Let’s talk truth…governments around the world are weak, economists forecasts for the world’s economy is bleak, employment numbers are up and many are cowering in fear, surrendering to the status quo, adopting the excuses of the media and the masses.MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN by Vinesh Maharaj

Now let me flip the coin on you…governments are still collecting billions in taxes, economies (personal and business) are growing, companies are minting dollars and many are taking advantage and are rising above the dictates of mass hysteria and media gloom.

The old adage; “is the glass half full or half empty”.  Yes it’s all perspective.  How do you see it?  Is it a problem or do you see the opportunity?  You can hide behind excuses or you can rise to action.  Even in the world’s most depressed economies there are new millionaire and billionaire debutants.  How do you explain that?  Well, simply it means those people are dictating their own reality.  The refuse to subscribe to the opinions of others, for factually is the glass half empty or half full is really just an opinion, reflecting your reality.

You must ask, are you your own enemy, holding yourself back on the accounts of others…forcing their reality upon you?  Reality is a choice.  Winners are creating their own reality perpetually.  They see the way around, through, over and under the “problem”, for they see them as opportunities.  They are willing to do what others are not willing to do, because everyone else only sees the pain.  Winners only see the gain which they are willing to pay for with effort.

The next time you choose your reality ask yourself?  Am I a victim of my own reality?  Or am I championing my cause, from the front, creating a reality that serves my success?  Are you getting down and dirty where others want to keep their hands clean?  By making more calls, investing in your networks, growing your skills and pushing harder while others are retreating, you are are sure to dominate the future.  If you fall asleep at the wheel, surely you can’t win the race.  So wake up and get committed, creating a reality that sees you and your team mount the summit of success.

Stop being your own enemy.  Commit to never becoming a victim of your own dogma.  Rather champion your reality and make it happen.

For more and to Book Vinesh Maharaj to speak at your next Conference, Team Building or Staff Meeting contact us today:

+27 84 990 1539


Sales Trainer I Motivational Speaker I Johannesburg, South Africa

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Three Steps To Your Entrepreneurial Success

Monday Mental Protein - Entrepreneurship by Vinesh Maharaj

There has never been a better time in history to be an entrepreneur or business owner.  With opportunities aplenty, you get to write your own cheque, you work your own schedule and you get to create wealth for yourself and future generations, while simultaneously creating opportunities for others.

The minimum prerequisite for any lasting business success is both being a visionary and a masterful executioner, for dreams without action is much like building sand castles…within your mind.  A party for one and only you are invited.

Whether you run the “spaza shop”, a small business, a medium size business or even a corporate, it’s critical that you master the keys to business success.  While there is an endless list of skills such as, Tenacity, Resilience, Sales, Marketing, Communication, Management of people and resources and several more such as Finance and Operations, here are three key ingredients to your business success.


Focus is the ability to stay with the problem, challenge or goal until completion.  The people with the greatest focus complete and solve the greatest problems.  They score the best goals.  Laser-like focus creates laser-like results.  Think about diamonds for a second…In the original process diamonds were cut by man using the naked eye as a guide with some magnifying glass to increase and enhance focus.  As you know the eye can be imperfect in many ways.  Sometimes you see an oasis that’s not there.  At other times you miss the thing right in front of your eyes… Like your car keys, the salt, the remote etc. Since man’s inaccuracy and imperfect nature, the jewelry industry has resorted to laser diamond cutters run by computers.  This is to ensure the highest possible quality, The lowest possible wastage and the greatest profitability.  If you want business success you need to develop a laser-like focus.  So that you can stay focused on the goal, eliminate all the challenges and annihilate the competition.

So what is the entrepreneurs goal?  Invariably, they want to increase profitability, through reducing the cost of business and increased sales…Focusing on this meansTargets…can you hit a target you can’t see?  The best entrepreneurs focus intensely on target achievement.  All resources, Sales people, support staff, and everyone associated with the target, undergo rigorous training, development and support to succeed at the target.  They don’t change target, whilst they may change strategy, or resources in getting there.

By focusing on quality products, customer service and customer experience, you increase the value you add in the market place.  If you create a world class product, deliver it with sterling service and gives an experience worth remembering, you can easily corner the market.  Think about the tourism industry.  If you want elegance, class, unforgettable memories and world class service, would you buy a 1 star holiday?  Challenge yourself and your team to ensure you are winning market share by outwitting the competition.

The best entrepreneurs are obsessed with their numbers.  They know that their numbers never lie.  They measure everything.  Cost, efficiency, productivity, profitability, Sales performance etc.  They know too well that if you cant measure it, you cant manage it.  If you cant manage it, it manages you…out of business.  They compare past and present performance and also future expectations.  Become knowledgeable and confident about your business health.  By facing reality daily, there are no nasty surprises, just superior planning.


The most wildly successful entrepreneurs are strong communicators.  They communicate with themselves (their inner dialogue), to their staff (the vision) and to their customers.  They use the communication opportunity to build and reinforce their company and personal brand.

