MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: The Business of Sales

Sales professionals worldWhether you’re married or single, parent or not, employed or in the hunt for a new a job…we are all in sales. All day long…as a business owner, director, manager, parent or friend you are selling daily. You are selling yourself, your credibility, your ability, your standards, your competence. We all are in the business of sales.

Not only are you selling yourself, you are also selling your ideologies on business, management, love, friendship, money etc. Every time we speak we are selling or encouraging a desired outcome which we want more of or we are discouraging an outcome we want none of. Ultimately we are all in sales.

Parents sell morals and values. Being a person of morals and values will unlock a brighter future for their children. “Be honest and work hard”.

Mothers sell good health. “Eat your fruit and vegetables”.

Dad sells a academic success. “Do your home work, my girl”.

Doctors sell longevity. “Take these medicines 3 times a day”

Lawyers sell peace of mind. “We’ll get them”.

Insurers sell peace of mind. “Don’t worry, when you’re gone, we will care for your family”.

Cinema’s sell dreams. “Miss this and miss out. Coming to a cinema near you”

Shoe stores sell confidence. “A woman in heels is true elegance”

ICT stores and brands sell efficiency. “What would you do without your cellular phone and laptop”?

Car dealerships sell you an experience. “Single man – sports car. Family man, family car for family vacations”

Take out sells convenience. “I’m running late. I’ll get take out for dinner at …”

Banks sell promises. “Invest with us and watch your wealth grow”.

Still don’t believe me? What do you sell?

Wether you are in school, just matriculated, at university, are a stay at home mom or dad, are employed or unemployed, master your sales. Here is why:

Wouldn’t you like to get more and better results faster? Without blood, sweat and tears?

You would like to swing a vote, outcome or decision in your favour, wouldn’t you?

You do want to get hired for your dream job, don’t you?

Wouldn’t you like to earn more money?

You would like to date him or her, wouldn’t you?

Wouldn’t you like to exceed your sales target?

You would want to win the sales competition at your company if you knew how, wouldn’t you?

All of these above results are based on your salesmanship. Among the greatest sales people we know here are some CEO’s who are not in sales per se. They sell the opiate of their business philosophy, which their staff and customers drink wholesale. Think Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Donald Trump while at home consider Adrian Gore, Cyril Ramaphosa and Jaco Maree among countless others. These people are among the greatest sales people. They have thousands of employees who in turn sell that opiate to the consumer market raking in trillions of Rands.

So take that leap of faith and get into learning mode, for the greatest sale to make is still to be made.

Join me for the Business Empowerment: Sales & Marketing Workshop 2015 to rock your business or personal life by making more sales, more often at ever increasing value.

DATE: 27 February 2015


VENUE: Hatfield, Pretoria


Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate the sales person in you. Go on to outsell the competition in every aspect of life.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

If you’d like a complimentary 30-minute business development strategy session with me, for more information, please contact us at NO-EXCUSES to unleash your entrepreneurial talents, grow your business and acquire the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits of wildly successful entrepreneurs.

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539



To all of YOU, pursuing greatness, these words of wisdom are for you:

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” said Peter Drucker. Of course there may be obstacles along the way. Fuel your success with the furnace of burning desire…

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence” Confucius once said.Famous Failures

So keep plowing away. In the words of Sir Richard Branson “My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — everyday I’m learning something new.”

There is no such thing as failure. Only lessons learnt along the way to your success. These FAMOUS FAILURES have proven that. Step up and join the league of these extraordinary achievers by doing ordinary things with extra ordinary love and passion.

I’m your coach and partner in success wishing you bountiful success…

Vinesh Maharaj

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN: 5 Core Skills to succeed at anything

Every craftsman has a tool kit, wherein he keeps his most prized tools.  Be it a mechanic, carpenter, a surgeon, a manager or CEO.  Your tools are the means to your greatness.  The sharper your tools, the greater the demand will be for your skill set.  Ask yourself what are your tools?  In life, the quality and depth of your tool kit will determine the quality of your success.

In your shoes right now is your greatest asset.  Yes, YOU.  If you grow and nurture your talents and abilities, you will be filling your toolkit with the relevant requirements to become superb at executing your craft.

