Einstein Master Quote“Only a person who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person”

– Albert Einstein


DATE: 28 March 2015
TIME: 9am – 5pm
WHERE: Roodepoort, Johannesburg
DETAILS: mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com

Lets make 2015 your year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com



i-am-an-entrepreneurI do not choose to be a common man.
It is my right to be uncommon … if I can.
I seek opportunity … not security.
I do not wish to be a kept citizen,
Humbled and dulled by having the State look after me.
I want to take the calculated risk,
To dream and to build. To fail and to succeed.
I refuse to barter incentive for a dole;
I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence;
The thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia.
I will not trade freedom for beneficence
Nor my dignity for a handout
I will never cower before any master
Nor bend to any threat.
It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid;
To think and act for myself,
To enjoy the benefit of my creations
And to face the world boldly and say:
This, with God’s help, I have done.

Excerpt from Common Sense, written in 1776 by Thomas Paine

Join me at the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Sales & Marketing Mastery Workshop.

DATE: 27 March 2015
TIME: 8am – 4pm
WHERE: Roodepoort, Johannesburg
DETAILS: mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com

Lets make 2015 your year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com



Social MediaSalespeople should only use social to the extent that it helps them sell more. For instance, if your prospects are active users of LinkedIn, then you’d better make sure that you use LinkedIn to some degree. But I would not advocate that you start getting on board with tweeting and updating Facebook. We already have an issue with sales capacity and spending time with clients. So, it could actually mean death for sales reps’ performance level if they don’t use social the right way at the right time.”

Nancy Nardin, President at Smart Selling Tools

MONDAY MENTAL PROTEIN – Succeed or Surrender?

Succeed Or Surrender HandcuffsTwin brothers, born to junkie parents in the Bronx, New York.
“What chance do they stand” you ask as mom passes out for days and dad disappears to get high on another fix. Meanwhile they live off boxed cereals and whatever they can get their hands on, not bathing or cleaning because no one cares and are living in fear.

They’re abused emotionally and physically until one day dad dies of an overdose. Their little lives perhaps will be easier without the taunting and troubles dad brought them. Mom, to support her habit, sells herself on the streets and soon contracts a variety of STD’s, gets beat up by predatory men and ends up dead soon after due to alcoholic and drug poisoning. The boys are put in foster homes and many years later are interviewed as part of their ongoing social welfare requirements.

In their 30’s they both answer the same set of questions. Here is whats fascinating…both were asked: “To what do you attribute your current status“? They both answered in exactly the same way, yet used different words. They said “If you understood my circumstances, you would understand how I ended up here“.

One brother turned out to be a drunk and junkie living on social welfare in the very same Bronx he was saved from, while the other became a Doctor, is happily married, has a beautiful family home in the suburbs, has two beautiful children and lives a life free from the crime and grime of the Bronx. Both saw their circumstances as either the keys or the handcuffs. Both saw the inevitable…succeed or surrender?

In his book, “The Snowball Effect”, Warren Buffet refers to the “Ovarian Lottery” when comparing 3rd world and 1st world births. The children born to American wombs will not have to deal with conflict, wars, corruption and a lack of basic health and education. Whilst their African counter parts would have lost the lottery taking birth in an African womb. I disagree. In the 21st century, forget your birth right or lottery status . The only thing that counts for anything is your perception and your willingness to acquire the right skills and knowledge.


“You become what you think about all day long” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

We all are familiar that “your perception is your reality” or “the glass half empty or half full”, “the problem versus opportunity” etc. As James Allen said; “The circumstances do not make the man, they merely reveal him”. Its your job to see the silver lining in every cloud. In the beginning it’s going to be impossible to see but once you start seeing it regularly, the elephant in the room diminishes and the opportunity expands.

Its been said “Its not what happens to you that matters, its how you respond that does”. Many people have come back from severe setbacks and have crafted out a fabulous life of accomplishment. Be they War or concentration camp survivors, brutal crime and gross addiction survivors or just started life on the wrong side of the railway line. If they can do it, then so can you.

Succeed or Surrender


One – Always expect the best for yourself and others

Always expect the best for yourself and others. Remember that your perception is your reality. Your expectations with practice is non different from the Law of Attraction. Allowing good things to happen to you. Sometimes they come in the form of a problem. And within the problem lies the opportunity. Much like a present/gift. You have to unpack the problem to find the opportunity.

Two – Imagine the universe is conspiring just to make you succeed

Just imagine that the universe is conspiring to make you succeed. It is arranging the right people, conversations and opportunities to present themselves to you. I’ve literally walked into many opportunities by leveraging this practice. Perception is reality.