Their internal dialogue speaks possibility, not fear.  They use their psychology for their success.  They understand themselves, how they think, what makes them “fire up all engines” and what their challenges are.  Their internal dialogue comprises of affirmations, visualization and massive amounts of action.  Without action, they would be day dreamers.  Rather, they reinforce the dream through action while speaking their positive, personalized vision of where they are going and how they intend to get there.  They never speak of failure, uncertainty or problems.  They speak of success, certainty and of opportunities.

The successful  entrepreneurs, sell their vision on to their staff.  The staff eat, drink and sleep the ethos of the entrepreneurs at the best companies…Think Google, Apple, SAB etc.  Staff know exactly whats expected from them, by when and at what quality.  There is no grey areas.  There is do…do more…do faster…do innovate.  A great entrepreneur creates a culture for growth and expansion by fostering strong communication about the mission and vision of the organization to staff members.

Their customer communications are focused messages which continue in the form of in store adverts showcasing their amazing value and benefits or on television, radio or billboards for customer consumption.  Better still they connect with customers on SMS, they ask customers to rate their service, “recommend a friend” campaigns and so forth.  These companies are serious about owning their customers spend with them.  Thats what makes them so successful.  Every interaction is meant to drive them one step closer to re-engagement, making repeat customers.


If business were easy, everyone would be in it.  Because there are many barriers to success, hardly but a few succeed in a big way.  As such one of the primary skills for you to master is resilience.  Its the ability to weather the highs and lows, the erratic cash flow and overcoming the many fold challenges along the way. When the outlook is bleak, resilience keeps you going.  Its during these times that we measure not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog.

Resilience is also required at high level negotiations, mergers and take overs.  You’re stamina to last through these are largely dependent on your resilience, so you can stay the course to ensure your outcomes.

Here are some ideas to grow your resilience today:

  1. Make a commitment to yourself and your business to do whatever it takes to guarantee your success.  Don’t quit, whatever the challenges.
  2. Grow your determination to succeed.  Get professional help.  Rent the services of a business coach, a peak performance coach to learn techniques to manage stress, funnel negative energy and create positive results.  Only the best companies have the best coaches and mentors.  Are you among the best companies?  If not get on the phone…
  3. Emotion comes from motion.  Get moving.  Physical movement affects emotional states positively.  Grow your resilience by growing your fitness.  Physical peak performance breeds business peak performance.

For more on your Business Development, Sales Conference, Sales Training and Sales Coaching needs, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation to help you and your organization fulfill its goals and objectives. I welcome hearing from you.

Keep smiling, keep shining!!!

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539



PUSH by Vinesh MaharajPush Until Something Happens

Watch this space for details on the upcoming

VINESH MAHARAJ Personal Mastery Program

…coming this August 2015.



Leonardo Da Vinci Quote“Obstacles cannot crush me.  Every obstacle yields to stern resolve.  He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind”
– Leonardo Da Vinci
Like, Comment & Share if you are committed to crushing your obstacles…
Vinesh Maharaj

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Tired of Majoring in the Minors?

Far too many of us are busy making a living and have failed at designing a life.

We chase the lure of quick cash in the name of “career growth”, skipping and hopping between jobs and fail to fill our resume with new skills, knowledge, habits and attitudes, yet we delude ourselves that we can create new outcomes based on old ways of thinking…

If you are tired of majoring in the minors then listen up. Its time to embrace the much needed investment in YOU. We “invest” in cars and homes yet we fail to invest in our greatest asset. Yes, the asset reading this right now. According to the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 rule, 20% of all people make 80% of the money. So how can you join this top 20%?

It’s elementary.The world is willing to pay top dollar for highly trained, skilled competence that gets results. Sadly we graduate school, college or university and for most people that’s where the journey ends. For those super achievers among us that’s where the journey begins. They recognize that academic learning is merely the starting point of success. They go on to develop their success habits through books, courses, coaching and seminars which will separate them from the rest of the players.

You can tell how tall a building is going to be, by the depth of its foundation. Build your foundation so deep that you will always be in the top 20%. School prepares you with the A, B, C’s and the 1, 2, 3’s of life. You need to fulfill the rest. Here is a list which is never taught at school but the world is seeking daily:

1. Sales – Yes, you too are a sales person. To have landed your current job, you sold your skills to your employer. What if you could sell at a higher premium or sold more effectively? Well, the leading head hunters will have you on speed dial with more and more attractive offers to lure you to your next opportunity. Master the art of selling and be assured of continued success across industries.

2. Marketing – All day and night we are marketing to our staff, colleagues and customers. If you were better equipped you would be marketing the socks off your competitors by bringing more value to our customers. What if you spent a few hours a week marketing “ME INC”. The market awareness increases and so does your brand.

3. Branding – No one taught you about branding at school did they? It was always for corporates, leading clothing brands, cars etc. Or so you thought. Until you acknowledge your brand and start better branding you sadly wont join the top 20%. Get help to master your brand, your message, what you stand for etc and the world will stop to take note.

4. Communication – Everyday we communicate with only 2 objectives; to encourage or discourage behaviour. In sales we want to encourage our customers to buy. The judicial system wants to discourage criminal behaviour. What if you had the words, tone, emotion, body language, influence and ability to get results better and quicker? Barack Obama became president on his ability to communicate. Invest in becoming a world class communicator and watch your career soar.