Here is a short list of 5 Core Skills you need to succeed at anything:

1.  COMMUNICATE – The ability to communicate effectively is severely underrated in our existence.  Sadly this art has been overlooked for its simplicity.  Most people are resorting to micro communication based on social media tools; Whatsapp, BBM, imessenger etc. Alternatively its either poor or no communication.  The power of communication will set you apart from your competition because the stronger the communicator, the better the results. Whether you are a salesman, a manager or a politician the quality of your results is based on the the quality of your communication.  I often hear references to the “gift of the gab”, “smooth talker” etc. and can only applaud the mastery of communicator.  The “gift” was earned.  The “smoothness” was smoothed out.  No one started out being a strong communicator.  Actually we all start out ignorant babies, learning our a, b, c’s.  This communication skill is a deep science in itself for its further broken down into internal and external communication, and also in verbal and non verbal communication.  Invest in becoming a great communicator.  Remember that your next level growth depends on it.  So go on and read, study, take short courses to master this art.  President Obama is a great example of a strong communicator, Michael Jackson was a strong communicator using his body and voice to woo the whole world with his rhythm and song.  Arnold Schwarzenegger was a great communicator as The Terminator.  He immortalized the phrase “I’ll be back”.  What will you immortalize?

2.  A WILL OF IRON – The best of results come from those persons who have dogged determination to overcome any and all obstacles to their goals.  I’m talking about the super achievers who go over and above the call of necessity.  They don’t just do the needful to just survive.  They go to breaking point and hit hard, breaking down resistance or obstacles to their success.  They fight tooth and nail to succeed.  “No”, is just fuel in their engines.  “Cant” is oxygen to their combustion.  Their resolve accelerates in the face of adversity.  They have resilience like steel and won’t be broken.  The keep going, even when no one else will.  That is their greatness.  To develop a will of iron here are five simple ideas to get you going.

i.)  Rise early

ii.) Go beyond your comfort zone

iii.) Finish what you start

iv.) Never quit

v.)  Celebrate little victories

3.  BRILLIANT AT BASICS –  The best of the best are Brilliant at Basics.  The develop the recipe, master it and then take it to market.  They get that if brilliant at basics, they avoid the murky waters of challenges, problems and failure.  Ask any baker, mechanic, architect or CEO how much do they really stray from the basics?  The usual answer is never!  If the recipe or formula works, why change it? Rather brilliance comes from the most basic.  The next time you savour a delicious, warm baguette fresh from the bakery, ask yourself did the baker venture outside the brilliance zone?  Of course not.  Thats what makes that baguette brilliant.  Your brilliance is to master your fundamentals.  They are the cornerstones of your success.

4.  INNOVATE – The ability to innovate will undoubtedly set you apart from the rest of the pack.  The world is awaiting your new and improved products and services.  Finding new and better ways and methods of production, access and delivery will open new doors and pathways to success.  Sir Richard Branson is a great example of innovation.  What he did with Virgin Atlantic opened the doors to modern day, quality experiential travel.  Not only is Virgin making lots of $’s, its also championing the consumer and is constantly improving their service and astounding its customers.  He is creative, takes and creates chances and is willing to learn from failure.  Can you apply this to your situation?  Absolutely.  Go on and ask yourself “How can I make my product or service better,  more accessible, less expensive and unique to to the market”?  Keep asking your clients what they think and take notes.  Gems will fall from heaven to answer your question.  Find ways of adding immense value, after sales services and added convenience that keeps the market buying again and again.

5.  BECOME A VISIONARY – All the greats, from the beginning of time were visionaries.  Whether at art, philosophy, science or business they were the game changers. Because of them we have a longer life expectancy, better information, beauty and grace, employment and opportunity.  Visionaries are those people who see the world in 3D.  They see the challenges, opportunities and pave the way forward to creating exceptional products and services.  Here are a few you will recognize and appreciate.  Henry Ford who pioneered the motor vehicle manufacturing process to be the first to mass produce cars affordable for all.  Oprah Winfrey, who was born in a unheard of town in Mississippi.  She was raped at 9 and at 14 birthed a son who died shortly after birth.  From nothing but vision and hard work, she created an empire.  From her own TV show to owning her own production company (HARPO) to owning her own network;  OWN – Oprah Winfrey Network.  Lastly the iconic Steve Jobs; a university drop out, who “dropped into” classes like calligraphy while at campus.  He had a vision of the future with his sleek, zen like mobile creations that took the world by storm making Apple the most valuable company on the NYSE in 2011.  The ipad, iphone, ipad etc are remarkable testimony of his visionary spirit.