Three – Be prepared

When opportunities do arise “out of the blue” be ready for them. Remember that: “luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation”. So be prepared. Sweat it out in the gym of preparation, so you can smile on the podium of achievement. Don’t squander opportunity because you are nor prepared.

Knowledge and Skill:

“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a pre-requisite” – BARACK OBAMA, Address to Joint Session of Congress, Feb. 24, 2009

Your ability to increase your knowledge and skills will cast a vast ocean between you and the competition. It should be your primary focus to up skill your knowledge and abilities so as to increase your earning ability. The market pays premium for highly skilled, goal oriented super achievers while the mediocre get paid inflation linked salaries. Just enough to keep them coming back month after month while deluding themselves into thinking they are on their way to financial freedom.


One – Start where you are with what you have

Right now in your shoes stands your greatest asset which is surrounded by potential and opportunity. It is not necessary to jump careers, get further academic qualifications or start your new business. There are opportunities aplenty in your midsts. Ask yourself if there are any other people in your office who earn more than you? Of course there are. Now ask yourself are there any people in your office who earn double what you earn? I’m almost certain there is. Now ask yourself what knowledge and skills do they have that warrants their income? Once you identify them, ask yourself how can I acquire that knowledge and skill, going to work immediately to take your share of opportunity.

Two – Give more than you are paid to

The ability to give more value than you are paid to will place you among the elite performers in any discipline. Give praise, recognition and respect to everyone you meet…be he a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. The ability to smile warmly and greet confidently signals to the other person that “I am worth it”. Making him or her feel worthwhile increases their self esteem and in turn increases yours too. So what if they don’t return your gesture, just keep on sowing great seeds of respect and respect will follow you. Treat everyone you meet and deal with as the most important person in the world and they too shall mirror you, treating you as such. The most amazing thing is that it costs you nothing to be a gentleman or a lady. In your customer dealings, go that extra mile…establish meaningful and lasting relationships and I assure you the return on investment is a repeat customer.

Three – Be sincere

Charlatans may fool me once but never again. People smell insincerity from miles away. Put your heart into your discussions, emails and phone calls. Don’t pay lip service, pay sincerity. Sincerity has opened doors of opportunity that were locked away and removed from access. Yet sincere, heartfelt inquiry has unlocked potential for many a person who may have seen the silver lining evaporate from the cloud. Sincerity commanded the co-operation of their peers, customers, suppliers etc. and have benefitted from just being sincere in everything you do.

You reap what you sow, so sow greatness and it wont matter where you are from, 1st world or 3rd world. It wont matter if you are from Soweto, Sandton or Serbia

In your hands lies the decision to Succeed or Surrender. In your hands lies the opportunity to either make it or break it. All that matters is what you do next? Will you retreat to the comfort zone of mediocrity or will you rise to the potential within?

To help you succeed the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop will assist you to live true to your dreams and potential. This world class program has gifted new beginnings, new results and new success to many. Why not craft your reality and stop dreaming? Here are some program outcomes.

– Master The Psychology of Becoming

– Master The Psychology of Prosperity Consciousness

– Master Your Personal Wealth Creation Blue print

– Master The Art of Relationship Mastery

– Get The Life You Want…Now

– Master Your Health, Longevity & Happiness

The Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop is happening on:

Date: 28 March 2015

Day: Saturday 9am – 5pm

Venue: Johannesburg

Book Now: mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com

Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now. I look forward to meeting you there…

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com




Vinesh Maharaj Sales & Marketing 27 March 2015

Are you tired of failing at increasing your turn over?
Are you tired of The Cash Flow crisis?
Are you struggling to get by gate keepers?
Are you failing to convert prospects into buying, repeat customers?
Are you tired of erratic Sales patterns?
Are you tired of many positive responses but no Sales?
Are you finally tired of being frustrated?


Join me at the VINESH MAHARAJ BUSINESS MASTERY WORKSHOP – Sales & Marketing, to help you overcome these and other related challenges.


DATE: 27th March 2015
TIME: 8am to 4pm
VENUE: Roodepoort, Johannesburg
BOOK NOW: Email: mybookings@vineshmaharaj.com


Please share if you care…


Sales Professioanls Tip“The modern sales professional doubles as an information concierge — providing the right information to the right person at the right time in the right channel. Socially surround your buyers and their “sphere of influence”: analysts, thought leaders, experts, peers and colleagues.”

–  Jill Rowley, Social Selling Evangelism & Enablement at Oracle


Peak PerformanceThe ability to rise and shine 365 days a year is a difficult feat for anyone. There are always obstacles and opportunities at every turn which can in fact drain your physical, emotional and intellectual energies. More so when you are dealing with sustained personal or professional crisis. Stress, a silent killer can be quietly eating away at you. You then slowly reduce or increase your appetite, sleep becomes a luxury, yet the list of deliverables on your plate continues to mount.