5. Networking – Everyday we have small talk with potentially influential people. What if you shifted the discussion in a manner which served your goal of joining the top 20%? Take advantage of your networks by asking for introductions, meetings, coffee or lunch with people who could take you to the top 20%? Small talk can only bring you small minded outcomes. By networking you could walk into a dream contract, customer, employer or business deal which opens up your growth surpassing the inflation related growth most are accustomed to.

Drop the existence model of surviving and embrace the model of thriving. You hold the keys to you future. Its either going to be more of the same or its going to be phenomenal, spectacular, mind-blowing and more fulfilling than you thought possible.You decide…

Start today by designing your life. Begin investing in your growth. If you don’t know where to start, call me for coffee and lets revolutionize together.

The top 20% is awaiting creative, forward thinking innovators who can challenge the status quo and bring new results to the world. I await your call.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Mobile: 084 990 1539

Fax: 086 402 0477




Our language and communication has immense power and can either be a powerful tool or a destructive weapon. Gandhi Customer Service Quote

When serving our customers we sometimes have to deliver unpalatable news, handle and resolve their challenges.  These can be handled and delivered in either a manner that inspires confidence and faith in your business or in a manner which frustrates, devalues and often ends with you losing a customer.

Here are 10 words or phrases to avoid:                      

  1. NO!
  2. I don’t know…
  3. Thats not my job/responsibility/department…
  4. Call me back…
  5. I am busy right now…
  6. I agree, thats really bad…
  7. Thats not my/our fault…
  8. You need to talk to my supervisor/manager…
  9. I cant help you with that…
  10. Calm down…

None of these inspire or motivate customer loyalty and will result in her being swept off her feet by the competition.

Here are 10 winning words and phrases:

  1. Lets see what I can do to assist you…
  2. Please give me a moment to find out…
  3. Let me connect you with the right person…
  4. I will call you back shortly.  What is your telephone number please?
  5. I will be with you in a moment…
  6. I can understand your frustration…
  7. Lets see what we can do about it…
  8. Lets us resolve the matter…
  9. Let see how I can assist you…
  10. I regret that you are frustrated, let me help…

When you act for the customer and use synergistic language that is solutions oriented, you create loyalty and re-instill the customers faith in your brand and service.  By the slightest change in your linguistics you can shift a troubled customer into a neutralized one, into a happy one.

At the VINESH MAHARAJ – CUSTOMER EXCELLENCE PROGRAM – 2014, we unpack ALL the Lingual and Communication skills for Customer Excellence.  This flagship program is a game changer and has become synonymous with results achievement.    Get more details for you and your company by contacting me.  Go on and create excellence among your customers.

I’m your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj


Vinesh Maharaj, is a dynamic Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. His practical, effective and easy to apply methods provide immediate results. He is inspired by your Sales, Personal and Professional Mastery, Customer Excellence and Effective Leadership and is guaranteed to challenge you to your destined greatness.

Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization:

Mobile: + 27 84 990 1539

Fax: +27 86 402 0477



MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: Investing in your greatest asset; YOU

Most people consider their home, cars, investment properties or investment portfolio’s as their greatest asset.  I beg to differ.  The greatest asset is standing in your shoes right now; YOU!  You, the asset created the other assets through a combination of work, intellect, investment etc.  Without you, the other assets were never attainable.

One small investment in yourself will yield countless personal and professional successes, like the apple seed and the apple tree farm.  Yes! from one small apple seed you can yield an apple orchard.  Your self development is, was and will always be in your hands and your hands alone.

Sadly most people finish school or university, find a job which they learn in the first year and then they stop learning and growing.  They stop growing and learning and they wonder why they are not producing the results of their peers who are steamrolling through life, hitting home runs at work, health, wealth, relationships and are ever increasingly successful.

THE SECRET is out…If you do not invest in yourself why should anyone else?  Today, evaluate in which areas you have stopped growing and challenge yourself to make that endeavour.  Personal and professional development will keep you at the cutting edge of living your best life.

Here is how:

  1. Take full responsibility for your personal and professional development.
  2. Set personal and career goals that inspire you.
  3. Take extra classes, finish your degree/MBA etc.
  4. Advance your career through knowledge. Subscribe to your industry journal and keep abreast.
  5. Invest in books.  Read voraciously.  Books are a treasure chest of possibilities.
  6. Attend seminars, workshops and courses relevant to your goals.
  7. Learn and master the art of communication.  Half of the solution is quality communication.
  8. Association:  Enhance your peer group – hang out with the people you want to be like.
  9. Become an expert in your field.
  10. Commit to CANIEConstant And Never Ending Improvement

One millisecond can separate the winner from the runner up.  That could mean the difference of millions of $’s  in earnings.  By committing to and taking action in your personal and professional development you are taking responsibility for your success and achievement.

“The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace” said Michael Jordan.  He knows the difference between first and second place and because he worked harder than anyone else the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, “Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time”.  Ask yourself:  What will the world say of YOU?

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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