There are many other skills you need to add to your arsenal.  These five however will separate you from the herd and as you push the envelope watch your confidence and competence grow.  As you go through your day today identify just one that you can easily apply to strengthen your position.  Don’t settle for less.  Stop playing it small and safe.  Live with faith in yourself.  Intensify your efforts and become all that you can be.

Your coach and partner in success…

Vinesh Maharaj




Vinesh Maharaj, is a talented and accomplished Sales Conference Speaker, Sales training specialist and Motivational speaker. He is highly regarded for his practical, effective and easy to apply methods, which can be implemented immediately. He is inspired about your Sales Success, Personal and Professional mastery, Customer Services and Effective Leadership and infects his delegates with enthusiasm and energy.   Contact Vinesh Maharaj and get tangible value for you and your organization.

Vinesh Maharaj

Your coach and partner in success…

Mobile:  +27 84 990 1539

Fax:  + 27 86 402 0477


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We are all products of our past thoughts.  Be it good, bad or ugly past thoughts, here you are.  Are you trapped by limiting beliefs, low self esteem, self sabotaging or are you suffering the hamster in the wheel syndrome?  Call it what you want, it ain’t pretty.  You have had, and missed some wonderful opportunities and what once looked like a garden of roses, soon turned into a garden of thorns.  What now?  Where to from here?

What if you truly understood and mastered the art of “POSITIVE THINKING”?  By no means am I advocating wishy-washy, airy-fairy delusions.  I mean principles based on thousands of years of philosophy, psychology, religiosity and business practices.

I’m a great believer in universal principles for success. Today I want to share with you THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING“.  In no means or way am I implying that you can lay in bed and think yourself thin, beautiful and rich by applying the THE POWER OF CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING alone.  What I am implying is that if you change your thinking, you will change your results.  You will bring new opportunities, relationships and circumstances your way.  It takes a CONSCIOUS effort though.  Here is a sample of this timeless wisdom…

“What we are is what we have thought for years”.
Gautama The Buddha (560-480 BC) – Indian Spiritual leader and Founder of Buddhism

“Take charge of your thoughts. You can do what you will with them”.
Plato (428-327 BC) – Greek Philosopher and Prose Writer

Your life is an expression of all your thoughts.” 
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180) – Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher 

“As a man thinketh, so is he”

Bible from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7

It is no secret that CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING” is not a new school of thought.  The great business books of our times also speak of this.  Whether you’re quoting Donald Trump, Malcolm Gladwell or Sir Richard Branson be sure to see the common thread; CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING supported by a strategic plan.  They never start out thinking they’re going to fail, do they?   All results, are the result of thoughts.  Thoughts which are clear, definitive and consistent, backed with a master plan to succeed MUST result in success.

Here are 10 Powerfully Empowering Ideas to help you:

  1. Don’t hold any negative thoughts, EVER – Avoid them like cancer
  2. Replace them with conscious positive thoughts which inspire your greatness – clear, definitive & consistent thoughts
  3. Go on a 30 day positive diet – think ONLY of your success
  4. Keep inspirational company which keeps you locked onto your best life
  5. Take 100% responsibility – You are NEVER a victim.  Rather be a perpetrator to your success
  6. Keep a list of gratitude – List all that you’re grateful for.  This changes your perspective…quickly
  7. Change your language – Use success language.  Speak of opportunities, not problems
  8. Hold in your minds eye, your success visualize
  9. Become the most positive person you know
  10. Practice, practice, practice and when you have mastered it, keep on practicing still

When you have mastered CONSCIOUS POSITIVE THINKING your life will be so much simpler, yet so much more successful.  Let the results you achieve be testimony to this timeless wisdom.

I parting, I wish you leave you with this quote and ask that you LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT please?

“Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habit

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

I’m your coach and partner in success

Vinesh Maharaj

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