The mind and body is an intricate, complex and sophisticated union. Taking great care of both will give you the edge in all aspects of your being, while failing to, will yield the inevitable crisis none of us can afford.

Today I wish to share with you 7 Peak Performance Habits to Master:

One – Get enough shut eye

Burning the midnight oil on both ends, leaves you exhausted, unfocused and unproductive. Get sufficient, regulated sleep. It varies from between 4 – 6 hours per person. Should you suffer sleepless nights, consult a sleep doctor who can assist you in finding regular, quality sleep. Beware that oversleeping can also cause drudgery in your day. So get to bed and make it count, don’t count sheep. The edge you have when well rested is high energy, clarity of thinking and definiteness of purpose.

“To be prepared is half the victory” – Miguel Cervantes

Two – Work out

I know how busy you are. Dawn to dusk and some more chasing duty, responsibility and accountability. I know you’re busy. That should be no excuse for the investment in your physical health. Take time out of your schedule to run, swim, gym etc. Peak performers are in peak shape because they get the return on investment in the physical activity. They’re brighter, more alert, sharper, more focused and lethal in the work place. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Execute and get results.

“Cry in training, laugh on the battlefield” – Samurai Maxim

Three – Eat like a king

I don’t mean consume unlimited low quality, high quantities of processed foods. Mother nature has gifted us fruits, nuts, berries, cherries and many other high oxidant foods that supply the heart and brain fuel to achieve your goals. Why not take advantage of these? Cut back on the junk and minimize the trunk. Drink lots of water through your days. Not only does it hydrate, it also aids the brain function, keeping you on point for longer. You are what you eat, so eat like a champion.

“Simplicity is the key to brilliance” – Bruce Lee

Four – Fill your cup

Whatever your religious or spiritual persuasion, fill your cup. When connected there is magic in everything you do. Attend, participate and learn the wisdom of ancient teachings and apply them to your daily life. There is power in spirit, greater than matter. An empty cup makes a lot of noise, but a full cup beams with wisdom. Go on, fill it up…

“Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the soul” –Niccolo Machiavelli

Five – Invest in You Inc.

Invest in your becoming. Buy and read books that will grow your inner self and your income. Attend workshops and courses that make you better than you were yesterday. Sacrifice time and money and the return on this investment will make you unstoppable and will also line your bank account. You are your greatest asset, make it count for something. Do something for yourself and in turn will do for your family. Invest in YOU Inc. before you sink in the ocean of competition, new technology and ideology. Become a free thinker, not a dogmatic slave.

“Imagine the possibility of unlimited possibilities” – Unknown

Six – Choose your friends

When you hang out with losers, don’t be surprised where you end up…yes “Loserville”. Hang out with people who share your values, your aspirations, your ambitions. They will fuel you to go out and do whatever it takes. They will unlock doors of opportunity, make new introductions to key people who can assist you in becoming all that you be. So, choose your friends wisely.

“To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking” – Goethe

Seven – Rest & Relaxation

Make sure you get enough rest and relaxation. Play outdoors in nature. Go for long walks on the beach, forest or mountains. The fresh air and beautiful scenery will give you new inspirational ideas, unlock your creativity and soothe your mind. Take advantage of early morning sunrise walks while the phone does not ring. While everyone else is asleep. Join a yoga class that uses nature as its backdrop. Watch the sunset while having a picnic with your partner. Rest your mind and tap into pure energy.

“You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation” – Homer Rice

Remember, exceptional results only come from exceptional efforts.Exceptional efforts only come from exceptional people. Become that exceptional person, start by committing to becoming that person of value then regardless of the challenges on hand, you can handle them like the champ you are.

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one” – James Froude

Across all disciples the exceptional super achievers have invested massively. They in turn reap the rewards of such investments. Your time is now. Take advantage of the upcoming Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop. Here are some of the Workshop Outcomes:

– The Psychology of Prosperity Consciousness

– Your Personal Wealth Creation

– The Art of Relationship Mastery

– Getting The Life You Want…Now

– Health, Longevity & Happiness

The Vinesh Maharaj Personal Mastery Workshop is happening on:

Date: 28 March 2015

Day: Saturday 9am – 5pm

Venue: Johannesburg

Book Now: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com for details

Lets make 2015 a year to celebrate all you can be. Go on and create an epic life and get from life what you want now.

Keep smiling, keep shining…

My name is Vinesh Maharaj and I’m your coach and partner in success…

Mobile: 084 990 1539

Email: vinesh@vineshmaharaj.com



Steve Jobs Quality Quote


“Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles” –  Steve Jobs

Vinesh Maharaj

Sales Conference Key Note Speaker, Sales Training Expert and Sales Coach
