ideologies.  This questioning allows your subconscious mind the opportunity to answer them.
  7. Master your maths – Through analytical, numerical problem solving you fortify the skill of thinking through more and more complex problems.  Solving them, improves confidence, understanding and application.

So start today and be among the few who do, versus the many who talk.  Develop a strong, alert and athletic mind which will unlock doors of opportunities to you because you will recognize them long before others and will have created the required mental capacity to solve serious problems be they in your personal or business life.  Be it at creating new products and services, be it at achieving your personal, business or humanitarian goals.

It was Malcolm X who said “The future belongs to those who prepare for it”.  The time is going to pass anyway.  Rather invest your time in your mental development and obtain Peak Mental Fitness.

For more on creating a Peak Performance culture at your organization, invite Vinesh Maharaj, Conference Speaker, Peak Performance Training Expert and Peak Performance Coach to your next event to raise the bar of performance.  Vinesh’s energetic and impassioned delivery of fresh, entertaining and enlightened approach will leave your team pumped up for results, long after the session is over.

Not only does Vinesh Maharaj impart the Peak Performance strategies and means to execution, he also leaves behind a tangible sense of self belief, self confidence and self esteem.  Vinesh Maharaj, walks, talks and breathes Peak Performance, making him a highly sought after asset to the many businesses he consults to.  Get new blood, get new results, get Vinesh Maharaj for your next Conference, Team Building, Peak Performance Training and Peak Performance Coaching needs for an unforgettable experience and the credible results your organization needs.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I am your coach and partner in success.

+27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Chasing money? Think again…

Chasing Money by Vinesh MaharajChasing money?  Perhaps it’s time you reconsider.  It’s been said time and time again.  You hear, you believe but you fail to act…“Your health, is your wealth”.  The investment in your personal wellness starts with your health.

Money can buy almost anything, yet it can’t buy good health.  What is your wealth, when your health fails you?  What is your wealth if you are bed ridden?  What is your wealth when you can’t play with your kids?  Or walk your daughter down the isle?  Without health, wealth is meaningless.

Most people are very health conscious earlier in their lives for obvious reason.  Boys grow muscles, girls keep slender and curvaceous.  Then comes love, marriage and children.  Gym, and healthy, time controlled eating dissipates and junk food, “eat when I can” creeps in unconsciously.  Add few few years later and your metabolism has slowed down.  The result…a pot belly, some love handles, too much junk in the trunk etc. etc. etc.

The long term effects of these culminate in diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension and a myriad of related diseases.  Personal Mastery means mastering the 8 areas of your life.

Today I want to talk about your HEALTH and how you can claim it back.

  1. Eat like a champion.  Get your full share of fruit and vegetables, high protein and good carbohydrates.  Eat small regular meals.  Stock up on almonds.  They’re brain food.  Have lots of live culture yogurts.  Eat foods that energize, not junk that fails to metabolize.  Cut back on unhealthy fats and remember NO PROCESSED FOODS ever…Every time you drive past one of those infamous junk food joints…see the fatty, sludge, salty “poisonous milkshake” oozing down the throat, into the gut, making a home called comfort eating.
  2. Stay Well Hydrated.  Water is the way to the mental alertness and peak performance.  Carbonated sugary drinks and “fresh from the bottle fruit juices” are poison.  Steer clear at all costs.
  3. Train for a marathon.  Get fit.  No… get super fit.  Cut fat, increase metabolism and get ripped.  Feel great.  Join the gym, a running or cycling club.  Play netball, rugby or soccer on the weekends.  Mall trotting doesn’t kill fat…it fuels it, along with fueling poverty.
  4. Rest well.  Get sufficient rest.  An exhausted body or mind cant perform at peak.  Who wants a sluggish, slow thinking, inattentive, exhausted player on their team at the Rugby World Cup?
  5. Join a yoga club.  Meditation and breathing has been hailed in the modern world as an ancient means to connect with yourself, bring peace, focus and tranquility after a frantic day of traffic, meetings and emails.  Inner peace, deep breathing and a calm mind can slow down your heart rate, reduce the stress hormone cortisol and can bring out the Zen in you.

Peak performance means personal value and personal investment.  Is your health worth investing in?  You don’t have to become Tarzan or Arnold Schwarzenneger.  Small daily investments, means you can be beach fit this summer.  Make minor changes and start the journey to your ultimate life.  You have one body, take great care of it.

For more on the VINESH MAHARAJ PERSONAL MASTERY PROGRAM, to create lasting and meaningful change to yourself, your staff and your company, feel free to contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.  This corporate program will inspire and motivate change and personal and professional excellence.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I am your Peak Performance Business Coach and Partner in Success.


+27 84 990 1539


Vinesh Maharaj DissonanceOften times you may find yourself wondering, even feeling highly frustrated, with little or no room, options or opportunities to maneuver in securing the much coveted prize…Your personal or professional success.  

This feeling of total dissatisfaction or frustration with the status quo is referred to as dissonance.

The dictionary defines DISSONANCE as:

“A lack of harmony among musical notes” AND “A lack of agreement or harmony between people or things”.  

In our development, dissonance is the incongruence with our potential and our results.

Why is dissonance so important you may ask?  Well, simply put it’s the precursor to all greatness.  Many of man’s greatest discoveries were based on massive dissonance.  Our frustration with the cold and the inability to cook, led to the discovery of fire by primitive man.  The frustration with having to replace lamps with oil or gas led to the discovery of electricity.  The frustration with snail mail led to the discovery and creation of email.  The frustration of the encyclopedia led to the discovery and creation of Google.  So clearly dissonance played a great role in all the greatest creations, innovations and discoveries  that have taken man from the dark age into the current age.  Dissonance makes you move in the direction of your goals.

Dissonance is the driving factor across all disciplines:

The golfer who wants to improve his handicap.

The athlete who wants to improve her time.

The businessman wants to improve his bottom-line…

They’re all driven by their unhappiness with the status quo to improve, better and achieve up to their potential.

As you go along your business today reflect on all the matters that are close to your heart and ask yourself do you have a high enough degree of frustration to want to make lasting and meaningful change?

Here is how to use your dissonance in the direction of your goals…

  1. Learn from nature – Go to the soil with your seed, not with your need.  Everyone wants and needs a shopping list, but how many plant seeds for future needs?
  2. Sow more than you reap – Stop asking, whats in it for me.
  3. Translate your wisdom into action – Knowing is not enough, doing is not enough.  Heart and mind union causes results, so know more, do more and achieve more.
  4. Nurture and guard your “garden” – don’t let the mad elephant into the room.  It will destroy you and your harvest.

For more on your Business Development, Sales Conference, Sales Training and Sales Coaching needs, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to help you and your organization fulfill its goals and objectives. I welcome hearing from you.

Keep smiling, keep shining!!!

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539



Monday Mental ProteinWhether you are building a business, a family or a body, clarity needs to be crystal clear or it could be like looking through an old windshield caked in the dust of yesteryear.

Jim Rohn, American author and public speaker said “I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives.  Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change”.  In this spirit, I always ask entrepreneurs, business owners and individuals at my training programs and seminars “WHY” they are in business?  “WHY” the want to be millionaires and billionaires?  “WHY” they want to leave a legacy and I am always astounded by their lack of “WHY’s”!  After a few words they’re often left speechless.

I get responses similar to these:

“I want to be rich so I can buy all the things I want”

“I want to be  millionaire so that can be free from work”

” I want to leave a legacy for my children so they don’t have the same sufferings we had”

Thats the depth and extent to their WHY!

These are “nice” and “rosy” reasons for failure but by AMPING UP your motivations, you aggressively increase the likelihood of success.  When your dreams are big enough, the odds do not matter whatsoever, for you WILL find a way.

If you went to a builder and said “build me a house”, the first thing he would ask is “where are the plans”?  She needs to know how many square meters, how many bedrooms, bath rooms, living rooms, garages etc…You will have the WHY’s:

You must be crystal clear about what you want…and WHY you want it…For example:

I need a double storey, six bedroom 600 square meter house with a triple garage, two living rooms, all bedrooms en suite, a games room, a library etc. A bedroom for each of your kids.  A living room for the family and visitors.  A formal living room for guests, A triple garage for the growing family and so forth.

The more reasons (WHY) you have for wanting it, the greater the chances you will pursue it with purpose and vigor.  You will have the bullets in the chamber to strike your target.

Today I wish to share with you: 6 Personal Check-In Questions to Ask Yourself to help you get what you want faster:

  1. What is that going to do for me?  How will achieving your goal  improve your current status (health, wealth, education, relations etc.)  List all the benefits of achieving this goal.  The more, the merrier.
  2. What’s stopping me?  List all the challenges holding you back, time, money, contacts, knowledge, etc.)  Be brutally honest with yourself.  Delusion is not an option.
  3. What’s important to me here?  Find the opportunity the hidden opportunity in your scenario.  By understanding whats important to you in this situation you highlight your path to success.
  4. What’s working well?  What in your strategy is working really well?   Where are you getting results?  Increase your activities here.
  5. What can I be better?  How can I improve on these results?  Be truthful about your growth areas.  Find that 1% self improvement where you can be better that could give you 100% return.
  6. What resources are going to support me?  List all the resources that can support your goal achievement.  Which family, friends, knowledge, contacts etc going to take me towards the holy grail?

To keep you on track to where you want to get, use the checklist of questions daily or in every situation to keep you moving forward.  However the magic ingredient to all success is … ACTION.  So take massive amounts of action using your newfound information.

It was Paul G. Thomas who said “Until input (thought) is linked to a goal (purpose) there can be no intelligent accomplishment”.  Keep tabs on your progress by holding yourself accountable to yourself, to your goals and your success for there can be no one else but you, who is  fully responsible and accountable.

For more on your Business Development, Sales Conference, Sales Training and Sales Coaching needs, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to showcase our products and services to help you and your organization fulfill its goals and objectives.  I welcome hearing from you.

Keep smiling, keep shining!!!

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539



EntrepreneurBeing youth month in South Africa, I want to focus on Youth-Preneurship. Without being too clichéd, we’ve all heard before that “the children are the future”.  As such what type of future will they inherit or create?

If we continue at the current rate, we will run into serious trouble in the future. We have serious challenges with unemployment, crime, poverty, longevity and ultimately personal happiness and fulfillment.

Today I want to share with you 3 points on how you can start, develop and grow your Youth business from home, school or your garage.

1. Find the need…

There are literally hundreds of needs all around you.  Needs for goods and services.  Needs for solutions.  By solving peoples problems you solve your own money problems.  Focus on high-quality, high profitability opportunities.

Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing:

Schools, businesses and homes in your area require stationery on the daily basis…Pens, pencils, writing pads, invoicing books, reading books, curriculum books etc.  Register your company , speak to your principal or governing body to partner with them.   Offer them a partnership they can’t resist.  Offer them cost savings (competitive pricing), a small profit share in the form of a donation (please check for legality prior), or sponsor the schools rugby team on their next tour.  Offer them more value (while keeping some for yourself) than they can get from a competitor.

Find a manufacturing supplier who can give you competitive prices and high quality which you can pass onto your school.  Now find just 10 – 100 more schools and you’re into a serious business with serious prospects of a bright future.

Grow fresh produce on your school or communal grounds (get the right authorization before hand).  Seeds cost little to nothing.  If you’re really smart, get them sponsored by the local nursery.  Add labour, a bit of education about crop rearing, soil fertilization, irrigation and viola!  You have perhaps the freshest produce to offer to parents, local shops, restaurants and even super markets.  With the right mentorship and guidance, you could launch your path to entrepreneurial wealth, job creation and the passage to big business requiring farm lands, hi-tech equipment, irrigation systems, logistics and distribution systems.

Start a bespoke cupcake birthday business.  Try to supply every birthday at your school.  Then supply the church, temple, mosque, synagogue with their birthdays and special occasions and events.  If they’re really good cupcakes and are value for money, beware…success can be sweet.

Showcase Birthday parties with your DSLR and sell them only the pics they want?  Package various options and snap away.  Photography can be a great way to start, but real business occurs when you have an army of school going photographers working for you.  You find the leads, make the sales and collect the cash…you own the business, your staff do the work.  Find the need, fill the gap and prosper.

2.  Beat the Competition – There is always competition. 

To find a spouse you have to competeTo land a job you have to compete… Competition is about the survival of the fittest.   It’s an ancient reality of “adapt or die…”  By harnessing this law while in your youth it allows you to grow through rapidly changing environments, it forces you to outwit, outsmart and outplay your competition.  You win by adding value.  You win by staying relevant.  You win by being flexible and adaptable in an ever-changing environment.  Find ways of adding value and you will have customers to serve.  “Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground”.

3.  Innovate, create…

You can start today by innovating and creating new products and services that the market has never seen before.  Think Facebook, Twitter…develop your own app?  Think about the cell phone? Twenty years ago we were in the stone ages…today mobile communication is at your finger tips.  Think about products that people use every day that can be improved such as the electric toothbrush, razor blades, tooth paste.  They’re always “new and improved” but don’t create any new results, yet you always pay more for them.  Create something really “new and improved” and steal away the market.  Create apps for parents such as “track my kids”,  so that parents can monitor the whereabouts of their children 24/7.  Develop an app you can tie back to your cellphone, so you never lose you keys again, ever!!!  Solve problems, make millions…Mark Zuckerberg solved communications and social interactions through taking them online…Oops, he is a billionaire in $’s!!!

Innovation and creation does not lend itself to new products and services exclusively.  You can  add on value to existing products and services, launching your business from that platform.   Someone found a way to take an age old commodity like vodka which has been drunk for hundreds and thousands of years and repackaged it in an innovative, creative way.  I’ve seen blue bottles, silver bottles, black bottles, square bottles, triangular bottles and even skull shaped bottles of vodka! Same old wine in a new bottle…smiling all the way to the banks.

Note that these are just some ideas for your early stages of business growth and development. ..As business grows, so should you…Remember that ideas are a “rhyme a dime” but execution is king!

Wishing you youthful entrepreneurs immediate and sustained success.  Keep on, keeping on.  Signing off in the words of Steve Jobs “Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry!!!

For more on your Entrepreneurial Development, Sales Conference, Sales Training and Sales Coaching needs, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to showcase our products and services to help you and your organization fulfill its goals and objectives.  I welcome hearing from you.

Keep smiling, keep shining!!!

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Pain or Pleasure? What Drives You?

NLPAll human decisions and acts are to either avoid pain or to enjoy pleasure.  Yet, what seems painful to one person may be pleasurable to another such as the recent Comrades marathon.  Thousands of people felt drawn to the pain of the event in pursuit of the pleasure in completing it.  Some people have a high threshold for pain in the form of poverty, obesity, unhappiness etc.  Others in fear of those, do all they can to accelerate the great escape from pain.  Others are instantly attracted to the pleasure of wealth, a slim and trim physique and chooses emotional wellness over unhappiness.

Everything we do is to either enjoy the suffering of pain (self inflicted or complicit) or to enjoy the pleasure of achieving.  According to Anthony Robbins and the practitioners of Neuro Linguistic Programming, all humans have Six Basic Needs in a sequence and combination which is unique to you.  So ask your self what drives you?

Here are the six basic human needs that drives behaviour…

1. Certainty: Some people are seeking the assurance that they can avoid pain and enjoy pleasure.  Some of us even want to be certain of our appointment with death.

2. Uncertainty OR Variety: This is the need for the variety of the unknown or the requirement of change or some new stimulus.  These are generally people with the need for new and ongoing adventures.

3. Significance: This is the need to feel unique, important, special or needed by others.

4. Connection OR Love: Here we speak of needing a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone, family or community and sometimes something such as a brand.

5. Growth:  This the need for expansion of capacity,ability or understanding.  The need for continuous growth, development and learning…

6. Contribution: This is a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others who are in need.  We are driven by wanting to making a difference in the lives of others.

Your task is to understand the following:

  1. Which of these drive you most?  In what sequence?
  2. How do you meet these needs.  Are your actions positive or negative in fulfilling them?
  3. What can you do from today to focus on your growth and contribution?

By understanding what drives you, you can create new patterns of excellence which can serve you, creating lasting success.

Peak personal performance comes from understanding your drivers, whilst overcoming your limitations, transcending the mediocre and embracing your potential for the complete and ultimate breakthrough, giving you Personal Mastery.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Tired of The Rat Race? Time to Break The Box!

And The Winner Of the Rat Race is....So, you wake up in a box called a bed.  You shower in a box.  You have boxed cereal.  You drive to work in a box.  You ride the box up to your office.  You speak to others on a box and you turn on your box at your desk.  You repeat the same pattern, watching TV on a box and following the instructions on the box…ultimately ending up in a box on your funeral day.  Now lets be frank, Our thoughts and actions have been shaped into this box.  Today, lets break free from box thinking.  Lets use our creativity to be limitless in health, wealth, career…

The dogma of going to a good school, getting good grades, marrying a good person and working your buns off and one day you will be happy, rich and fulfilled has left us all red faced.  We trade 40 years of full time employment for a few years of living in retirement.  We are self imprisoned to serve the dreams of others while sacrificing ours until old age.  Now lets face the brutal truth…

Get out of the box.  Stop running the treadmill of the hamster.  Start taking responsibility and accountability for your life.  A golden handshake which has become rusty over time is of no value when you trade 5 days of imprisonment for 2 days of freedom.  Emancipate yourself.  This is the new revolution.  This is the time to break free from the rat race.  There are no winners in the rat race…there are just rats.

I’m a big advocate of self employment, entrepreneurship, business ownership etc.  You should rather ‘own” the rat race, than run in it.  By owning the rat race, you create opportunities for others to fulfill their needs.  Note I’m not advocating their dreams will be fulfilled, unless it is your dream to flip burgers until death, or mop floors until age 65, or that you want to be a taxi driver as its the most fulfilling occupation under the sun.

Don’t be fooled by so many “Get Rich Quick” scams which sing out loudly “Earn R20K in 2 weeks”, “Work from Home and get Rich”, “Business Opportunity”,  “Get rich while staying at home”, they often translate into “Work for me at no pay, just commission”, “Free time”?  Its a fallacy.   It takes all your free time earn those commissions.

Lets examine how you can kick the box:

  1. Work for yourself.  Start today.  We all have hundreds of needs to be fulfilled.  Look around you.  Wherever you see problems, I see opportunities.  By solving other peoples problems, you create opportunities.
  2. Invent, create, re-invent.  The opportunities are there for manufacturing new products, offering new services or improving the services of existing businesses.  Lets consider a few examples…get together your family members and start a family business.  Use each others networks and skills and launch from the living room or garage but remember to succeed, you must exit the garage and enter formal business premises.  Why import Chinese products when we can make them ourselves?  Start a new food franchise/bakery from your home.  Start a soap manufacturing business.  Start a cosmetics company and partner with a huge distributor to reach new markets.  Develop an app that adds value.  Grow flowers for the funeral parlour.  Grow vegetables for the local store.  Resell stationary to businesses and schools.  Find a unique advantage that you can add value for your customers to compel them to do business with you.  Add value in price, quality, service.  There are endless ideas.  Choose one you love to do, grow it until it matures and the skies are truly the limits.
  3. Sell, sell, sell…The greatest ideas are useless if you cant sell them onto others.  You reach success when you achieve critical mass.  When you sell millions, to millions of customers, you are serving millions and therefore you are earning millions.  Sell to the greatest number of customers both local and international through mass reach…either a a national footprint through stores or through an online store.  While you sleep, customers can buy through your online portal, because sales grows us, our economy, our dreams, ambitions and goals.

If you are truly tired of the rat race and want a viable alternative, that’s going to take time and effort, and you are sincere about building a meaningful lifestyle geared towards your possibility, your dreams and your achievement then you cant miss this opportunity.

Start up now and grow your business from idea to fledgling to a thriving business through the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop. This Program is targeted at serious, sincere entrepreneurs who are committed to kicking the rat race in favour of running their own race.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539


MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Get out of your own way

GuiltySelf sabotage is a daily occurrence most of us choose not to focus on, or even discuss.  Yet many people are guilty of impeding their own progress through bad choices.  Choice is a wonderful equalizer.  Everyone chooses their own reality.  Your life is full of choices from rising in the morning to resting at night.  Everyone has the same 24 hours everyday and everyone chooses their own level of poverty.  For some $20K is enough per month, for others $50K or a $100K is not enough.  Do you choose to surrender at $20K?  Whats your number?  When do you surrender?

Self Sabotage affects almost everyone at some point or another.  “I have a tendency to sabotage relationships; I have a tendency to sabotage everything. Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of being afraid. Useless, good-for-nothing thoughts” said Michael Buble.

Personal Treason should be a punishable offense.  This will reduce or eliminate people from making poor decisions.  What is personal treason you wonder?  Well, its when you act contrary to your highest values, goals and ideals.  Here is an example.

A young college boy meets girl, gets drunk together, “falls in love”, gets her pregnant, quits college to marry and feed his new found love and new arrival. He chose the girl over his education.  He chose alcohol over common sense.  He then chose to have unprotected sex risking several STD’s, unwanted pregnancy and perhaps even the deathly HIV.  He then chooses marry as it’s “the right thing to do” after all the wrong things he has done…  This is a typical example of personal treason.  His life could have been so different had he made better choices.  Now he trades 5 days a week to survive on a white collar salary and numbs himself over the weekends watching sport, drinking beer and eating away his pain.  Personal Treason can result in personal destruction as in this case.

Lets understand better choices…had the young man not gotten drunk and then chose not to have unprotected sex, he would not have  gotten his love pregnant.  He would not have to drop out of college but could have graduated and built a career as opposed to working in a dead end job, marrying the same girl he fell in love with, having and raising a beautiful family through design not through circumstance.  Thus pursuing a career as opposed to a job.

Now you may not self sabotage to this degree, but as Steve Jobs said in his Stanford commencement address in 2005, that looking forward you cant always connect the dots but by looking back you can see how choices are all interconnected and how they serve or fail you.

Here are 5 compelling ideas to stave off Personal Treason:

  1. Be the worlds best gate keeper – Keep at bay any self limiting, self defeatist, self treason thoughts, scenarios and opportunities.  A gate keeper has keen awareness of what serves your success and what sinks your success.
  2. Choose your reality – Disrupt your self defeatist thinking and instilling possibility thinking.  Make informed choices and eliminate self serve your greater good.  Choose the path of more resistance.  Instant gratification leads to long term pain.  To gain muscles, body builders choose more short term pain, heavier weights, more repetitions etc.
  3. Time/Benefit calculation (BUY NOW…PAY LATER, or PAY NOW, ENJOY LATER) Instant gratification (getting it right now and benefitting in the moment) as opposed to seeing time as a continuum staving off the short term pleasure for the long term goal.  Start by calculating the pro’s and the cons of your impending decisions.  All instant gratification comes at a price…
  4. Price/Value proposition – By establishing the price of immediate actions versus delayed gratification…which one comes at a higher price?
  5. Enable your success – Ensure that everything you do is consistent with your road map to “Success-ville”.  Those short detours to instant gratification can lead you down the slippery slopes of destruction.

So get out of your own way and summit the peaks of your personal performance.  Stop self sabotaging and start creating, networking, dreaming and planning your great escape from the jails of personal treason imprisonment.

For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539



Make your own luckPerformance separates the mediocre from the peak performers.  Usain Bolt, the worlds fastest man is one of the foremost peak performers in the world of athletics, Donald Trump in the world of real estate, Jeff Bezos among online retailers etc.

Performance is the end result of preparation, planning and execution.  Of course you may argue that Usain, Donald and Jeff had a predisposed advantage… be it genetics, karma or luck.  Lets evaluate these assumptions…Genetics:  Does every child of Mr and Mrs Bolt go on to win the 100m sprint at the Olympics? No!  Does every Trump child become anywhere near as triumphant as Donald? No!  Will the Bezos kids ever reach the peaks of Amazon? No!  Review history to see how few siblings (if any) or descendants ever reach the hallmarks established by their very own gene pool.  Is success and peak performance a question of karma or luck?

I do believe that this is certainly true.  What is karma or luck?  Its no more than the Law of Cause and Effect.  For every effect, there are a series of causes.  For one to achieve any outcome (effects)  there has to be a set of causes that make them possible.  To become wealthy (effect), one should keep expenses under income, save and invest (cause).  To become poor (effect) one should run expenses over income and have no savings and investments (cause).  Therefore to increase your desired effects we must increase the required causes.

Luck has been defined as “when preparation meets opportunity.  This echos true of the Law of Cause and Effect.  “He was lucky that he bought a lottery ticket” you may hear.  No pay, no play…you too could have been “lucky”.  “He was at the right place at the right time”.  This too is indicative of a hidden/unknown series of actions which led up to being at the right place at the right time.  Luck is real.  Karma is real.  The Law of Cause and Effect is real.

Today I want to get you focused on making your own luck and having karma work for you:

  1. Invest time in understanding the difference between your current status (effects) and desired status (desired effects), whatever your goal.
  2. Ask yourself why you are where you are?  Understand your effects. Feel the pain and pleasure of where you are to boost you to the next level.
  3. Now ask how can I change my causes (Inputs) to change my effects Outputs).  What actions do you need to undertake to bridge the gap to succeed.
  4. Sow seeds you WANT, like a farmer of success.  The more you sow what you want, the more you reap what you want.
  5. Believe in your heart that your ship is docking.  Know that whatever you sow, you will reap.

Here are some challenges to improve your “luck” this week.

  1. Be revolutionary.  Challenge the status quo…push the envelope
  2. Be masterful.  Execute like a swan…with grace and sophistication.
  3. Be amazing.  Touch the lives you serve.
  4. Be tenacious.  Work non stop to create the causes to create the effects you want.
  5. Be childish.  Have fun.
  6. Be active.  Take massive amounts of action consistent with your goals.
  7. Be an eternal optimist.  Know that what you sow, you shall reap.

Through this system of creating your own luck, you can go on to be, do and have all your heart desires.  In the immortal words of famous film producer Samuel Goldwyn; “The harder I work, the luckier I get”For more on increasing your organizations’s productivity in Sales, Administration and Customer Services, across industries contact me today for a Complimentary 30 minute Business Development Consultation.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 084 990 1539
